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The ravaged village
The ravaged village
Golden Axe II Stage 1 (02:27) - Watch a short video walkthrough of this stage.

The game begins in a village being attacked by Dark Guld's forces. Head to the right and take out the Heninger. After he's dead a Heninger and a Longmoan will come out of the houses. Continue to the right and take out the Green Wizard. The less damaging the attacks you use on him the more magic books he will drop. After this you'll face two Longmoans and a Heninger. The Longmoan clubbing the old man will continue to do so for a while unless you interrupt him.

Continue to the right and you'll fight two Longmoans as well as a Green Wizard riding a Green Dragon Bizarrian. Knock him off it and take it for yourself. Its attacks are very damaging and will make the rest of this stage easier.

Continue to the right and across the bridge, defeating the enemies that attack you. Head up to the right. It's possible to knock enemies off the ledge here, but note that they can do the same to you!

Boss battle[edit | edit source]

The Minotaur and his backup
The Minotaur and his backup

After this you'll fight the first boss, a Minotaur. He is equipped with a powerful morning star that has a long range, and he also has the ability to throw you if you get too close or dash at you if you get too far away. He is aided by three Longmoans of a stronger variety than those you've fought earlier. Get rid of the Longmoans first and then focus on the Minotaur.

If you still have the Bizarrian, use dash attacks against him. He may try to dash attack you at the same time, but as long as you start your run-up first he will be hit while you take no damage. If you don't have the Bizarrian, approach him from a different height (he only charges when you're lined up horizontally) and then close in to stun him. Move up or down when he gets up as the first thing he will try to do is throw you, and if you just back away to the left or right he can hit you with his morning star.

Bonus Stage[edit | edit source]

Two frogs will hop into view and turn into Red Wizards. Unlike other Wizards these ones don't attack you, but they still carry books. Each drops one magic book and then runs away.