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There are 12 achievements in A Kingdom for Keflings worth a total of 200 Gamerscore points.

Picture Name Description Gamerscore icon
If I Had a Hammer Build a lumbermill Gamerscore points
Siegfried (or Roy) Train a Kefling Gamerscore points
Frank Lloyd Unlock 25 blueprints 25 Gamerscore points
Big Bully Became the big bully of the village 15 Gamerscore points
Haberdasher Encounter every possible Kefling hat 20 Gamerscore points
Like Rabbits Reach a total Kefling population of 30 15 Gamerscore points
Think Big Build a building made of more than eight pieces 10 Gamerscore points
Master Builder Build a cathedral 25 Gamerscore points
King Finish a complete castle with three connected parts 40 Gamerscore points
Friend Collect 10 unique player banners from other giants during Xbox LIVE play 10 Gamerscore points
World Traveler Play in an online game where 20 different player banners appear 10 Gamerscore points
Vanity Built a glorious statue of oneself 20 Gamerscore points