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Box artwork for Ape Escape 2.
Box artwork for Ape Escape 2.
Ape Escape 2
Developer(s)Japan Studio
Publisher(s)Sony Computer Entertainment, Ubi Soft Entertainment
Year released2002
System(s)PlayStation 2, PlayStation 4
Preceded byApe Escape
Followed byApe Escape 3
SeriesApe Escape
ModesSingle player
Rating(s)ESRB EveryoneCERO All agesPEGI Ages 3+
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Ape Escape 2 (Saru! Get You! 2 (サルゲッチュ2) in Japan) is a platform video game for the PlayStation 2 video game console. It was developed by Sony and first published in Japan in 2002 and in Europe and North America in 2003.

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