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Box artwork for Atomaders 2.
Box artwork for Atomaders 2.
Atomaders 2
Developer(s)KraiSoft Entertainment
Publisher(s)KraiSoft Entertainment
Year released2008
ModesSingle player
LinksOfficial websiteAtomaders 2 at PCGamingWikiAtomaders 2 ChannelSearch

Atomaders 2 is the second game in the Atomaders series, it is a top-down vertical space shooting Arcade game created by KraiSoft Entertainment for Windows released in 2008, the game features a more modern 3D graphics and soundtrack compared to its predecessor, the game also has 11 sectors in which the player has to visit all of them to liberate the sectors once more from cyborg invasion, with each sectors (except Sector 11) having 12 levels each while also containing various cyborgs that the player can destroy to create and use different kinds of extra weapons such as the Ram and Boomerang extra weapon, there are also 10 different kinds of bosses which have different kinds of attack patterns, the game also features many different kinds of power-ups, all which can affect the experience of the player in the game, and finally the game features a Worldwide Hall of Fame where players can send their highscores into, after they have registered within the game.

Table of Contents
