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Box artwork for Blue Max.
Box artwork for Blue Max.
Blue Max
Developer(s)Synapse Software
Publisher(s)U.S. Gold
Year released1983
System(s)Atari 8-bit, Commodore 64/128, Sinclair ZX Spectrum
Designer(s)Bob Polin
Genre(s)Flight simulation
ModesSingle player
LinksBlue Max ChannelSearch

Blue Max is a 1983 flight simulator by Synapse Software, released for the Commodore 64 and Atari 8-bit computers. In 1984 it was released for the ZX Spectrum by U.S. Gold. In 1991 a remake or sequel, Blue Max: Aces of the Great War, was developed for the Amiga and MS-DOS by Three-Sixty Pacific. The game is named after the German order Pour le Mérite, informally known as Blue Max. Its theme song is Rule, Britannia!

In Blue Max, the player controls a Sopwith Camel biplane during World War I, attempting to shoot down enemy planes and bomb targets on the ground.

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