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Founder(s)Jon Monsarrat, Jeremy Gaffney, Kevin Langevin, and Timothy Miller
RenamedWB Games Boston in 2018
Parent companyWarner Bros. Interactive Entertainment

Turbine (formerly Turbine Entertainment Software, Second Nature, and originally CyberSpace) is a Westwood, Massachusetts-based computer game developer that pioneered 3D massively multiplayer role-playing games (MMORPGs). Turbine was founded by Jon Monsarrat, Jeremy Gaffney, Kevin Langevin, and Timothy Miller. In April 2007, Turbine released their most recent MMORPG, The Lord of the Rings Online which is being co-published with Midway Games in the USA and Codemasters in Europe. Turbine is a privately held company backed by Highland Capital Partners, Polaris Venture Partners, and private investors.

On February 15, 2005 the company name was officially changed to Turbine.

In November 2018, its parent company changed the name of the studio to WB Games Boston.

Released Games[edit | edit source]