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This is the first game in the De Blob series. For other games in the series see the De Blob category.

Box artwork for de Blob.
Box artwork for de Blob.
de Blob
Developer(s)Blue Tongue Entertainment
Year released2008
Followed byde Blob 2
Seriesde Blob
Genre(s)Platform, Puzzle
ModesSingle player, Multiplayer
de Blob
Publisher(s)THQ Wireless
Year released2008
Rating(s)ESRB TeenOFLC Parental GuidanceCERO All ages
de Blob
Publisher(s)THQ Nordic
Year released2017
System(s)Windows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch
Neoseeker Related Pages
LinksOfficial websiteDe Blob at PCGamingWikiDe Blob ChannelSearch

de Blob (ブロブ カラフルなきぼう? Blob: Colorful na Kibou) was originally created as a freeware title for the PC by a group of game design and media technology students in the Netherlands. THQ eventually noticed the game and acquired the rights. They then assigned Blue Tongue, Helixe, and Universomo to develop their own versions for different platforms.

Story[edit | edit source]

The titular character of the game, de Blob, is the only one who can save Chroma City from the evil I.N.K.T. Corporation. Your job is to bring color and life back to the city, saving it from a horrid monochrome existence. As you absorb color you get bigger, and can paint more buildings before having to refill on color.

Not only can you paint as you wish, but as you paint, the sky turns back to blue and you start hearing music. There are also other revolutionaries trying to help you out by giving you missions to keep you on the right track. By completing missions, you make color energy, which opens gates and forms transform engines, which restore the area you're in.

Table of Contents
