When you begin a new game, you start with no cars in your garage and $500,000 (50万ドル). As a result, the best car that you can afford to buy is one in the second row. From a strategic standpoint, there is almost no reason to purchase a car in the first row (10万ドル) unless you are intentionally trying to challenge yourself.
Buying a car
When considering a car for purchase, you point the cursor to the car your interested in, and press to get a better look at its stats. From here, you must choose ヤメル (quit) to go back and look at other cars or カウ (purchase) to buy the vehicle in question. To buy a vehicle, you must have enough money, and there must be a space open in your garage.
Your garage
You garage is capable of storing up to three racing vehicles which you may select from before the start of each race. If you currently have three cars, and wish to purchase another, you must sell one of your cars first. To do so, choose ウル (sell) from the garage menu, and then choose which car you wish to sell. You will receive back half of the car's original purchase value. Then you may choose カウ (purchase) from the garage menu to examine new cars.
Starting a race
When you are ready, you can select RACE from the garage menu, and after you flip the side of the disk, you will be taken to the level select screen. From here, you may select from one of four levels of difficulty. You will then be shown a map of the first track along with the cars in your garage. You may only select one car to compete in the race. However, if your chosen car is disqualified for any reason, and you choose to continue, you will be forced to select another car (provided you have more than one car in your garage).
Level complete
Completing a level
By placing at least sixth or better in all four race tracks within a level, you will complete the level. After winning your final prize, you will be presented with a menu of options.
Save: Saves your game to disk. You will be returned to the title screen, but you may immediately continue from where you left off.
Look: Examine your total race times and lap times, and compare them to the previously held best records.
New Play: Selecting this will immediately return you to the level section screen, where you will begin a new race.
Shop: Choose this to return to the shop to examine cars for sale.
In general, from a standstill, you should press to accelerate your car in low gear until you reach the maximum speed possible. Then press to further accelerate your car in high gear. If you attempt to accelerate in high gear before reaching the top low gear speed, your car will accelerate considerably slower.
Starting line
The only exception to the above rule concerning gears is off the starting line. While the count down is in progress, keep pressed down. As soon as the cars are allowed to move, immediately switch to . Your car will accelerate to maximum high gear speed at the fastest rate as long as you held down up until that very moment.
Taking corners
As with most racing games, the best strategy is to hug the inside lane when attempting to take a corner. Many of your competitors will do the same, although you can often take an even tighter turn then they do, but they will not make room for you to do it so you must be careful when attempting this.
Hairpin turn
Hairpin turns
A couple of the tracks contain very tight 180° turns, up to as many as three of them. Unlike regular corners where you should attempt to remain on the inside track at all times, the best way to take these turns is to begin on the outside lade, cut across to the very inside lane at the 90° mark, and proceed back out to the outside lane. Because you will generally be entering into these turns at high speeds, it's recommended that you lightly tap while you hold down to engage the brakes and slow your car down so the turn is easier to execute.
Not all cars have turbo capabilities. When driving one that does, you may hold down when you reach the top speed in high gear to get an extra boost of speed. This speed comes at the cost of increased fuel consumption and faster tire wear. You may only press when you reach top speed, and not before. If you hold before you reach top speed, Turbo will not be engaged, and you will have to release it and press again. It is recommended that you disengage Turbo when attempting to take any turn 90° or greater, although you can safely keep Turbo engaged through a 45° turn.
Wet road surface
Wet tracks
Some races take place after a rain storm. As a result, the track is wet, and normal tires classified for dry surfaces will have a poor grip on the road and slide across the surface through tighter and faster turns. Although it's not required, it's preferable to drive a car equipped with tires classified for wet surfaces. These cars are green. They perform much better on wet surfaces, and will do a better job at preventing your car from sliding off the road.
Driving off-track
Driving off track is usually not recommended, although there are certain moments where it can be strategic and to your advantage. Driving on the grass off to the side of the track will greatly increase the wear on your tires, so you should never do it for long. However, it can be useful when attempting to cut a corner, or get the inside track on your competition. The computer will almost never intentionally drive a car off the road, although when it does, it does not suffer and speed penalty for doing so.
Bald tires
If either your Gas or Body meters empty, you are disqualified from the race. On the other hand, if your Tire meter runs out, you can continue racing. However, it will become extremely difficult to control the direction of your car. As your tires get closer and closer to wearing out, you will notice that your car's drifting becomes more pronounced. Eventually, your car will be unable to overcome its momentum, and go flying off in some direction that you don't wish to go. To prevent this, be sure to visit the Pit (see Pit strategies below).
Oil slick
Collisions with other cars causes your car to briefly spin out, as well as causing body damage to your car. The more body damage your car has sustained, the longer your car spins out and the longer it takes for you to resume control over it. Collisions are rarely beneficial, although they can slow your competition down if you time it correctly.
Drone collisions
Note that colliding twice with the same "drone" car (that is, a car that's not really one of your serious competitors) will destroy that car and leave an oil slick on the track where it broke down. Driving across this oil slick will cause your car (and only your car) to enter an extended tail spin, where you may very well slide off the track. In Level 2 and beyond, there is a penalty for every car that you destroy, and the penalty increases with each level.
The pit crew
The Pit
It is incredibly difficult (but not impossible) to complete four full laps without taking an opportunity to visit the pit crew. This opportunity always presents itself on the left as you enter the straightaway which leads to the finish line. Choosing when to visit the pit is an important part of your strategy, since visiting the pit will cause a delay in your race and allow competitors to catch up.
After Lap 1: It is rare to visit the pit after only one lap unless you had a particularly rough time and got pushed around a lot by other cars. However, if you car can go three laps without another visit, you can sometimes get a visit out of the way so that the last three laps are uninterrupted.
After Lap 2: This is possibly the most common and advantageous time to visit the pit. It gives you enough chance to put some distance between you and your competitors, which they will eat up while you visit the pit, but it also gives you enough of a chance to catch back up and overtake them before the final lap is complete.
After Lap 3: Visiting the pit after your third lap is risky. You may find that your tires have worn away by now, making driving extremely difficult. But it will give you ample opportunity to put a lot of distance between you and the competition so that when you leave the pit, you are still ahead and don't have to worry as much about passing anyone.