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Futari wa Pretty Cure Splash Star: Panpaka Game de Zekkouchou!
Publisher(s)Bandai Namco Games
Year released2006
System(s)Nintendo DS
SeriesPretty Cure
Japanese titleふたりはプリキュア Splash Star パンパカゲームでぜっこうちょう!
ModesSingle player
LinksFutari wa Pretty Cure Splash Star: Panpaka Game de Zekkouchou! ChannelSearch

Futari wa Pretty Cure Splash Star: Panpaka Game de Zekkouchou! (ふたりはプリキュア Splash Star パンパカゲームでぜっこうちょう! Pretty Cure Splash Star - In Top Condition for the PanPaka Game!?) is an action video game developed by Matrix and published by Bandai and it is the seventh game based on the anime and manga of the series of same name. It was released for Nintendo DS on November 30, 2006 in Japan only.

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