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Box artwork for Genso Suikoden I & II.
Box artwork for Genso Suikoden I & II.
Genso Suikoden I & II
Year released2006
System(s)PlayStation Portable
ModesSingle player
Rating(s)CERO Ages 12 and up
LinksGenso Suikoden I & II ChannelSearch

Genso Suikoden I & II (幻想水滸伝I&II?) is a re-release of the PlayStation console role-playing games Suikoden and Suikoden II, ported to the PlayStation Portable. Konami announced the game in the 4th quarter of 2005, and the compilation was released on February 23, 2006. Both games are combined in a one UMD where the player is given the choice which Suikoden game he wants to play, as well as a third choice which is "Gallery" (ギャラリー).

For more information on the individual games, please refer to their individual pages:

PlayStation Portable changes[edit | edit source]

Several changes from the original PlayStation versions of Suikoden and Suikoden II were done for the PSP:

  • The player is now able to move their character diagonally inside places and over the world map.
  • Graphics have been slightly enhanced and redone to fit widescreen. This includes an extension of some places which were designed for PAL and NTSC televisions.
Suikoden I changes
  • The opening movie of Suikoden I is now the one from the Sega Saturn version.
  • Some menu windows changed in orientation.
Suikoden II changes
  • Rune and Unite sequences are faster.
  • The Matilda "Glitch" has been removed.
  • A new "power-save setting" (省電力設定?) was added under the options menu which could be turned ON/OFF. If turned to ON, the screen dims for a certain time of inactivity.
  • The background music for the tactical war fights vary depending on the situation of the hero's army. These tracks include the original "Battlefield Without Light" and the un-played from the original PlayStation version, "War".

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Gallery (ギャラリー?) is the third option when prompted which Suikoden game to play. It has the following selections:

  • Sound Mode (サウンドモード?) - plays tracks from the game
  • Movies (ムービー?) - plays the FMV movies
  • Event viewer (ィべント ビューワー?) - plays various cutscenes in the game
  • Ending (エンディング?) - shows the epilogue of the 108 Stars of Destiny (sub-divided to I and II)
  • Staff Roll (スタッフロール?) - shows the credits (sub-divided to I and II)

Movies, event viewer and ending only becomes available by loading an end-game save file of each individual game.