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Box artwork for LEGO Racers 2.
Box artwork for LEGO Racers 2.
LEGO Racers 2
Developer(s)Attention to Detail
Publisher(s)LEGO Software, Taito Corporation
Year released2001
System(s)PlayStation 2, Windows, Game Boy Advance
Preceded byLEGO Racers
Followed byDrome Racers
SeriesLEGO Racers
ModesSingle player, Multiplayer
Rating(s)ESRB Everyone
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LinksLEGO Racers 2 at PCGamingWikiLEGO Racers 2 ChannelSearch

LEGO Racers 2 is a spin-off from LEGO Racers. This time Rocket Racer is back and badder than ever as you compete to wipe the smugness of victory off his face (again). There are now five new worlds to explore as you go around collecting golden bricks so you can prove to Rocket Racer that you are the best.

Table of Contents


LEGO Racers 2/Table of Contents