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Picture Name Description Trophy
Boss Beatdown Defeat a boss 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
A Peaceful Approach Reach a boss without defeating any enemies 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Blue Butterfly Discover the hidden butterfly 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Master of Lightning View Gunvolt's ending 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Master of Love View Ekoro's ending 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Master of Might View Beck's ending 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Old-School Cool Obtain more than 30,000 points in a single stage 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Stockpiler Obtain 9 lives 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Unscathed Hero Defeat a boss without taking damage 2: Silver trophy Silver
Shot to the Heart Befriend 10 enemies in one stage with Ekoro 2: Silver trophy Silver
Super Combo Get a x1.50 combo 2: Silver trophy Silver
Perfection Clear all 9 stages with any character 3: Gold trophy Gold