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Box artwork for Nintendo Land.
Box artwork for Nintendo Land.
Nintendo Land
Developer(s)Nintendo EAD
Year released2012
System(s)Wii U
Japanese titleニンテンドーランド
ModesSingle Player, Multiplayer
Rating(s)ESRB Everyone 10+PEGI Ages 7+CERO All agesParental GuidanceUSK Ages 6+
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LinksNintendo Land ChannelSearch

Nintendo Land is a party game for the Wii U, developed by Nintendo EAD and published by Nintendo as a launch title for the system in November 18th, 2012 in North America, November 30th in Europe and Australia, and December 8th in Japan. It was included with the Wii U Deluxe Set, with several bundles released since also including it.

The game takes place in a theme park based around various Nintendo properties, hosted by the robot Monita. Players can play either by themselves or with friends in several minigames that show off the capabilities of the Wii U and its controller, the Wii U GamePad.

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