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Box artwork for Rampage: World Tour.
Box artwork for Rampage: World Tour.
Rampage: World Tour
Developer(s)Midway Games
Publisher(s)Midway Games
Year released1997
System(s)Arcade, Sega Saturn, PlayStation, Nintendo 64, Game Boy Color
Preceded byRampage
Followed byRampage 2: Universal Tour
ModesSingle player, Multiplayer
LinksRampage: World Tour ChannelSearchSearch
Rampage: World Tour marquee

Rampage: World Tour is an arcade game that was released by Midway Games (in 1997); it runs on the company's W-Unit hardware, and as its naming suggests, it is the sequel to Rampage which was released eleven years earlier. It was created during a meeting regarding another project between the original's designers (Brian Colin and Jeff Nauman), with Midway's top executives (Ken Fedesma and Joe Dillon) - and Dillon said that what they needed was a game that appealed to everybody, so Colin and Nauman said that they should remake "Rampage". Shortly after they were given the "go-ahead".

The players must again take controls for George the gorilla, Lizzie the lizard and Ralph the wolf, who are back to destroy every city they visit after over a decade of inactivity; the mutants can now kick as well as punch and jump, through the use of a new third button, and the "World Tour" in the title refers to the fact that they are now visiting and destroying major cities all over the world, as opposed to just the United States and Canada. Several national landmarks are also present in some of the cities (for example, the Statue of Liberty is present in New York and the Great Westminster Clock is present in London), and there are several powerups that may be collected, to increase the mutants' destructive powers - and one of them (a barrel of toxic waste), shall cause them to mutate into an even stranger mutant known as "V.E.R.N." (Violently Enraged Radioactive Nemesis) for the rest of the current day.

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