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Box artwork for Virtua Fighter 2.
Box artwork for Virtua Fighter 2.
Virtua Fighter 2
Year released1994
System(s)Arcade, Sega Saturn, Windows, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
Preceded byVirtua Fighter
Followed byVirtua Fighter 3
SeriesVirtua Fighter,
Sega Ages
ModesSingle player, Multiplayer
Rating(s)ESRB TeenELSPA Ages 3+
Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol. 16: Virtua Fighter 2
Year released2004
System(s)PlayStation 2
Rating(s)CERO Ages 12 and up
LinksVirtua Fighter 2 at PCGamingWikiVirtua Fighter 2 ChannelSearch
This guide is for the Arcade and Sega Saturn version. For the Sega Genesis demake, see Virtua Fighter 2 (Sega Genesis).
Virtua Fighter 2 marquee

Virtua Fighter 2 (バーチャファイター2 Bācha Faitā Tsū?) is a fighting game developed by Sega. It is the sequel to Virtua Fighter and the second game in the Virtua Fighter series. It was created by Sega's Yu Suzuki-headed AM2 and was released on arcades in 1994. It was subsequently ported to the Sega Saturn in 1995 and Microsoft Windows in 1997. In 1996, a super deformed version of the game, Virtua Fighter Kids, arrived in arcades, ported to the Sega Saturn in the same year. It was also ported to the Mega Drive/Genesis in 1996, but because the hardware couldn't handle the complex visuals of the arcade version, it was re-made as a 2D fighter.

VF2 was known for breakthrough graphics at the time. It used Sega's Model 2 arcade hardware to run the game at 60 frames per second at a high resolution with no slowdown. The Saturn version was also extremely impressive for its time, especially given the system's 3D programming difficulties. It became a huge hit in Japan and sold relatively well in other markets, notably the UK, where The Prince (Hatim Habashi) was crowned by Sega Europe as the Official UK Virtua Fighter 2 Champion.

The arena size could be adjusted up to a very small platform or all the way to 82 meters, which in the genre is considered very large; this is the only game in the series—other than Virtua Fighter Remix—that could have such size adjustments. The physical energy meter could also be adjusted to infinity as well, giving you the advantage when beating opponents in the game or practicing moves against the computer player. Incidentally, players discovered that adjusting the arena to a smaller size and giving the characters infinite health could lead to mock sumo matches, wherein victory is achieved by knocking the other player out of the ring.

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