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Box artwork for Too Much Tingle Pack.
Box artwork for Too Much Tingle Pack.
Too Much Tingle Pack
Year released2009
System(s)Nintendo DS
Preceded byTingle's Balloon Fight DS
Followed byColor Changing Tingle's Love Balloon Trip
ModesSingle player, Multiplayer
LinksToo Much Tingle Pack ChannelSearchSearch

Too Much Tingle Pack is a game released on June 24, 2009 on the Nintendo DSi's DSi Shop in Japan. The game revolves around Tingle and a variety of mini-games, such as fortune-telling, a "Tingle timer", a Tingle calculator, a marionette Tingle dancer, and a Tingle coin toss. The game could be downloaded to the Nintendo DSi for 500 DS Points until January 6, 2010, the day the game was removed from the DSi Shop Channel.

Table of Contents
