Atari 2600[edit | edit source]
Developed and published by Coleco in 1982. Rereleased by Atari in 1987. Only the first two floor plans are present, and play switches back and forth between them. Completed rooms are not filled in. Enemies do not dodge the arrows. No music is heard throughout play. Killed enemies do not disintegrate, they vanish after a period of time. Rooms do not change state, they remain the same as when you enter them. Four difficulty levels can be selected through various left and right player difficulty switch placements.
Coleco box
Atari box
ColecoVision[edit | edit source]

Developed and published by Coleco in 1982. The ColecoVision hosted the most visually accurate version of the game. Killed enemies do not disintegrate, they vanish after a period of time. Just about every other aspect of the game made it to the system unchanged.
Intellivision[edit | edit source]

Developed and published by Coleco in 1982. While the look of the game suffers due to the system's resolution, most other aspects of the game are faithfully retained. All three floor plans are present. The music is present, albeit simplified, and this is the only home version where the enemies disintegrate.
Noteworthy[edit | edit source]
Atari 400/800/XL/XE[edit | edit source]

Developed in 1982 by Romox, Fortune Hunter is loosely based on Venture in that you wander through a zoomed out floor plan in order to enter a zoomed in view of rooms and collect their treasure. Fortune Hunter features no Hallmonsters, and a single floor plan containing six rooms. The player will die if he touches any of the walls inside the room. The player can only fire in six directions, up and down are not available. Some enemies can fire back, and they disappear the moment they are killed. The rooms are given names similar to Venture's and the player is immediately warped out of the room when you collect a treasure. You will die instantly if you spend too long in one room.
Tandy Color Computer[edit | edit source]

Venturer was developed by Dave Edson in 1982. It contains many of the aspects found in the original arcade game. Instead of a Hallmonster coming to attack you if you spend too long in a room, lines drop from the top of the screen to cut you off from the exit and kill you.