Final Fantasy VII/The fall of Sector 7

From StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki

(Todo: May need some expansion)

After the cutscene you splash down in the sewers. Talk to Tifa and Aerith to wake them up, but before you wake up the other of them, be sure to check up your healing and materia if necessary. Of course, Don Corneo wouldn't have thrown you into the sewers expecting the foul stench alone would have killed you!


This is relatively easy fight still - just keep hammering away with limits, attacks and spells. Aps' sewer attacks are more of an annoyance than a real threat. One full-party healing should be enough (either take advantage of Aerith's limit break or use Restore+All combo to cast Cure on all party members.

Level Hit Points Magic Weak against Strong against Absorbs
18 1800 0 - - -

There's a single notable item in the sewers, a Steal materia. Getting back to the surface after beating the boss should present no problems, the enemies are relatively weak.

Train graveyard

The train graveyard is easier than it looks. The onlu thing that probably confuses at first is that the train cars may have holes on their roof so figuring out where the items are is more difficult. Use the ladders and ramps and whatnot to cross to the other side. There's a Hi-Potion and Ethers [I think] here.

On the other end of the train graveyard, the trains block your path. Hop on the nearest engine that has a door open. The engine will push one of the cars off the way. Then hop on the another engine, and the way clears.

The fall of Sector 7

The column is still standing! Regrettably, Wedge isn't, as he just fell down. Nor are Biggs and Jessie in much better condition a bit further up. Aerith scurries off to get Marlene from Tifa's bar. You can buy stuff from the merchant here. Save if you feel like.

Once you reach the top, Barret says that the enemies are coming by air and lets you get your Materia and equipment sorted out before they get closer. Get Barret equipped.

And then... oops, Reno shows up and calmly sets the hell bomb loose. Of course, fighting him does no good, but it always pays to try...


The red-tailed Turk is one of the recurring bosses, so don't think this will end here. Bolts don't do much damage to him, but other elemental spells are pretty good. Reno's special attack is the Pyramid, which shields one of your characters in an inpenetratable pyramid, and they can't do a thing (I haven't verified this, but I think that if Reno pyramids all characters, game is over). The pyramid can be easily be removed if you attack the pyramided character - it will hurt, but probably not that much compared to the alternative.

Level Hit Points Magic Weak against Strong against Absorbs
17 1000 0 - Gravity,Bolt -

Reno will rush off at one point, and it's time for our characters to make for a quick escape. Barret will figure out how to use the hook cable, and off you go...