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File:Tf2 goldrush.png
Developer Valve Software
Type Payload (PL)

Goldrush is a popular payload map in which the attacking team must push a cart set on an immobile track to set checkpoints. The defending team must stop them from reaching the last checkpoint. Goldrush is split into three maps with the increasing levels of difficulty for the attacking team.


When your team is on the offensive, your goal is to push the cart on the tracks from the starting point to the enemy base. You push the cart by standing near it. The cart heals and provides ammo to members of the offense as they stand by it.


When your team is defending, the goal is to keep the other team from pushing the cart to your base.

Soldier: Stay out of sight and turn corners to shoot multiple rounds quickly, then duck back to reload. As a soldier you're an easy target for the cart's support, but the splash damage can injure or kill the enemies pushing the cart.

Scout: Rush in quickly to take out enemies with your scattergun, then swiftly retreat back to a healthpack.

Engineer: Construct dispensers out of sight near the tracks so your teammates can heal and reload quickly without having to retreat much. Construct sentries in regular strategic sentry spots, just make sure you stay near to repair it, as it will get damaged.

Sniper: Stay in spots with minimal amounts of your body showing. Your main target is of course the cart, so you don't need a wide range of sight, meaning you don't have to expose your body much. I cannot stress enough that you must take out Heavies and Medics, because Heavies are great at clearing the way for the cart, and Medics will keep the cart moving by healing the pushers.

Medic: Uber Pyros as much as possible. Nothing is more effective than an uber Pyro and Medic rushing the cart, lighting everybody, and pushing back the enemy.

Pyro: Rush the cart on "suicide missions" essentially, which can end in you killing several enemies. It's good to become used to rushing in and out getting damaged as little as possible, but this takes a lot of practice.

Demoman: Sticky the cart as much as you can, especially before the match starts. Also, sticky the choke points that the enemy comes out of to push the cart.

Heavy: Turn corners to mow down the enemies on the cart, but don't center yourself on the map. Preferably be getting healed by a medic while you attack.

Spy: Usual spy tactics.