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After telling your client that you have amnesia, Maggey decides to tell you about yourself. You decided to help her a few days back. You gave her a business card that contains your phone number. Phoenix's Business Card will be added to the Court Record. You then start to talk about the case.

It was before 6pm. Maggey suddenly gets a phone call from a phone she randomly found. He apparently lost his phone prior to the call. They agreed to meet up at 6PM.

Before you start pondering about the murder, however, you get a visit from a girl. She looks very mad at you, as she tried to call you many times, but didn't get an answer. The conversation reveals her name to be Maya Fey, who gives you a list of people you asked her to get. According to Maya, it is actually a list of con artists. The Names List will be added to the Court Record.

Bailiff calls you back to the Court Room.

Payne calls the witness to the stand, but before saying he brags a lot.

The witness introduces himself as Richard Wellington. A Fist-class University student. Payne has Wellington testify about what he saw.

Wellington's Testimony: What I Saw That Day

Wellington's' Testimony
- What I Saw That Day -
  1. I was at the park all afternoon, deep in thought about my life situation.
  2. I don't remember the time all that well, but I do believe it was past 6 PM.
  3. All of a sudden, a police officer falls from above, right in front of my eyes.
  4. Without a thought, I looked up, and there I met the eyes of a charming, young lady.
  5. Of course I remember her sweet face. It was that of the pretty defendant here.
  6. The only other thing I saw was the banana that fell with the police officer.

The Judge says that Wellington just said was "decisive". You need to find what isn't.

What I Saw That Day: Cross-Examination

Press Wellington's 2nd statement. Then choose Press Further. Wellington says he knew the time, because he saw a clock there. A crime photo shows a clock sitting right next to the scene.

Wellington saw a banana? Press on Wellington's 6th statement. Wellington actually saw a bunch of bananas that fell. Maya says this statement is odd. Maggey never said anything about a banana. This probably means Wellington could be lying. You need to show what he is lying about. At the same statement, Present the Baseball Glove. Compare to this to a bunch of bananas. If you can look at it on a certain way, you'll see they both resemble each other. After presenting it, Wellington will mistake the glove for the bananas. When given a choice, choose that Wellington has bad eyesight.

Wellington will admit that his eyes are both 20/200. If so, then why didn't he bring his glasses? He says he lost them recently. Did Wellington bring the glasses with him when he saw the crime? Judging by his reaction, he probably hasn't, and if he claims to have saw Maggey, then it may be possible, then she is wrongly identified.

The Judge has Wellington testify further about the crime.

Wellington's Testimony: What Happened Next

Wellington's' Testimony
- What Happened Next -
  1. The girl on the upper path ran away as soon as she realized I was there.
  2. After that, I immediately called the police station to report the crime.
  3. It must've been 6:45 PM when I made the call.
  4. They must have a lot of free time on their hands since they showed up within 10 minutes.

What Happened Next: Cross-Examination

Present the Autopsy Report on the 3rd statement. The murder happened on 6:28 PM. It took Wellington 17 minutes to reach the phone. Why did he take so long to make the call? Wellington says he was searching for a phone booth, because he lost his cell phone. Lost his cell phone? Does this sound familiar? Question Further. Wellington will say he found it just recently. When asked if there is any more questions you want to ask, choose There is something. Why did he take so long to find the phone booth then? When asked to present the evidence that proves that he didn't have to, Present Crime Photo 1.

If you look closely, there is a phone booth just about a few steps away from the crime. Why didn't he use the phone? Remember the cell phone you are holding. He probably killed Dustin to get his phone back. Bet why? If he hasn't called immediately, then he could be looking for something. When asked what, Present the Glasses. Wellington accidentally says that the glasses were his. The glasses were found under the victim's body, so Dustin must have grabbed his glasses when he fell. If that is true, then Wellington could be the killer!

Phoenix wants to know if there is a reason he is wrong. Wellington recalls the victim's name. You remind him the name is spelled incorrectly. Wellington must have written it, but Payne reminds you Wellington never knew Maggey when he witnessed the murder. But there has to be some way that Wellington knew of the name. You are given a choice, choose There is a way. You need to prove how Wellington knew the name. Present the Cell Phone. Remember, Maggey found his phone and told him her name when he called.

Solving the Case

It looks like you caught Wellington, but Payne asks for one more thing: a motive. What reason did Wellington have to kill Dustin? When asked to present something, Present the Names List. The list contains Phone Numbers taken from the memory of Wellington's phone. The people on this list are actually con artists! When asked what Wellington's connection was, answer that Wellington is a member of that group. If his phone contained his friends, he feared Maggey or Dustin would look into the number list.

That is a very explainable motive, but Payne objects. He reminds you that Wellington was promised his phone back, so why get it back on such an unfriendly matter? Try thinking outside the box, was there something Wellington saw that made him commit the murder? When asked what did he see, Present Dustin Prince. Dustin was wearing his police uniform when the murder occurred. When Wellington saw Dustin, he might be thinking Maggey brought a police officer with her so he would be asked questions about the list. Thinking they ran a check, he panicked and killed Dustin to keep him quiet. If that is true, then Wellington killed Dustin because of his uniform!

You have proven Wellington's motive, but Wellington persists. He wants you to present evidence that proves he killed Dustin. It looks like you don't have any. The phone you present seems meaningless. When given a choice, choose Fingerprints on the phone? Maya, however, lets you know you wiped the phone, probably taking the prints with it. Wellington reminds you he has the phone right in his hand.

You asked him where he got the phone, you suddenly recall something. Just before trial, Wellington knocked you out with a fire extinguisher. You were holding his cell phone before that happened, so Wellington must have attacked you to get his phone back.

The Judge decides to set Wellington free from the stand. Raise an objection. You tell the court you have evidence that proves everything. The Judge decides to give you one chance of presenting the evidence. Present Phoenix's Business Card. When asked what makes it an important piece of evidence, choose the back of the card. It has your phone number and you decide to call it. A phone rings. The phone that is ringing, is on Wellington's hand!

It looks like when Welling went to retrieve his phone, he took yours instead!

Congratulations, you have won the first case of the game!

Maggey Byrde is found Not Guilty!

What REALLY happened

Richard Wellington claims to be a first-class university student and a "Drifting Virtuoso". But he is actually part of a con group whose names are listed on his phone. One day he dropped his cell phone at Expose Park.

Meanwhile, Maggey Byrde and Dustin Prince, two couples who are both police officers, went for a walk at the exact same park, where Maggey gives Dustin a birthday present, a yellow baseball glove made to fit his left-handed nature. As they were strolling, they saw a cell phone on the ground and decide to carry it.

Wellington eventually called on his phone. Maggey promised him that she will give his phone back at 6:00 PM.

When Wellington meets Maggey, he also saw Dustin, still in his uniform. Wellington instantly went into a panic, fearing that Maggey talked with a police officer and ran a check through his phone list.

Wellington fought Dustin on a high balcony, with Wellington the victor. Dustin was pushed off the balcony grabbing Wellington's glasses and taking it with him. Falling on and snapping his neck, dying almost instantly. He landed on top of Wellington's glasses.

Maggey runs off taking the phone with her and Wellington climbs down to the corpse and spends fifteen minutes looking for his glasses. As he searches, Wellington sees the baseball glove, which he mistook for a bunch of bananas, thanks his poor eyesight. He eventually gives up and calls the police, implicating Maggey for the murder. He then uses Dustin's pointer finger on his right hand to write "Maggie" on the sand, unaware that he misspelled the name and that Dustin was left-handed.

The Lost Turnabout: Epilogue

Though Maggey is now innocent, Maggey still partly blames herself for Dustin's death. It is because of her luck. Throughout her lifetime, Maggey's life has been nothing but bad luck and misfortune (failing every single test, prone to hit and run, losing every single game of tic-tac-toe she played without ties, etc.). Her luck is probably what caused Dustin's death.

However, Maggey always remained strong and starting now, she will once again try to change everything.

You suddenly remember almost everything in your life, Maya, Gumshoe, The Judge, etc.

You and Maya are reunited about two months ago. The reunion wasn't quite pleasant, though...