Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic/Sith Academy: Difference between revisions

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→‎Aiding Lashowe: Completed section
(→‎Aiding Lashowe: Completed section)
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Lashowe can be found standing at a computer panel at the entrance to her bedroom on the west side of the north corridor to the east of your own bedroom:
{{KotOR|Korriban|Lashowe}} can be found standing at a computer panel at the entrance to her bedroom on the west side of the north corridor to the east of your own bedroom. How she responds depends on whether or not you persuaded her to like you upon your first meeting back in Dreshdae:


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{{KotOR/Dialog||Lashowe:|You? I remember you from the colony. I can't believe you actually made it into the academy.|W=50%}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||Lashowe:|I remember you from the colony. You seem alright, though you'll not win the right to train before me.|W=50%}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||1.|Who are you?|C=2}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||Lashowe:|My name is Lashowe. Remember it, for I'll be the one who earns the prestige to move on. You'll have to be satisfied with next year, I suppose.}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||Lashowe:|You don't remember? My name is Lashowe. We met in the colony, ever so briefly.}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||4.|I have to go.}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||4.|I must go.}}
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{{KotOR/Dialog||Lashowe:|Do run along... you have a long way to catch up, after all.}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||Lashowe:|Mmm. Don't trip or kill yourself or anything.}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||Lashowe:|I'll get more prestige and catch up to you. Count on it.}}
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{{KotOR/Dialog||3.|I remember you. I challenge you to a duel!|W=50%}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||3.|I challenge you to a duel.|W=50%}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||Lashowe:|A duel? Fine, you run along and get ready while I go gain some prestige. Idiot.|C=2}}
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{{KotOR/Dialog||2.|You're trying to become a Sith as well?|C=3}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||Lashowe:|Just figured that out, did you? It just so happens that I have a sure-fire way of pulling ahead in this little contest of ours. You don't really have a chance.|C=3}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||2.|You talk big, but that's about it.|C=3}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||Lashowe:|And what do you have to brag about? You haven't earned any prestige at all.|W=33%}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||Lashowe:|Uh-huh. Well, you may be the competition, but I've still got the edge on you.|W=34%}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||Lashowe:|You may have more prestige than me, but that won't last long, just you wait and see.|W=33%}}
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{{KotOR/Dialog||1.|And what way is that?}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||Lashowe:|I've found an artifact that will impress Uthar far more than anything you could ever scrounge up. I'll win for sure.}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||2.|Fine, forget it.}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||Lashowe:|Fine by me.}}
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{{KotOR/Dialog||1.|Why haven't you brought it to Uthar yet?}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||Lashowe:|I don't have it just yet. I'll get it... when I'm good and ready.}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||1.|Where is this artifact?}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||Lashowe:|Hah! Like I would tell you. Why don't I just let you rob me while you're at it?}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||2.|It's guarded, isn't it?}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||Lashowe:|So what if it is? I'll get it eventually, regardless. Nothing good comes without a bit of a fight... that's the Sith motto, more or less.}}
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{{KotOR/Persuade|Easy|1.|[Persuade/Lie] Maybe I could help you get it?|C=2}}
{{KotOR/Dialog|Jolee||Now where are you going with this, I wonder?|W=50%}}
{{KotOR/Dialog|Zaalbar||This is not wise. She'll be as willing to lie as you are.|W=50%}}
{{KotOR/Dialog|Canderous||Shut up, old man, and don't spoil anything or I'll twist that scrawny neck of yours.}}
{{KotOR/Dialog|Mission||Yeah, but if we do it first, we win. Shush up, Big Z.|R=2}}
{{KotOR/Dialog|Jolee||It was just an idle question. Don't get so testy, damn it.}}
{{KotOR/Persuade|Easy|1.|[Persuade/Lie] Maybe I could help you get it?}}
{{KotOR/Persuade|Easy|2.|[Persuade] I'd like to help you retrieve your artifact.}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||Lashowe:|[Failure] Hah! Forget it. I'm not going to be tricked so easily. Just move along, now.|C=2}}
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{{KotOR/Persuade|Easy|1.|[Persuade/Lie] Maybe I could help you get it?|W=50%}}
{{KotOR/Persuade|Easy|2.|[Persuade] I'd like to help you retrieve your artifact.|W=50%}}
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{{KotOR/Dialog||Lashowe:|[Success] Help me get it? I don't know... Hmph. I suppose I *could* use some help. The artifact I know of certainly won't be easy to take. But why should I work with you?}}
{{KotOR/Force|Low|1.|[Force Persuade] Because you want to work with me.}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||Lashowe:|[Failure] Trying to force me to agree with you, hey? Don't make me laugh. You want my cooperation, you'll have to get it the old-fashioned way.}}
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{{KotOR/Persuade|Hard|2.|[Persuade] Because together we will be unbeatable.|W=40%}}
{{KotOR/Persuade|Medium|2.|[Persuade] Because together we will be unbeatable.|W=30%}}
{{KotOR/Persuade|Easy|3.|[Persuade] I've always wanted to work with a beautiful woman.|W=30%}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||Lashowe:|[Failure] Forget it. I never liked you to begin with, and I'm not about to work with you.}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||Lashowe:|[Failure] Hmmm... no. No, it's not worth it. I'll figure out how to get the artifact, myself.|C=2}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||Lashowe:|So run along and get your own prestige, will you? Thanks ever so much.|C=3}}
If you can dominate minds or your character is male then she can be persuaded to let you work with her without any further conditions:
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{{KotOR/Force|High|1.|[Force Persuade] Because you want to work with me.|W=50%}}
{{KotOR/Persuade|Easy|3.|[Persuade] I've always wanted to work with a beautiful woman.|W=50%}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||Lashowe:|[Success] Yes, I do... want to work with you. I suppose it's possible that Master Uthar could award both of us prestige. We'd be ahead of the others, for sure...}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||Lashowe:|[Success] Flattery, is it? I... suppose it's possible that Master Uthar could award both of us prestige. We'd be ahead of the others, for sure...}}
Otherwise it's more difficult to persuade her, particularly if she dislikes you, and even if you succeed then she wants you to give her a lead for how she could gain more prestige:
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{{KotOR/Persuade|Hard|2.|[Persuade] Because together we will be unbeatable.|W=50%}}
{{KotOR/Persuade|Medium|2.|[Persuade] Because together we will be unbeatable.|W=50%}}
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{{KotOR/Dialog||Lashowe:|[Success] Hmmm. You make a decent case. I suppose it's possible that Master Uthar could award both of us prestige. We'd be ahead of the others, for sure... I want something out of this, first, however. I want you to tell me about some lead you have for where I could find more prestige.|C=3}}
{{KotOR/Persuade|Medium|1.|[Lie] There is a powerful Sith cloak in the furthest tomb in the valley.|W=33%}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||5.|But I don't know any leads...|W=34%}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||6.|Forget it! I'm not giving you any leads!|W=33%}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||Lashowe:|[Failure] How gullible to you believe me to be? The furthest tomb? Yeah right. Find your own prestige.}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||Lashowe:|Then you'll just have to come back when you do. Of course, I may have changed my mind by then...}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||Lashowe:|Then you're on your own.}}
If you don't know any leads then you can try to lie about one, but it's simple enough to ask around the academy until you have one:
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{{KotOR/Dialog||4.|[[../Sith Academy#Doubting Sith|Hmm. You could go and talk to Kel Algwinn.]]}}
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{{KotOR/Persuade|Medium|1.|[Lie] There is a powerful Sith cloak in the furthest tomb in the valley.|W=33%}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||2.|[[../Sith Academy#Renegade Sith|There are some renegades hiding on the surface which Master Uthar wants killed.]]|W=34%}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||3.|[[../Sith Academy#Sword of Ajunta Pall|I've heard there's an artifact sword in the tomb of Freedon Nadd.]]|W=33%}}
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{{KotOR/Dialog||Lashowe:|[Success] Oh? I hadn't heard about that. Fair enough... I will have to look into it.|W=33%}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||Lashowe:|Oh? I hadn't heard about them. It certainly merits looking into.|W=34%}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||Lashowe:|I think I have heard of that. But it's good enough... at least I know you're telling the truth.|W=33%}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||Lashowe:|You've given me a lead, so I'll let you in on my plan. The artifact that I've discovered is an ancient Jedi holocron.|C=3}}
In any case, once you've convinced her to allow you to help:
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{{KotOR/Dialog||Lashowe:|Unfortunately, the holocron lies in the gullet of a tuk'ata mother. I can arrange for us to 'meet' her, but you're going to have to help me in putting her down. That make sense to you? Go into the valley when you're prepared enough. I'll be amongst the central pillars, near the north end.}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||1.|And I'm just supposed to trust you?}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||Lashowe:|And I'm just supposed to trust *you*? You're the one who asked to work on this, remember? You watch me and I'll watch you. I don't trust you any more than you trust me. If you don't like that, don't come.}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||2.|Why do you think this holocron is so important?}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||Lashowe:|Because it probably contains secrets from the time when the Sith ruins on this planet first existed. You don't think that Master Uthar would find that impressive?}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||3.|What is a holocron?}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||Lashowe:|A holocron... this holocron, anyway... is an ancient recording device. It can store and display large amounts of information.}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||4.|See you there.}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||Lashowe:|Remember: the central pillars in the valley. I'll be waiting, so don't take too long.}}

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{{KotOR/XP|Act|#=125|Convinced Lashowe to help her recover relic from Valley of Dark Lords}}
{{KotOR/XP|Act|#=125|Convinced Lashowe to help her recover relic from Valley of Dark Lords}}
[[../Valley of Dark Lords#Aiding Lashowe|Lashowe]] can now be found at the north end of the valley outside, to the east opposite the door to Tulak Hord's tomb. You earn most experience and prestige by refusing to let her return the holocron by herself, and not lying about killing her when you return it:
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{{KotOR/Dialog||12.|I have found a Jedi holocron.|C=2}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||Uthar Wynn:|*chuckle* I had heard that such an artifact existed. Tell me, young one... did you acquire this device by yourself?|C=2}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||Uthar Wynn:|You lie. Still, what matters is the fact that you succeeded. And Lashowe... does she yet live?}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||Uthar Wynn:|So I see. And Lashowe... does she yet live?}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||1.|[Lie] I have no idea. Probably.}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||2.|No, I killed her.}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||Uthar Wynn:|You didn't kill her? How very foolish. Now you have an enemy to contend with. The holocron, itself, is an impressive item, however.}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||Uthar Wynn:|Ha ha! Well done! You gained an artifact through trickery and eliminated an opponent at the same time. That is deserving of great prestige!}}
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{{KotOR/Journal|Aiding Lashowe|You turned over the ancient, corrupted Jedi holocron to Master Uthar... and while you didn't tell him of Lashowe's exact fate, you got the impression that he didn't care overly much what happened to her. At any rate, you have earned prestige for bringing him the holocron.|W=50%}}
{{KotOR/Journal|Aiding Lashowe|You turned over the ancient, corrupted Jedi holocron to Master Uthar... who was not only impressed at your possession of the relic, but seemed quite pleased by the fact that you had dispatched one of your rivals, as well. You have earned a great deal of prestige today.|W=50%}}
{{KotOR/XP|Act|#=110|Turned over holocron and denied killing Lashowe}}
{{KotOR/XP|Act|#=210|Turned over holocron and admitted killing Lashowe}}
If you let her return the holocron herself, you're about to learn not to be so demure in the future:

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{{KotOR/Dialog||12.|Has Lashowe shown you the Jedi holocron?}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||Uthar Wynn:|She did. Prestige is not shared, however, if that is what you are wondering. If you aided her, it was to her benefit and not yours.}}
{{KotOR/Journal|Aiding Lashowe|Sure enough, Lashowe has turned the corrupt Jedi holocron you worked together to recover over to Master Uthar by herself. You will receive no prestige for it.}}
{{KotOR/Journal|Aiding Lashowe|Sure enough, Lashowe has turned the corrupt Jedi holocron you worked together to recover over to Master Uthar by herself. You will receive no prestige for it.}}

If you're willing to move closer to the dark side of the Force then you can salvage something from the situation by confronting her about this betrayal:

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{{KotOR/Journal|Aiding Lashowe|Lashowe had betrayed you by bringing the ancient, corrupted Jedi holocron to Master Uthar herself, denying you the prestige that you were supposed to share. The fact that you killed her for it seems to have impressed Master Uthar considerably… he has rewarded you with prestige for eliminating a potential rival.}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||Lashowe:|You are such a fool. I cannot believe that you were gullible enough to allow me to return with the holocron. I gained considerable prestige for it, you know.}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||2.|But I helped you get the holocron!}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||Lashowe:|So? That's your problem, not mine.}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||3.|You betrayed me, you traitorous...!}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||Lashowe:|Ha ha ha! Look... either do something about it or run along, will you? I have prestige to earn.}}
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{{KotOR/Dialog||4.|Fine. I'll go, now.|C=3}}
{{KotOR/XP|Act|#=110|Gained prestige}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||Lashowe:|Do run along... you have a long way to catch up, after all.|W=33%}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||Lashowe:|Mmm. Don't trip or kill yourself or anything.|W=34%}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||Lashowe:|I'll get more prestige and catch up to you. Count on it.|W=33%}}


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{{KotOR/Journal|Aiding Lashowe|You turned over the ancient, corrupted Jedi holocron to Master Uthar… and while you didn't tell him of Lashowe's exact fate, you got the impression that he didn't care overly much what happened to her. At any rate, you have earned prestige for bringing him the holocron.}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||1.|You won't get away with this! I'll kill you!}}
{{KotOR/XP|Act|#=110|Gained prestige}}
{{KotOR/Dialog|HK-47||Commentary: I like the sound of this! Warming up blasters... on your command, master!}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||Lashowe:|You're joking, of course. You want to fight me here? In the academy?}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||2.|I suppose not.}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||Lashowe:|I thought not. Get lost, then, will you? I'm busy.}}


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{{KotOR/Journal|Aiding Lashowe|You turned over the ancient, corrupted Jedi holocron to Master Uthar… who was not only impressed at your possession of the relic, but seemed quite pleased by the fact that you had dispatched one of your rivals, as well. You have earned a great deal of prestige today.}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||1.|That's right!}}
{{KotOR/Alignment|Dark|-4|Lashowe:|Ha ha ha! Oh, I wonder what Master Uthar will think of this! Alright, then... you have yourself a fight!}}
She receives bonuses depending on your character level:
{| {{prettytable|text center=1}}
!width=20%|Character level
{{KotOR/XP|Act|#=210|Gained prestige}}
| +4 || +4 || +50 || +50
!> 14
| +6 || +6 || +100 || +100
Thus at character level > 14:
|Model=Lashowe (Academy)
|Class=Jedi Guardian
|Items and abilities=
{{KotOR/Feat|Jedi Sense|Master Sense}}
{{KotOR/Feat|Conditioning|Improved Conditioning}}
{{KotOR/Feat|Jedi Defense|Advanced Jedi Defense|BBD=17}}
{{KotOR/Feat|Power Attack}}
{{KotOR/Feat|Critical Strike|DC=17}}
{{KotOR/Power|Force Resistance|FR=24}}
{{KotOR/Power|Drain Life}}
{{KotOR/Power|Force Push|Force Whirlwind}}
{{KotOR/Power|Throw Lightsaber|Advanced Throw Lightsaber}}
{{KotOR/Power|Burst of Speed}}
{| {{prettytable}}
{{KotOR/XP|Kill|#=14|Killed Lashowe|W=50%}}
*Credits (150)
*{{KotOR|Light armor|Echani Light Armor}}
*{{KotOR|Upgrade items|Crystal, Firkrann}}|W=50%}}
She's slightly more challenging than out in the valley, and different items are retrieved from her remains. Let's find out what Master Uthar thinks of this:
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{{KotOR/Dialog||12.|I've killed Lashowe.}}
{{KotOR/Dialog||Uthar Wynn:|Killed her out of revenge, did you? Well done. I can appreciate such drama, believe me. I am most impressed that you have eliminated an opponent so handily.}}
{{KotOR/Journal|Aiding Lashowe|Lashowe had betrayed you by bringing the ancient, corrupted Jedi holocron to Master Uthar herself, denying you the prestige that you were supposed to share. The fact that you killed her for it seems to have impressed Master Uthar considerably… he has rewarded you with prestige for eliminating a potential rival.}}
{{KotOR/XP|Act|#=110|Killed Lashowe for her betrayal}}
If you don't aid her, then after gaining all necessary prestige:
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{{KotOR/Dialog||Lashowe:|You beat me. Go on, gloat, I could care less. I'll succeed next time.}}