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(Added note to 130, plus 131 and 132.)
(133 to 135.)
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==Level 133: Block Maze==
==Level 133: Block Maze==
Push the first block down and move the other one around to follow it. Go to the right and down to a bee room. Beat the bees and pick up the dozen yellow keys. Get all six chips below you, using the blocks to stop the balls as you cross sides. Move left to open a door. You see a bunch of blocks and a couple of paramecia. Push the lower two blocks into the water, then the one directly above the gravel. Push both lower blocks down one, then take the one you have and push it through. Go back up to the top left and use that block. Push the upper left block down one, then use the block SE of it. Take each of the last three one by one. Get the blue key. Continue going left and then move back up, near the start. Go to the lower gravel (above a few blocks) and open three dirt squares to the left. Then, follow the path of blocks and go through the doors. Push L2D to get the red key. Go back up and right to the red door. (Open the dirt in your line on the way.) Take the lower block and push it onto the lower strip of gravel. Go get another one and put it 2 squares above it. Take it left to prepare to push up. Detour down for a moment and push all the blocks into the bombs to get to the toggle button. Press it and go back up, pushing the block into the water. Open the door and get the chip. Now, repeat the block pattern to get another block into this room. Open the door again and take the last block in to get the remaining chips. Circle left and to the top. Open the two yellow doors and get the chip. Turn right and open the blue door. Push strings of blocks both ways to get two chips. Finally, go right again. Open three more yellow doors and build a bridge to the last chip. Run right to return to the bee area. Go right and open the last yellow door. Push the block up and zigzag left and right to get the green key behind the chip socket and blocks. Go left, zigzag the blocks out of the way, and unlock the exit. You get 832 seconds.
It's just that - a block maze. Free yourself with 7D5U2RUR3D and move the block into the second water, then continue with D2R2U5RD2R5D2RU (wait) and collect the 12 keys. Below you is a row of blocks and balls; take the first chip and resume with 2D (wait) 2D2RD2U (wait) 2U2LUL2U7L2D, which leads to a new room. Start with 2L4DRDRDRD and use the two blocks on the gravel, the next block right above the gravel, and move 3R4URDR2DRD to allow yourself to use this block. Follow with the extreme north-west block, then move the upper block of the western two D and follow with R4DRD, using this block, and take the final three blocks individually.
With the blue key in your possession, turn west 4L, then 4U6L4R6DL2DL and emerge back out to the ''upper'' row of gravel. Resume with 5RD2R2D2LDL3URU4LDL, move the block 5U7D via use of the start, and go collect the next block, which goes on the top strip. Lodge the lower block into the dirt, step DL, and before you push it up, detour 4D2L3UR and down to the toggle button. When this is complete, resume with the other block, and take the upper block down and replace it with the remaining block in the center room. After the last two blocks are in the water, take all the chips from the room, and take the path to the west and up to another chip.
Keep to the east, open the blue door, and step 2U2RUD9L to collect the chips. Continue east to three more yellow doors, which lead to a block cloner. Build a bridge to the final chip, then take the shortcut on the top to return to the bug room, where the final yellow door is waiting. Exit as such: U2R2U2L2U2R2U2L2U2R2U2D3LULULDLU2L. You get 832 seconds.

==Level 134: Microcosm==
==Level 134: Microcosm==
Step U2LU to get a chip. Run down to get more chips and a yellow key. Force down through the floors and key your way to the chip. Run right for 9 more chips. Go past the fireball cloner and avoid the blue walls to get the chip. Go left and up. You can trap the paramecium to get the chip. Run right and this time, stay ON the blue walls. Get the chip. Go up to another chip and left into the fireball trap area. Go up through this area and get the chip above you. Negotiate the toggle maze as is. The doors will swap; just wait for them to swap back. Run down and get the chip. Key past the blob and enter the next toggle maze. The doors will swap soon, so hold left. Wait for the next swap, then exit left. Pick up all 9 chips, then run down through the teeth and past the exit. Force over the force floors to a chip. Go right for 9 more chips. Beat the bees up to the last chip. Run right to the exit. You score 361 seconds.
The middle square can be thought of as a map, if you want. That means that what is in the center square you can expect to find in the corresponding 5x5 square of the level; chips in the 1/1 square, bugs in the 2/3 square, etc. Start with U2LU4D2RL and hold south to the chip, then turn east and take 9 chips. Resume moving east, then north to a blue wall maze where all blue walls are real. Take the chip, move LU through the rooms, and continue U2RDR from the chip. This time, stay '''on''' the blue walls to take the chip, the one above, and west into another room. From this trap, move 2U2L3U5L, step to the center, and hold down to another chip. Bust through the green doors to the west and move 2LU (wait) U through the toggle maze before you pick up the chips, superpower down to another chip, take nine more in the next room, and steal the last chip from the bees. The exit is to the west; you score a microscopic 361 (!) seconds.

==Level 135: Zartacla==
==Level 135: Zartacla==
Get the red key and switch the toggle doors. Open the right red door and get the blue key. Swap blue keys at the left, and then hit the toggle button twice. Swap for a red key. Swap that for a yellow key. DO NOT open the yellow door yet. Instead go left and push the top block. Open the left side of the dirt so that teeth can hit the button. Now go down and right. At the second pairing of water, push both blocks into it. Get all the keys. Go back to the left and push the bottom block. Open all the doors and clone teeth. Get the chip and wait for them to open the trap. Get the suction boots and go to the top. Push the first block open to water through. Take the left force fork and open a red door. Circle counter-clockwise to get a block. Push it onto the floors. Open the red door to the right and free the tank; then switch it. Follow the dirt to the ice skates. Retrace your steps through the invisible walls and switch the tank back again. Exit out. Go to the right side and push the bottom of two blocks through the water. Free the glider and pass the bomb it blew up. Open the last four doors and get the chips. Go back to the "lockers" and get the last chip. Go to the lower left and pass the socket. Go 4DL2D2RU to get the fire boots. Continue 2UL and wait. Run out of the area. Push the middle block on the left side and exit for 402 seconds.
It's Alcatraz spelled backwards, so don't expect to escape. Just give up. (Nah....)
Escape! Start with R3UL5R3DLUR2U, swap blue keys to the west, touch the button ''twice'', and take the two keys at the top. Push through the top block, from where you can see the goal of the center block, and move 3UR2U through the dirt before passing all the way down and 5RDUR2D to open both red and blue keys to your availability. Return to the three-block path and move the bottom block out, then pass through the four blue doors and touch the clone button before standing on the trap. It will take 11 "oof" moves before the teeth release you; run out of this, turn north, and push the first block open to water through.
Take the left fork and open the red door, then step 2URU3LDRDLD and shove the block onto the train to explode the bomb to the east. Free this tank, swap it, and follow the dirt to the ice skates, then return with 4U2L4D2L2U2L2D2L2R2U2R2U4L2D and west. Step off the train, then turn east with 7R5D7R6U, which will cause the bomb to explode. Open the four doors, then continue with D3LD2LDL4D6R and turn north, and move back to the "lockers" to take the final chip (the toggle door opens, thanks to the bug!) Keep going west, then down t the socket, and 4DL2D2RU to get the fire boots. Continue 2UL and wait, then run out of the area and push the middle block on the left side to access the exit, worth 402 seconds.

==Level 136: Switch Hit==
==Level 136: Switch Hit==