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(Added note to 130, plus 131 and 132.)
(133 to 135.)
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==Level 133: Block Maze==
==Level 133: Block Maze==
Push the first block down and move the other one around to follow it. Go to the right and down to a bee room. Beat the bees and pick up the dozen yellow keys. Get all six chips below you, using the blocks to stop the balls as you cross sides. Move left to open a door. You see a bunch of blocks and a couple of paramecia. Push the lower two blocks into the water, then the one directly above the gravel. Push both lower blocks down one, then take the one you have and push it through. Go back up to the top left and use that block. Push the upper left block down one, then use the block SE of it. Take each of the last three one by one. Get the blue key. Continue going left and then move back up, near the start. Go to the lower gravel (above a few blocks) and open three dirt squares to the left. Then, follow the path of blocks and go through the doors. Push L2D to get the red key. Go back up and right to the red door. (Open the dirt in your line on the way.) Take the lower block and push it onto the lower strip of gravel. Go get another one and put it 2 squares above it. Take it left to prepare to push up. Detour down for a moment and push all the blocks into the bombs to get to the toggle button. Press it and go back up, pushing the block into the water. Open the door and get the chip. Now, repeat the block pattern to get another block into this room. Open the door again and take the last block in to get the remaining chips. Circle left and to the top. Open the two yellow doors and get the chip. Turn right and open the blue door. Push strings of blocks both ways to get two chips. Finally, go right again. Open three more yellow doors and build a bridge to the last chip. Run right to return to the bee area. Go right and open the last yellow door. Push the block up and zigzag left and right to get the green key behind the chip socket and blocks. Go left, zigzag the blocks out of the way, and unlock the exit. You get 832 seconds.
It's just that - a block maze. Free yourself with 7D5U2RUR3D and move the block into the second water, then continue with D2R2U5RD2R5D2RU (wait) and collect the 12 keys. Below you is a row of blocks and balls; take the first chip and resume with 2D (wait) 2D2RD2U (wait) 2U2LUL2U7L2D, which leads to a new room. Start with 2L4DRDRDRD and use the two blocks on the gravel, the next block right above the gravel, and move 3R4URDR2DRD to allow yourself to use this block. Follow with the extreme north-west block, then move the upper block of the western two D and follow with R4DRD, using this block, and take the final three blocks individually.
With the blue key in your possession, turn west 4L, then 4U6L4R6DL2DL and emerge back out to the ''upper'' row of gravel. Resume with 5RD2R2D2LDL3URU4LDL, move the block 5U7D via use of the start, and go collect the next block, which goes on the top strip. Lodge the lower block into the dirt, step DL, and before you push it up, detour 4D2L3UR and down to the toggle button. When this is complete, resume with the other block, and take the upper block down and replace it with the remaining block in the center room. After the last two blocks are in the water, take all the chips from the room, and take the path to the west and up to another chip.
Keep to the east, open the blue door, and step 2U2RUD9L to collect the chips. Continue east to three more yellow doors, which lead to a block cloner. Build a bridge to the final chip, then take the shortcut on the top to return to the bug room, where the final yellow door is waiting. Exit as such: U2R2U2L2U2R2U2L2U2R2U2D3LULULDLU2L. You get 832 seconds.

==Level 134: Microcosm==
==Level 134: Microcosm==
Step U2LU to get a chip. Run down to get more chips and a yellow key. Force down through the floors and key your way to the chip. Run right for 9 more chips. Go past the fireball cloner and avoid the blue walls to get the chip. Go left and up. You can trap the paramecium to get the chip. Run right and this time, stay ON the blue walls. Get the chip. Go up to another chip and left into the fireball trap area. Go up through this area and get the chip above you. Negotiate the toggle maze as is. The doors will swap; just wait for them to swap back. Run down and get the chip. Key past the blob and enter the next toggle maze. The doors will swap soon, so hold left. Wait for the next swap, then exit left. Pick up all 9 chips, then run down through the teeth and past the exit. Force over the force floors to a chip. Go right for 9 more chips. Beat the bees up to the last chip. Run right to the exit. You score 361 seconds.
The middle square can be thought of as a map, if you want. That means that what is in the center square you can expect to find in the corresponding 5x5 square of the level; chips in the 1/1 square, bugs in the 2/3 square, etc. Start with U2LU4D2RL and hold south to the chip, then turn east and take 9 chips. Resume moving east, then north to a blue wall maze where all blue walls are real. Take the chip, move LU through the rooms, and continue U2RDR from the chip. This time, stay '''on''' the blue walls to take the chip, the one above, and west into another room. From this trap, move 2U2L3U5L, step to the center, and hold down to another chip. Bust through the green doors to the west and move 2LU (wait) U through the toggle maze before you pick up the chips, superpower down to another chip, take nine more in the next room, and steal the last chip from the bees. The exit is to the west; you score a microscopic 361 (!) seconds.

==Level 135: Zartacla==
==Level 135: Zartacla==
Get the red key and switch the toggle doors. Open the right red door and get the blue key. Swap blue keys at the left, and then hit the toggle button twice. Swap for a red key. Swap that for a yellow key. DO NOT open the yellow door yet. Instead go left and push the top block. Open the left side of the dirt so that teeth can hit the button. Now go down and right. At the second pairing of water, push both blocks into it. Get all the keys. Go back to the left and push the bottom block. Open all the doors and clone teeth. Get the chip and wait for them to open the trap. Get the suction boots and go to the top. Push the first block open to water through. Take the left force fork and open a red door. Circle counter-clockwise to get a block. Push it onto the floors. Open the red door to the right and free the tank; then switch it. Follow the dirt to the ice skates. Retrace your steps through the invisible walls and switch the tank back again. Exit out. Go to the right side and push the bottom of two blocks through the water. Free the glider and pass the bomb it blew up. Open the last four doors and get the chips. Go back to the "lockers" and get the last chip. Go to the lower left and pass the socket. Go 4DL2D2RU to get the fire boots. Continue 2UL and wait. Run out of the area. Push the middle block on the left side and exit for 402 seconds.
It's Alcatraz spelled backwards, so don't expect to escape. Just give up. (Nah....)
Escape! Start with R3UL5R3DLUR2U, swap blue keys to the west, touch the button ''twice'', and take the two keys at the top. Push through the top block, from where you can see the goal of the center block, and move 3UR2U through the dirt before passing all the way down and 5RDUR2D to open both red and blue keys to your availability. Return to the three-block path and move the bottom block out, then pass through the four blue doors and touch the clone button before standing on the trap. It will take 11 "oof" moves before the teeth release you; run out of this, turn north, and push the first block open to water through.
Take the left fork and open the red door, then step 2URU3LDRDLD and shove the block onto the train to explode the bomb to the east. Free this tank, swap it, and follow the dirt to the ice skates, then return with 4U2L4D2L2U2L2D2L2R2U2R2U4L2D and west. Step off the train, then turn east with 7R5D7R6U, which will cause the bomb to explode. Open the four doors, then continue with D3LD2LDL4D6R and turn north, and move back to the "lockers" to take the final chip (the toggle door opens, thanks to the bug!) Keep going west, then down t the socket, and 4DL2D2RU to get the fire boots. Continue 2UL and wait, then run out of the area and push the middle block on the left side to access the exit, worth 402 seconds.

==Level 136: Switch Hit==
==Level 136: Switch Hit==

Revision as of 02:48, 21 October 2008

This is a continuation of the walkthrough for Chip's Challenge Level Pack 2. Levels 121 (Flame Boy) through 140 (Keep Trying) will be discussed on this page.

Level 121: Flame Boy

Spiral outwards, following the fireball, then dodge DLU, step on the thief, and shove the block R8L2ULD2LU4L. Wait half a move, then follow the block, and because you can "accelerate" a pair of moves after waiting half a move (see Madness 2's solution), you can step directly up into the exit! FLAME OFF - 283 seconds.

Level 122: Warehouse II

This is going to be a very long one, so stay around...

This level contains four major rooms: the north room with eight blocks and eight buttons in it, the west room with a bunch of blocks, the central room with a series of circular pathways, and the south room with a lot of buttons. Your goal is to complete the puzzle in the north room with the eight blocks, then move the seven blocks in the west room through the central room and into the south room to stay. However, the tricky part is that you can't complete the north room without blocking off a vital pathway through the central room.

Start by entering the north room and throwing that first block (on button 4) 4U, then continue as such: 4D2LD4L2UR2U6L2DRULU5R2U4R4DL2DRULU2R, which covers the north-east button again. The block that was moved earlier goes 2U, then step 3D3L2D2L, up, right, and rest this block on button 3. Continue 2D5LR2UR3UD5L2D2RU and bring this block to the right, then keep moving the top block until you are standing on button 8. Move 2U, then exit this area and go to the middle, where a block stops up the pathway between the north and center. This belongs U, and then move to the west room.

At the first choice of paths, continue 3L4U2L3UL2U and all the way southeast, then all the way back northwest, followed with 2DR3D3RU2LR5D3L2U2R and exit the west room with the block on the bottom. Turn north ASAP, then knock the block L3D6UL (which you will see again many times) and then take the top fork through the west room. (This was take 1; whenever you see take 2, etc...move that block 3D6UL again, except when noted.)

This allows you to move one of the blocks D, and then use the block on the far south. When you can turn north, move the block back L, then go back to the north room, pass the buttons, and shove this block 3L, followed with 2UR3UD5L4DRDR. Move this block northeast, drop the top block onto button 6, and move the block in the center room 4R. Take 2! After this, go back to the block room, use the lowest block, and drop this block L when you can. Get the block on the right to move 4RD5R5D, then return to the north and move the loose block from button 6 to button 1. Resume with D3L2UL2R3U; this block belongs on button 6, and then return to the center, shove the block 4R, and shoot take 3 before returning to the west room.

Take the top fork, use the block on the far northwest, but don't return the block to the 4-way intersection until you jam the top block to the east. (This is scene 2...) Jog 4R2D6R2D2R2U into a new area, jam the block to the west, and move the block above you into its former place. Walk straight through the north room, moving the block from button 6 to 5, and shoot take 4 in the same way with 4R and L3D6UL. Take the straight path to the top of the block room, continue 3L2DL2RULU2L4D, and use this block before you shoot scene 2, take 2. After that, enter a new area by moving the south-east block down to the south room, then move it 6R and replace the position of that block with the one above. In turn, replace that one with the one above that, then walk through the north room and shoot scene 1, take 5.

Take the top fork to the block room, where you shove the top block LR2D2L and use the block below you. Shoot take 3 of scene 2, then once again move the block to the south against the wall, and now move to the east of the south room. Catch the loose block and shove it 2D9L, then replace it with the other block, replace the upper blocks, and run back through the north room and shoot take 6. Return to the west room for the final time, take the side path, and move the final block down, where you again shoot scene 2, take 4. Again, move the south block to the wall, then move the block on the right D and the new block 7R, followed by moving DRURUL, replacing the blocks, and shooting take 7 of scene 1, but without the final L. Instead, move the top block 4R and go straight to the south block. When you enter from the east, move the block on the top 2L, the new block 6R, and then replace the upper two blocks and enter the north room one final time.

This time, resume moving the blocks on the left. Start with the lower block 2L, then 3UD2L2U4R4L4DRDR4UD3R3U and, with no further need for the passage, move this block to button 6, and the other block to button 2. Exit the room, move the block in the way 3RU4R, then move the other block south and enter to the east. Nick the loose block U, the other block 6R, then move URD2RUL, replace the center block, enter the east of the north room and finish the puzzle, and then replace the top block. Return to the center, jam the one remaining block south, and then cover button 2 in the south room with the block on button 3. Move the new block 7R, take the last block from above and jam it south, and then pass directly to the left of the room to head towards the end.

Move the new block R, the loose block L, and continue with 2D5L2U4R4L2D5R2URUL, then circle to the top. This block will move all the way east and up onto button 4, while the blocks on the bottom hold down buttons 7 and 6. This ends it - go to the center and exit to collect the 451 hours...oops, seconds. It took that long! :)

Level 123: BlockSlide

It's possible that this is not just in the tough area of CCLP2, but actually the toughest bold in the entire set. You will not need superhuman boosting skills like level 85, but instead you need superhuman timing skills, as well as a computer, a CC copy, a week alone, and no wife or girlfriend to worry about. :)

Pick up the ice skates, wait half a move, then hit the clone button once, spring off, and hit it again so as to leave a 2-space gap. Step to the side, watch the second block, and clone a third block to make a 3-space gap. Step out again, then step on the button a fourth time directly after the block arrives at the sixth ice space; the block should clone and the other two should cling together. Step to the right, wait for the fourth block to be left alone two spaces below and two away from the string, then clone a fifth block and skate across the level to the right.

When the clock is about to turn to 796, wait half a move, then step down and up. One block should be going down now and three evenly spaced blocks going across. Step R, then wait for the blocks to squish into three; step down and you will catch a rebounding block. Return UR, then catch the first block as it hits the wall. Continue DLUR2ULU; wait for the block on the left to move, then step L. Now, wait for the approaching block to be one row below you and push it right. Step LD, wait for this block to be two rows above, and push it to the right. Add the third block to this stream, then step R2U and skate right.

One space away from the wall, step 2D to move another block further, then R2UD; wait half a move, then resume with D2L4DR2D and wait for the first block to hit itself on the wall. Now, you can spring RLR and continue running right. Dodge the blocks D at the first chance, wait half a move, then spring UR and prepare to intercept the block on the top. This block is rather jerky across the ice; it moves one step at a time. Catch it (you should now be at 783.8) and step R4U2L (wait) RU to free the chips.

Stay to the south wall, then when you can turn south, move 4DL2D to catch a block, then L7DLD5L and wait. Divert this block into the center bomb and collect 6 more chips. One section remains... Run to the left and stop when you reach 769.0; intercept the block coming from above L, then continue as follows: U4RDL5D (wait) RU3L (wait) DL5D (wait) and east to collect the remaining chips. Wend your way back through the level all the way to the strip on the extreme right of the level, and when the clock comes to the end of 752, a block will be sliding down to where you just were. Step L to intercept it, then resume with RD (wait) U6DR (wait 1/2 a move) LUL2D. Wait half a move again, then exit with UL4D4R. 800 - 54 = 746, but be prepared to give up another 346 for the divorce settlement. :)

Level 124: Paramecia

I find this level to be a tad annoying, but it is a complete challenge. Your goal is a suction boot somewhere in the level...

Start with R10U2L, follow the path to the flippers and ice skates, and wait until the paramecium is through the teleport before you step as follows: R (onto the ice) R3ULD2R4D3L3U3R, and open the remaining red doors before you settle into the west alcove. Wait for the paramecium to turn north, switch to the east, and then when it walks away, get the fire boots and use them to slide on the ice. Take the path from the thief to the force floor, slide all the way to the suction boot at the bottom of the level, and then return to the force floor, following with LULR3D6LD. As soon as the paramecium slides east, return to the path. Your goal is now the fire boot at the top of the level which allows you to return to the start and use the suction boot...

Resume skating 8L3U4L2U (wait) 20U18R5U2R3LDR4DLD, then jump behind the approaching paramecium from the east and skate all the way back to the up-and-down ice strip with the three red doors still on it. Wait for the paramecium to slide to the bottom, then move L2UR (wait) L2UL, and return to the start to exit with a time of 228.

Level 125: Blocks 'n Bombs

It turns out that an entire section of this level is not required, so you can finish it in only 68 seconds. As such, run 7RD2R2URU2LDL2DLR2UR, pass the dirt, take the goodies on the left, and use the suction boots to return to the start. This time, take the bottom force slide, move DR to override the force floors, and touch the toggle button. Step R in synchronization with the tick down to 282, then resume RDR2U3LD2R, use this block, and then the next one. Before you step on the button for block four, wait a move, and then use blocks five and six without impediment. With both keys, open the two doors in the center of the level and move all the way east into the bug circle.

Touch the clone button, continue with 3D2L (wait) 5LDLD (wait) R2U2R2D (wait for the bee to pass upwards) L, which locks the bug in a 2x1 cell. Rejoin the circle and clone another block to permanently imprison the bug, then shove the free block out of the way and take the final chip before you throw the block against the chip sockets. Circle U2L2D2RU, or the other way, to remove the sockets, then continue 3LDLU2R2DLD. With the button blocked off, the fireballs will cease, and you can exit to score 232.

Level 126: Dodge!

This level is a very easy little jumble when you figure out the patterns, and with only a few seconds spent in the namesake maneuver, it won't be long.

Zigzag DRUR to the ice skates, then move 2D2L and zigzag ULDLULDLD. Halfway done...wait three moves, step D3R, wait another move, and step D. Wait again, then move U3R (wait) D (wait) UR3D. For the last area, step 3LDLU3L2DLR2D, which will send you on a long ice slide to the exit located just under you, and no more dodging! It's 156.

Level 127: Escape from Chipkatraz

Escape from the prison, pass the paramecia, and step on the gravel. Continue with L (wait) 2R2D7R2D2R, take the green key, and move south to the yellow key. Emerge from the gliders, move the lower left block 3L and up through the paramecia, and then take a detour 2R into the upper yellow door. Resume with 2RDRLR2LU3L2U, open both doors, and cover the first water space. Continue with the north-west block, and then return to just behind the south-east block of the X. Move as thus:

3LRURUD2R2U, use this block, and then move the top block 3L followed by using the lower block. Move the last block L and finish the bridge to exit the level...INMATE 112 MISSING. 112 SECONDS.

Level 128: Fantasy Island

You won't really need the block if you just watch how you collect the chips.

Move U3LU4LU5RD, zigzag RURD until you reach the east, then zigzag ULDL to the west. Continue to run all the way east and all the way west, follow with U2LULURUR2D2RD, and move right, left, right, and left. Now, move right again, duck under the block, and stop before you take the last chip. Return left and take the remaining chips about any way you like, then take the flippers and swim around to the exit. 336 seconds have become a reality.

Level 129: Miscellaneous

This level looks like it's going to be a multisectioned, extensive affair, but in fact, this level is busted!

2R3DR6D2RD5RDUR2DRDL (wait three) 2LR (wait) 2LU exits the level in only seven seconds! 593 seconds are left.

Level 130: Frozen Birdbath

This is a tightly packed boosting level, so this is the pure route:


(Note: The "special messages" from levels 60, 70, 80, etc. and 149 are carried over to CCLP2 with no changes, so while the message for this level fits where it was originally intended (before Totally Unfair), it has undergone no change.)

Level 131: Time Bomb

This is the type of level you'll just have to listen to me on. It's not an easy solution to figure out.

Start with the obvious D7R2D, then continue to move 8D7L5U, which allows you to take the three chips in this level. Run to the row of sockets below and open the second socket, then step 2R2L10RU (you'll take those later) LD2R3LD4R3U2D and run left to get the remaining tools. From the blue key, jog up to the doors and open them to get another block, which should be pushed 2U (obvious and forced) 5R19D4R, then 2U after you move the block below it R.

Flick the other block D, clone a glider, and then move the block above the button 3D, followed by the block east of the button 3D, the other block 5L, the other one 7L, then the other one U, and finally move the other block 21U. Make a detour to the west, shove the block by the chip room onto the fire (3U), and pick the other block back up as the glider starts to chase you! When it's also on a burning pit at the far north, step 5LD (wait) UL (wait) U3R to exit with 241 seconds still left on the timer.

Level 132: Captured

If you want the bold, the mouse is required. Remember Debug File, your first lesson in mouse use? It's going to be everywhere. This level is based on moving three blocks around and using two of them to allow the third one to be "oof"ed westward one column at a time, while also dealing with gliders from both directions!

Mouse route for 249: 6UL2URL2DR3U2DR, and follow the path to the third block. Shove this 3D, use block 2 to bridge to the main section, and circle around to move block 3 3RD2R2D5L2D2L. Circle back through the water maze, approach the block from the bottom, and step URU and click on the space 2LD from you. The block and you move at the same time, while simply pushing left and stepping down takes up two moves.

When you make this maneuver, make sure to hit the keys hard in order to override the mouse, otherwise Chip will continue going in the direction he was directed to.

Follow this route through the rest of the level from where the mouse click moves Chip down: LDLUL2URDRD (click down) LDL2URU (click up, that is, 2LU from you) LULD (wait) DRD (click up) LUL2DRD (click up) LUL2DRD (click down) LDL2URU (click down) [repeat five more times], and 2DL3UL. Now, move the block into the water below the exit and exit the level.

Key-only route for 246: Move the same in the beginning until you get ready to start moving block 3 west. Approach the block from the top instead, and then follow the route as posted (the directions include westward "oof"s): DRDLU (wait 2) LULDL2DRURULDLDL2URULUL3D (wait) L2URULDLDL2URULULUL2DRDLDLDL2URULDLDL2URULULUL2DRDLDLDL2URULDLDL2U (wait 5) RU (wait) LDLDL2URULDLDL2URULULDLDL3U.

Level 133: Block Maze

It's just that - a block maze. Free yourself with 7D5U2RUR3D and move the block into the second water, then continue with D2R2U5RD2R5D2RU (wait) and collect the 12 keys. Below you is a row of blocks and balls; take the first chip and resume with 2D (wait) 2D2RD2U (wait) 2U2LUL2U7L2D, which leads to a new room. Start with 2L4DRDRDRD and use the two blocks on the gravel, the next block right above the gravel, and move 3R4URDR2DRD to allow yourself to use this block. Follow with the extreme north-west block, then move the upper block of the western two D and follow with R4DRD, using this block, and take the final three blocks individually.

With the blue key in your possession, turn west 4L, then 4U6L4R6DL2DL and emerge back out to the upper row of gravel. Resume with 5RD2R2D2LDL3URU4LDL, move the block 5U7D via use of the start, and go collect the next block, which goes on the top strip. Lodge the lower block into the dirt, step DL, and before you push it up, detour 4D2L3UR and down to the toggle button. When this is complete, resume with the other block, and take the upper block down and replace it with the remaining block in the center room. After the last two blocks are in the water, take all the chips from the room, and take the path to the west and up to another chip.

Keep to the east, open the blue door, and step 2U2RUD9L to collect the chips. Continue east to three more yellow doors, which lead to a block cloner. Build a bridge to the final chip, then take the shortcut on the top to return to the bug room, where the final yellow door is waiting. Exit as such: U2R2U2L2U2R2U2L2U2R2U2D3LULULDLU2L. You get 832 seconds.

Level 134: Microcosm

The middle square can be thought of as a map, if you want. That means that what is in the center square you can expect to find in the corresponding 5x5 square of the level; chips in the 1/1 square, bugs in the 2/3 square, etc. Start with U2LU4D2RL and hold south to the chip, then turn east and take 9 chips. Resume moving east, then north to a blue wall maze where all blue walls are real. Take the chip, move LU through the rooms, and continue U2RDR from the chip. This time, stay on the blue walls to take the chip, the one above, and west into another room. From this trap, move 2U2L3U5L, step to the center, and hold down to another chip. Bust through the green doors to the west and move 2LU (wait) U through the toggle maze before you pick up the chips, superpower down to another chip, take nine more in the next room, and steal the last chip from the bees. The exit is to the west; you score a microscopic 361 (!) seconds.

Level 135: Zartacla

It's Alcatraz spelled backwards, so don't expect to escape. Just give up. (Nah....)

Escape! Start with R3UL5R3DLUR2U, swap blue keys to the west, touch the button twice, and take the two keys at the top. Push through the top block, from where you can see the goal of the center block, and move 3UR2U through the dirt before passing all the way down and 5RDUR2D to open both red and blue keys to your availability. Return to the three-block path and move the bottom block out, then pass through the four blue doors and touch the clone button before standing on the trap. It will take 11 "oof" moves before the teeth release you; run out of this, turn north, and push the first block open to water through.

Take the left fork and open the red door, then step 2URU3LDRDLD and shove the block onto the train to explode the bomb to the east. Free this tank, swap it, and follow the dirt to the ice skates, then return with 4U2L4D2L2U2L2D2L2R2U2R2U4L2D and west. Step off the train, then turn east with 7R5D7R6U, which will cause the bomb to explode. Open the four doors, then continue with D3LD2LDL4D6R and turn north, and move back to the "lockers" to take the final chip (the toggle door opens, thanks to the bug!) Keep going west, then down t the socket, and 4DL2D2RU to get the fire boots. Continue 2UL and wait, then run out of the area and push the middle block on the left side to access the exit, worth 402 seconds.

Level 136: Switch Hit

Clone a block and push it onto the toggle button. Take another block and push it up and left. Get another and build another bridge up. Hit the button twice and get another block. Push it into the cross and switch walls twice. Push the next block to the left, below the last. Move the upper block into the water to the left. Leave the dirt and go down and around. Get another block and do the same thing. Pass the dirt and switch the walls. Bring the block 3DLD and switch walls. Push it down, right, and down. Switch walls and push it off the wall. Repeat, then circle left and down. (You must use the mouse bug the second push in order to get the top score.) Switch again and push the block down into the water. Switch again and take the next block down the same way, but leave it one square below the old water. Switch again and push it right. Get the green key. Run left and up to get the chip at the top left. Go back to the start and push a block right. Take another one and push it down. Take the next one all the way down. Push the block right and switch walls. A new option is open to the right; push the block down and then through the new, open wall. Push the block down and switch. Push it off the wall and go back to the start. (Switch the walls back along the way.) Take one last block and continue the down-track. Push the last button twice and enter the exit to the right. You switched 423 seconds onto your computer.

Level 137: Iron Mysticus

Follow the fireball outwards and go left through the teleport at the end. Get the green key and port right. (When I say "switch tanks" I mean go to the room at the start with the teleport, and then go down through it. Then you hit the tank button and return to your last spot.) Get the red key, swap for a blue key and get the fire boots. Switch tanks and swap for a yellow key, followed by a red key. Switch tanks and swap for a blue key. Switch again and swap for a yellow key, then get the red key. This time, go up through the teleport. From here, you are taken right to the tank button, so be prepared. Swap for a blue key and switch tanks. Swap for a yellow key, then a red key, and switch tanks. Swap for a blue key and leave this one behind. Now, go left through the teleport. Swap for a yellow key and switch tanks. Swap for a red key and then a blue one, and switch tanks again. This time, run down past the tank button. Swap for a yellow and then a red key, and open the toggle walls. Switch tanks and swap for a blue key. Switch again and go up. Swap for a yellow key and then a red key, and exit the area. Switch tanks and go left through. Swap for a blue key and switch tanks. Swap for a yellow key and then for a red key. You now have all the chips; go back through the teleport and to the start. Swap the red key for an exit and 400 seconds.

Level 138: Patrolled

Get the green key and pass the door, and then wait. Run left and get two yellow keys. Continue left and pass the green door to a chip. Go back to the start and switch the tanks above you twice. Go up and run left. Swap for a blue key. Move right and swap for red. Circle around you and swap for blue. The tanks switch, so swap for red just to the left. Go back to the left side and swap for blue. Run down and swap for red. Continue down and step right, out of the way. The tanks switch. Run past it and swap for blue. Jump in front of the tank and swap for red. Continue right and swap for blue. Continue right and swap for red, and also get the chip to the right. Switch the tanks, jump in front of the tank above you, and swap for blue. they switch again, so squeeze down past the tank and swap for red. Switch the tanks twice and run right to swap for blue. Also, get the two yellow keys and chip past the green door. Go up and swap for red. The tank passes by; run right and up to the upper right corner of the level to swap for blue. Wait for the tank and go left to swap for red. Retreat and swap for blue. Go left and only get the chip. You don't need any more keys (well, except the three yellow keys past the chip socket to the left). Go get them and pass by the last spot again. Switch the tanks twice and run left. Hit the gravel and open all six yellow doors to exit. The tanks are fired and you score 481.

Level 139: Frostbite

This level is extremely difficult to figure out, and that's only half the puzzle: You also have to bring your boosting mindset into this level. This level was the last level that I (the person writing this guide) finished in this set.

First of all, the teeth are not a problem.

Most of the level is composed of steps rather than routes. Thus, move as directed:

To NW section: 2ULDLDL (into section) URLDLRURDULRULRD2URU2D2U2DLDLD. Now you are exiting this section and the clock should be at 394.8. Ride the ice to the next chip.

To SW section: DLDRDRD (now you move in) LUDRDULURLDULDUR2LUL2R2L2RDRDR. Notice the pattern is much the same. You are now leaving this area and the clock should be at 387.8. Ride the ice again.

To SE section: RDRURUR (you move in) DLRURLDLUDRLDRLU2DLD2U2D2URURU. Once again, the pattern is identical, and you are leaving at 380.8.

To NE section and exit: URULULDU (in) RDULUDR. Here, the pattern changes: UDLRUDLRUDL2RDR2L2RDR2LUD. Hold the right arrow to jump into the exit.

If you don't have bite, don't expect to get 373; this is the bold score on this level and it is nearly impossible unless you remember the patterns.

Level 140: Keep Trying

Odd-step is required for this route.

Run left through the walls and teleport left. Now teleport up. Get the four red keys and teleport RL. Go through the red doors and get the three yellow keys. Open some of the doors and push the block (by the yellow door) up into the teleport. (In TW, you must wait two moves before you follow; you'll have to do that anyway later.) You open up a secret back-door route. Zigzag your way through the tanks and get the chip at the end. Go up to the green key and then pick up the yellow keys. When you go back down to the bottom, run left. Approach the yellow key above you, but then wait three moves for the tank by oofing once and stepping on the toggle button ONE extra time. Get the yellow key at the top, then step 2D4L2D2L, down, and right; under the block is a blue key. Backtrack, run up and go through all the doors. Step on the first gravel and go 4R2U6R2U2R3DR2D2R. Avoid the tank, then step 2RU4RURUR3LDU2L, wait one move, and then resume. Go all the way to the right and through all five yellow doors (ignore the key to the right). Get the chips on the right end and then zigzag down to get the rest. You can fit through the tanks. Pass the chip socket and go through the random force floors. After the zigzag, take the down path. Optimally, you should have 518 left on the clock here. You will eventually reach fire boots (hopefully around 514, maybe by 515 because of intelligent moving, and of course, luck, luck, luck.) Get them and go all the way back to just under the teeth. Push the block into the water (you should be at about 503.6, that's when I got there). Take a look at where the tank is, because in this level, it operates like a pink ball would. It takes six moves to hold the button down, so if this will cause you to wait less for the tank, then do it. Otherwise, wait and do it later. Sneak past the tank, then open the wall under the left fire and pass the fire. Go through more random force floors and hold the down key when you get near the intersection. You push the lower block and get suction boots. Go back, and very important: hit the toggle button near the tank! Now, push the block onto the brown button if you haven't yet, then go through the other random force floors and take the top path. Go through the two consecutive toggle walls (you shouldn't have to wait at all from the entrance to here if you remembered to press the button one last time) and hold left to get to the exit. Your time depends on your luck, and specific sections of the route through the force floors should be completed by a certain time as indicated in order to get the current high score on this level: 479 (held by me). The theoretical maximum has been calculated to be 488 seconds, but this score would (experimentally) take aeons.