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This page is about what to expect when you play stages in Lunia. For how to access a stage, refer to the getting started page.


Episode 1

Stage 1-1

  • From the starting point, go east until you hit rocks. Break the rocks, kill all the wolves that spawn.
  • When you reach the lane with falling rocks, tread carefully to the North.
  • Go east, killing all wolves and leader wolves.
  • Go east, kill all Orcs.
  • Go east, open bonus chest and complete stage.

Stage 1-2

  • From starting point, go west, kill all orcs.
  • Go east into village via its southern exit, and after meeting Lache and seeing orc army, go north and kill some orcs. Eventually the northern exit of the village is open.
  • Go west from the northern exit, kill all orcs on your way to the magic book on the northwest.
  • After you get the book, go back to the village. Give the book to Bradford within 1 minute.
  • After you give Bradford the book, a 3 minute timer will start. Protect Bradford for this 3 minutes. Lache will help.
  • When the timer is getting low, stronger enemies will start coming. Don't try to kill them, especially the Ogre Lords and the Catapults, because they have a lot of HP and deal a lot of damage. Merely try to lure them so that they don't attack Bradford directly, although by the time some orcs manage to reach Bradford, the timer should be very low or run out altogether.
  • After timer runs out, all enemies are killed. Stage complete.

Stage 1-3

  • From start, go east, kill all orcs and break rocks.
  • Go east, kill all orcs on the way until you reach a 3-way junction. To the east of junction is a chest with restorative item, but your main destination is to the north.
  • Go north, kill all slimes and orcs (thankfully, the slimes and orcs are fighting each other). Go until you reach blockade, then kill everything, especially the three giant slimes.
  • Go west, kill everyone, and when you hit a turning, go north.
  • BOSS FIGHT: Giant Slime
    • Attack 1: It spins in place, glowing green, spitting goo in 8 directions. Stand where the goo won't hit (they all travel in straight lines)
    • Attack 2: It spins in place without glowing. This summons multiple small slimes that don't give Exp or items, so don't wait for the boss to summon more.
    • Attack 3: It rears back glowing green. Try to run away as far as possible or get behind it. It will shoot multiple goo that can steer their way to you if you're in the way.
    • Attack 4: It rears back glowing red. Preferably get behind it (running away may not work this time), because it will spit a red homing stream that hits multiple times and deals MASSIVE damage, effectively killing you in one attack if hits.
      • Tips: Fight this boss up close, only staying away when it summons its minions. Always try to sneak on its back, because some of its attacks are useless when you're not in front of it.
  • Kill boss to complete stage.

Stage 1-4

  • SUB BOSS: Giant Spider
  • BOSS FIGHT: Ogre Lord
      • Lache will help you greatly in this fight, especially if he's not injured too much before the boss.

Stage 1-5

  • BOSS FIGHT: Ogre Lord
      • Destroy the arrow towers first, because they will annoy you during the fight.

Stage 1-6

  • BOSS FIGHT: Mad Goblin Warrior of Darkness

Stage 1-7

  • BOSS FIGHT: Giant Mushroom

Stage 1-8

  • BOSS FIGHT: Giant Tree Spirit

Stage 1-9

  • BOSS FIGHT: Giant Spider

Stage 1-10

  • SUB BOSS: Giant Mushroom
  • SUB BOSS: Bear Spirit
  • SUB BOSS: Giant Tree Spirit
  • BOSS FIGHT: Guardian of Lost Temple (a.k.a. Rotem Guardian)
      • Don't get hit. Considering that its main punch attack stuns and does a lot of damage, if it decides to spam that attack, you're toast especially if you don't have a party.

Episode 2

Stage 2-1

  • BOSS FIGHT: Giant Snowman

Stage 2-2

  • BOSS FIGHT: Dark Elf Healer
      • Tips: Take care of her minions first. Be careful of the Moon Wizardes, who comes up at you, does a massive area attack, then retreats immediately. Once she has no minions, she's easy, because she can be knocked down.

Stage 2-3

Stage 2-4

  • BOSS FIGHT: Snow Queen

Stage 2-5

  • BOSS FIGHT: Dark Elf Archer Captain
      • Tips: Do your best to keep her downed, because if she manages to attack, you will get really hurt.

Stage 2-6

  • SUB BOSS: Dark Elf Sharpshooter (immediately appears when you destroy the last portal)
  • BOSS FIGHT: Saracenia

Stage 2-7

  • BOSS FIGHT: Blade Claw Lord
      • Tips: Try keeping your distance. Its claw combo attack comes out really fast, but it has relatively low range. Get up close only when its doing its fireball attack.

Stage 2-8

  • BOSS FIGHT: Evil Eye Master

Stage 2-9

  • BOSS FIGHT: Hell Knight

Stage 2-10

  • SUB BOSS: Little Blade Claw Lord
  • SUB BOSS: Hell Knight
  • SUB BOSS: Evil Eye's Master Cow
  • BOSS FIGHT: Drake
      • If possible, get yourself a party with healer.
