Flying Hero/Stages

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While it's good to know the make up of the stage you are about to face, most of this game is reflexes and luck. There isn't a ton of strategy to employ beyond trying to bounce the Flying Hero back in the direction you want him to go. That being said, there are some stage firsts that you should be aware of.

Notable first stages[edit]

Stage 1
This first stage is your introduction to the game. All of the windows are in close proximity to one another, so it's relatively easy to either hit a fire, or collect an occupant. The bird that flies around will be a constant obstacle on every stage, so learn how the Flying Hero bounces off of it when they collide. Since this is the first stage, there's a very high likelihood of you getting an item such as the Horn, the Radio, or the Matoi.
Stage 5
This is the first stage that scrolls vertically. As a result, you'll be sending the Flying Hero much higher into the sky to accomplish anything. It is important to understand what happens to the two firemen on the ground whenever they scroll off the bottom of the screen. As soon as the Flying Hero drops down enough for the two firemen to come back into view, they appear directly beneath the Flying Hero, regardless of where they were standing before the disappeared. It is also extremely difficult to ever collect items that fall from the windows unless the Flying Hero is already dropping down when the items appear.
Stage 6
This is the first space stage. The only difference between a space stage and any other stage, is the appearance of a UFO instead of a bird. The UFO and the bird serve the same purpose: as an item that moves around the screen and that the Flying Hero bounces off of.