The Castle of Dr. Brain/Clock room

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Revision as of 20:00, 22 June 2021 by Henke37 (talk | contribs) (Explain the buttons)

Welcome to one of the most annoying rooms of the game. As you enter this room, you are hit by a wave of annoying sounds and motions that you must stop before you can move on. The catch is that you must solve this puzzle while listening to the annoying sounds and after 60 seconds, the puzzle will reset. You can look at the four buttons to get an explanation of what each does, there is no need to experiment to figure out what each does.

I'm going to assume that you're a normal person who will want this clamor to stop as soon as possible so instead of explaining the puzzle, I'll just give you the code to make it all stop. On any difficulty, hit the numbers in this order (numbered from top to bottom): 1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 1

The noises will go silent, the distractions will stop, and the clock on the wall will whirl around a bit before giving control back to you. When it does, click on the desk drawer on the left side of the screen to start the next puzzle.

Hourglass Puzzle

This puzzle involves measuring out forty seconds using two hourglasses whose times are fixed. The novice difficulty will ask you to measure it out with a 25-second hourglass and a 15-second hourglass, while the standard and expert difficulties will ask you to measure out 40 seconds with a 15-second hourglass and a 35 second hourglass. For the novice difficulty, push begin, then flip the 15-second hourglass when the 25-second one runs out, then hit the open button when the 15-secon hourglass runs out. For the standard and expert difficulty puzzles, hit begin to start both hourglasses. Flip the 15-second hourglass when it runs out the first time, then again when it runs out the second time. When the 35-second hourglass runs out, flip the 15-second hourglass back over. When it runs out, hit the open button.

If done correctly, the open button will open the desk drawer. Take the yellow punch cards out of the door and click on the punch clock on the wall.

Time Clock Puzzle

Each of the punch cards have been used at three previous times distanced by the same time interval. To solve this puzzle, you must punch in at the next time in the sequence. Though at first it may look like you'll be sitting around for a couple of hours waiting for the correct time to show up, it's much easier than that. Use the yellow key to the left of the punch cards to open the time clock. On each of the difficulty levels, the punch cards display the same time. You'll need to punch the first card in at 4:48, the second at 11:00, and 1:45 for the third card. To modify the time, hit the circular metal disc beneath the corresponding clock digit shown inside the time clock's inner circuitry.

After the third number is punched in, the door in the back of the room will open, revealing an elevator car.