Portopia Renzoku Satsujin Jiken/Gameplay

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The Famicom version uses a menu input system, with B button used to alternate between the two menus.

The following commands are in the first menu:

Text English Result
 ばしょいどう  Move Travels to a different location.
 ひとに きけ  Ask Ask a person about something or question locals.
 ひと しらべろ  Investigate someone Provides information about the person (Job, personal life, alibi)
 なたか みせろ  Show item shows an item to someone
 ひと さがせ  Look for someone searches for a missing individual
 よべ  Call out Either summons an individual to the police station, or shouts.
 たいほ しろ  Arrest Arrests an individual.

The second menu contains:

Text English Result
 なにか しらべろ  Examine thing Provides details about an item (carried, or on-screen)
 もちもの  Evidence Shows the list of evidence.
 たたけ  Hit Strikes an object on-screen.
 なにか とれ  Take Takes an item into evidence
 すいり しろ  Theorize Asks Yasu for an opinion about a person
 でんわ かけろ  Dial Phone Calls a given phone number.
 そうさ やめろ  Close case Closes the case as solved. The chief will reopen it if there's a problem.


In Japan, there are a few special numbers that may be dialed. These special phone numbers aren't required, but are present if needed.

  • 104, a phone directory service
  • 110, the emergency police line
  • 119, the emergency fire/medical line.