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A) Joystick: The only control that you need to play, the joystick helps you direct Pac-Man through the maze. You can hold the joystick in direction that you would like Pac-Man to go before he is able to turn that way, and he will turn as soon as possible.
B) 1 or 2 Players: Push these buttons to begin a one or two player game.




The title character himself needs no introduction. You control Pac-Man as you guide him through the maze and on to victory. Pac-Man's one and only goal is to gobble up every dot (and power pellet) in the maze. He must avoid contact with the four ghosts unless they are temporarily afraid of Pac-Man as a result of eating one of the four power pellets. Pac-Man moves faster when he's not eating dots than when he is. He is also capable of turning around corners faster than the ghosts, so make as many turns as possible when the ghosts are on his tail. Pac-Man earns 10 points for every dot eaten, and 50 points for each power pellet. You typically earn one extra life when you reach 10,000 points, but this setting can be modified.



Nickname: Blinky. As his name implies, Shadow is usually a constant shadow on Pac-Man's tail. When he's not patrolling the northeast corner of the maze, Shadow tries to find the quickest route to Pac-Man's position. And despite the fact that Pinky's real name is Speedy, Shadow is actually the fastest ghost. In Japan, his name is Oikake/Akabei.
AI: When the ghosts are not patrolling their home corners, Blinky will attempt to shorten the distance between Pac-Man and himself. If he has to choose between shortening the horizontal or vertical distance, he will choose to shorten whichever is greatest. For example, if Pac-Man is 4 grid spaces to the left, and 7 grid space above Blinky, Blinky will try to move up before he moves to the left.



Nickname: Pinky. Speedy gets his name for an unusual reason. Speedy appears to try to outsmart Pac-Man and crash in to Pac-Man from the opposite direction. The truth behind this is that when Speedy isn't patrolling the northwest corner, Pinky tries to attack Pac-Man by moving to where he is going to be (that is, a few spaces ahead of Pac-Man's current direction) instead of right where he is, as Blinky does. It's difficult to use this to your advantage, but it's possible. If Pinky is coming at you and you face a different direction, even briefly, he may just turn away and attempt to cut you off in the new direction while you return to your original direction. In Japan, his name is Machibuse/Pinky.
AI: When the ghosts are not patrolling their home corners, Pinky wants to go to the place that is four grid spaces ahead of Pac-Man in the direction that Pac-Man is facing. If Pac-Man is facing up, Pinky wants to go to the location exactly four spaces above Pac-Man. He does this following the same logic that Blinky uses to find Pac-Man's exact location.
Note: In the original arcade series, the ghosts' genders are unspecified and assumed to be male. In 1999, the USA division of Namco, Namco Hometech, developed the Pac-Man World series and declared Pinky to be female.



Nickname: Inky. Bashful has truly earned his name. In a game of chicken between Pac-Man and Bashful, Bashful might just run away. This isn't always the case, but if Blinky is right behind you, it's a safe bet. He can't be scared off while he patrols the southeast portion of the maze. In Japan, his name is Kimigure/Aosuke.
AI: Bashful has the most complicated AI of all. When the ghosts are not patrolling their home corners, Bashful considers two things: Shadow's location, and the location two grid spaces ahead of Pac-Man. Bashful draws a line from Shadow to the spot two squares in front of Pac-Man, and extends that line twice as far. Therefore, if Bashful is alongside Shadow when they are behind Pac-Man, Bashful will usually follow Shadow the whole time. But if Bashful is in front of Pac-Man when Shadow is behind him, Bashful tends to want to move away from Pac-Man (in reality, to a point very far ahead of Pac-Man).



Nickname: Clyde. Pokey needs a new nickname because out of all the ghosts, Pokey is the least likely to "C'lyde" with Pac-Man. Pokey is the last out of the gate, and the loner of the group, usually off doing his own thing when he's not patrolling the southwest corner of the maze. His behavior is very random, so while he's not likely to be following you in hot pursuit with the other three ghosts, he is a little less predictable and still a danger. In Japan, his name is Otoboke/Guzuta.
AI: Pokey has two basic AIs, one for when he's far from Pac-Man, and one for when he is near to Pac-Man. When the ghosts are not patrolling their home corners, and Pokey is far away from Pac-Man (beyond 8 grid spaces), Pokey behaves very much like Blinky, trying to move to Pac-Man's exact location. However, when Pokey gets within 8 grid spaces of Pac-Man, he changes his behavior and goes to his home corner in the bottom left of the maze.

Scared Ghosts

Scared ghost
Scared ghost
Flashing ghost
Flashing ghost

When Pac-Man eats one of the four power pellets positioned near the corners of each stage, the ghosts will turn blue for a short period of time. The higher the level, the shorter that time becomes, until Pac-Man reaches the 9th key and the ghosts don't turn blue at all (but they do change direction.) Eating consecutive ghosts while they're scared can earn you 200, 400, 800, and 1600 points if you nab all four. But watch out when they start flashing white because they're about to change back to their former ghostly selves.


Dots 10
Power Pellets 50
1st ghost 200
2nd consecutive ghost 400
3rd consecutive ghost 800
4th consecutive ghost 1600
Bonus fruit See Stages below.


Pac-Man was one of the first games to provide players with a break from the action in the form of short intermissions, known better today as cut-scenes. Not only did the intermissions provide a chance to rest, they provided a fair bit of humor.

  • Intermission I: Pac-Man enters from the right, followed closely by Shadow (Blinky). They exit to the left. Blinky reappears from the left as a scared (blue) ghost, followed immediately by a much larger "super" version of Pac-Man. This super version would official appear in Super Pac-Man.
  • Intermission II: Pac-Man enters from the right, followed closely by Shadow (Blinky). This time, there is a nail sticking out in the path that Pac-Man and Shadow crosses. Shadow's "clothing" gets caught on the nail as he passes by, and the bottom right corner tears off, stuck to the nail. Shadow, whose foot is now visible, looks at the nail and then rolls his eyes.
  • Intermission III: Pac-Man enters from the right, followed closely by Shadow (Blinky), whose torn "clothing" is clearly sewn back together. After Pac-Man and Shadow exit to the left, Shadow immediately reappears from the left, appearing disrobed and dragging his clothing on the floor behind him.


Stage Bonus Points Normal Blue Time Hard Setting Blue Time
1 100 Very Long Very Long
2 300 Very Long Long
Intermission I
3 500 Very Long Medium
4 500 Long Medium
5 700 Medium Short
Intermission II
6 700 Very Long Short
7 1000 Medium Very Long
8 1000 Short Medium
9 2000 Short Short
Intermission III
10 2000 Very Long Short
11 3000 Medium Medium
12 3000 Short Short
13 5000 Short Short
Intermission III
14 5000 Medium None
15 5000 Short Short
16 5000 Short None
17 5000 None None
Intermission III
18 5000 Short None
19 & on 5000 None None