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This is a continuation of the walkthrough for Chip's Challenge Level Pack 2. Levels 61 (Icy Moat) through 80 (Frost Swirl) will be discussed on this page.

Level 61: Icy Moat

The route is simple, but the boosting is not. When I developed this route, the world record was 417, and stretching it all the way to 421 wasn't difficult because it was only boosting.

Spiral all the way to the center and touch the green button, which opens up two paths south and west, and one path north. Take the south and west paths first, then the north route, to collect three chips apiece.

When returning from the north, step east onto the force floor circle and move right off the south force floor, then continue with the down path. Return back to the fork and take the north and east paths to collect the remaining chips. You don't need, and can't get to, the rest. Instead, stomp on the green button and move RU, then override the south force floor and spiral outwards to the exit. A cold 421 seconds.

Level 62: Chips on the Blocks

This very first section of the level is level 1 of Pocoman, which is a Sokoban-type moving game. If you remember how to complete that, you won't need the first part of this guide. However, this is the fastest route, which you may not have found.

Begin by nudging the first block left one space to allow the block just to the right to move 2L in safety, then take it down to the water, followed by the next block that is movable directly west. Continue with the block below that, and then the starting block. This will leave only three blocks, all in a row, in the north and east rooms.

Sneak behind the second block, nudge it left, then use the first block and follow it with the second block. With only one block left, go to the right and shove it 2D, then move the other blocks out of the way and the very last one into the 4-way intersection. Push the block on the right 3U, out of the way, and then take the block in the center to the water, followed by the two blocks underneath and finally the last block on the right side.

The bridge is finished; step on the ice strip (the clock is turning 306) and hold the up key to take you to the top of the solid land strip at the end. Slide east, noting that the other two slides had fire in them, and sneak past the balls to the top chip, followed by 6D2R5L2D. Dash over to the far eastern slide and get the fire boots, then return to the ball area, where there are two fire spaces. Step over the one on the bottom and slide to flippers, then return to the five downward slides and hold the down key through the third slide to break past the north force floor.

Hold the west key now and swim to the west, where there are seven columns of five blocks. Move the second block from the top 3 times, then the top block all the way to the east.

The exit awaits..256 seconds are on the blocks.

Level 63: Jungle

The level is easy to complete, but the bold time was a real pain. It took me thousands of tries to get, even though the overall chance of success is estimated at 1% by the Chip community.

Start in odd-step; it will save one move, which will be an asset if you need to expend it. Move north, wait four moves, then 2RU (wait) and collect this chip. Turn east, where there is chip 2, and take chip 3 above you. A teeth monster is guarding a chip below, so lure it out by aligning yourself into the direct sightline of the teeth (one column east of the chip above), wait four moves, then collect chip 4 above you, by which time the monster will drown as you dash for chip 5.

Next, attack the fort above you, which you can sneak into just in time; pick up chip 6, run upwards, and take the chip on the top, followed by 2R3D4L. The teeth monster is dumbfounded, while you continue west to take chip 9, then 2R5UL for chip 10, and 3R2D for chip 11. 12 and 13 are just to the right, and here is where the blobs will start to become bothersome...

Move up and right, or right and up if necessary, to collect first the chip on the right side, then the chip at the top. Gear yourself up, start praying, and run west all the way to the blob cloner, then turn south! You can instead take the long way clockwise around (in which case leave chip 10 where it is and take it on the way over), but this is only sufficient for 126.

Take the two chips immediately to both sides, then run west for two more chips, and finally one more chip in a 3-space corridor. The teeth monster is now close enough that you can fool it into drowning; do another little prayer and try to steal the chip near the trapped pink ball, while trying not to step two spaces under the chip. Then, step 2D2L, D2LD, or some combination of it all, and run west, which will get the teeth to drown! Take all the chips in the north-west corner, then take the path on the far left to another chip. Continue 2U6R3D, then right to chip 27. Backtrack U5L, then take the chip to the south-west and continue to walk southwest for another two chips. With a chip in sight at the bottom, go towards it and collect it, and the very last chip is visible to the north.

Return to the very beginning, take the green key, and start bulldozing! 2U2R and up will take you near the exit, and then walk 2L to exit the level. You should have about 128 trees down.

Level 64: Loop Holes

Get the green key and move, from room to room: U3LU5RDLDR2DLUL. Wait for this bee one move, as it's circling around the chip rather than around the outer walls, and steal the chip. Continue 3D3L2URD2L6U7R6DLDLU2L2U (this recalcitrant paramecium, unlike the bee, won't pose a problem) 2LU2R exit. You found the loop hole and score 348.

Level 65: Beware of the Teeth!

[Use even step.]

Take the far right fork to get the yellow key, then the far left fork, and hug the south wall to steal the green key from this teeth. Return to the ice slides and take the second one, then step R and run south to three keys. Use only the red key, let this paramecium out, and touch the toggle button, which will allow you to escape to the east.

With another choice of ice slides, take the far west slide and hold the down key, then move UL2D, which takes you to a choice of disembarking points. Keep holding west, then hold up to pilfer the red key. Move RDR to take three chips, then LDR to return to the barrier island of three squares. Step west off the top square, then run all the way to the wall, step 3LDL, and hold up to batter through the red door and take the remaining chips.

Hug the top wall all the way east to collect the flippers, then go back to the barrier island, through the ice corridor, and east into a zigzag waterway. Swim up and down to arrive at the exit! 38 seconds.

Level 66: Hobgoblins and Chimera

This is a very easy level to complete, and it can be done in many different ways, but none of which have any real merit over the others.

Step R, then run left and wait before jumping in to take the chip. Reverse direction to the east, take chip 2, and wait for the first bug to come in and the second to come out. Return to the center and run north, then south, to collect the last two chips from the paramecia. Skate to the west, duck away from the tank, and run to the exit..231 easy seconds.

Level 67: The One Sensible Chip

[Odd-step required.]

Move the nearest block U3L and start a bridge here. Run directly east, shove the top block out of the way, and use the lower block, followed by the other one. Return to the far east, shove out the top block on the right side, and use the lower block, which will allow you to remove the blue wall. Take the very last block, near the chip sockets, and push it over the bridge. Dodge west, then move the block D2R to allow the fireballs to leave. Get in behind them and pass the two bombs.

Go to the toggle buttons and hit them 3 times (which will save time later). Swap the tank, which will keep the glider boxed in, and go to the maze. In the 2x2 "room", take the right fork and get the blue key at the end, then return to the room and take the south fork, which leads to the teeth area.

Beat the teeth down and run left to the last toggle door, which has the fire boot behind it. Retreat to the gravel below, wind through to the ice area, and move all the way to the right. Swap the blue key for suction boots, then take the second path from the left to the "one sensible chip". Backtrack left and up. Travel 6 spaces right through the corridor to the teeth room, and then wait one move, which will leave the lead teeth in place for one extra move while you squeeze just past them.

Return all the way back to the beginning, crash through the chip sockets, and use the yellow key to exit in the corner. 255 seconds is a sensible score.

Level 68: Madness II

Run left and clone one block, step on the dirt, and then clone two more. Shove the intact block off the ice, step on the other dirt, and clone three more blocks. Walk over to the dirt, wait half a move, then spring RL (freeing the stream) and then jam the third block against the wall.

Now, step on the single dirt space. (In MS, spring back left and follow it down, but in TW, push upwards to unjam the block, and then spring to the left before jumping back onto the train.) Follow the block into this water, nudge the one loose block left, and then clone six blocks in order to create a massive train.

Shove the loose block a move south, step on and off the single dirt space, and continue UR. Wait half a move and synchronize your movement with the "caboose" block at the very top; then remove the dirt and spring back just as it settles into place. Wait another half-move for the first block to unjam, then step D onto the force slide and remove the dirt as it's formed. Step back up and right, wait another half-move, then spring down and up. Lock the last block into place by shoving it against the wall, then step on the dirt and push back or move out, depending on the simulation you are using.

Now, step on the last piece of dirt and go to the ball area on the left. If you timed this absolutely correctly, you should be able to trap the ball against the wall by moving the block 2D. Move as follows: 4R3DLRU4L3U, which steals a red key and escapes from the ball area intact. Now, move the block onto the force train, collect all the hidden tools and chips in the two alcoves, and walk to the top. (This section is now complete.)

When you reach the bouncing balls, wait for them to pass, then step in the exact center of the room and pick up the hidden boots. Wait again to escape, then move to the mini-room with the fireballs in it and take these two chips. Nowhere to go but down...Keep moving down, go through that red door, and get ready to rumble!

Go directly down and pick up two chips, then continue either D2L to this chip and take the other two in any order, or continue 4D, then return upwards and collect the chip in the middle followed by the one in the south-west. (Since you cannot drop a single step at this point, it's best to have backup routes.) Continue west to the toggle walls and pick up the chips in the corners; come back out. Are you ready for this?

Run up to the top of the walker pit and dive in to take that chip! It's not as hard as it might seem - it only took me around 12 attempts. You can also drop one move with impunity at this point. If you're still alive, best to scram.

Run all the way to the very top of the level and take the flippers hidden in the middle of another ball room, then step over the ice corners to the west and pick up the remaining two chips guarded by the fireball (he won't bother you.) Go towards the teleport in the middle of the level, jump in the trap, then hold the down key. After one move stuck in the trap, you will burst into a completely new section and through the chip socket.

You clone one glider on the way in, so be careful not to step into the water as that glider will knock you out before you can dodge him! Now, step to the right (remember how gliders move) and swim 3D to the exit. The clock should be ticking right to 276 as you enter.

  • NOTE: 277 is theoretically possible, but it requires leaving a second chip behind in the walker room, and it is all but impossible.

Level 69: So Many Chips!

There are actually 379 chips in this level, although you cannot get every single chip. (You can certainly take extras if you wanted to.) To maximize efficiency, go through the fastest corridors with the most chips and finish at the very top.

Start by moving north, then divert east, and hug the right wall all the way north (219 chips left). Turn east, then east again at the next intersection, and continue to hug the right wall (except for a trap with 208 chips) all the way down to 184 chips. Step 2D and run east until 173, then step 2U and follow the left wall until you are next to a trap. This time, turn due west.

Continue to hug the left wall over to the chip sockets, and turn west at 114, then run north. The next 28 chips are forced; then step 2L2D and follow the chips all the way to 37 remaining. Turn east and follow the path all the way to the north-east corner, with 9 chips remaining. Take only the chips you need from the string to the left, then backtrack to the exit. So many seconds! (238)

Level 70: Killer Spiral

With only a step east available to you, move east, then pass the first gravel and wait for the glider while on the second one. Keep going all the way to the center of the level, go left, and slide over three ice slides before settling down to allow the glider to pass. At the end of this spiral is a chip; go take it, return all the way back to the center, and now move east.

After slide four, immediately hide (they're just a few moves away!), then squeeze past the second glider and slide to the other chip. Return to the center (the approaching gliders won't bother you if you move fast), and approach the exit to the bottom.

Move over all the slides, and while it looks like both of the gliders are going to slip out at about 228 on the clock, the second one is going to rebound back. Wait for this glider to slide back in the other direction, then slip past him and slide to the exit in the corner. You score 220 seconds.

Level 71: Mads' Rush II

[Odd-step is not required, because there is an alternative route which takes no extra time. I will give the even-step route.]

Open the toggle wall, run east, take the green key, and bust through the door. Take the flippers, then run west and north to the fire boots. Use them both to pass the water and fire below, take the first chip, and move RLD2R2U6, then east to take the yellow key. You can just sneak past the ball to the yellow door, so dash for it, and then run onto the random force floors. (Remember that you can override every other force floor movement; eg - if the first one takes you directly east, you can override the next one and also go directly east.)

As soon as you are through the toggle door, run north (the exit is fake), then past the tank and pink balls, and reveal the hidden ice skates in the alcove to the east of the balls. Skate through the mine field, steal the fire boot from the gliders, and walk over the fire to the exit on the far right.

More profitable than the first Mads' Rush; you score 25 here, provided you had good luck. (26 is possible with absolutely perfect luck, as I have confirmed by reconfiguring the random force floors into directional ones facing each other and overriding each one.)

Level 72: Checkerboard I

This level is hard to figure out, not hard to do, but hard to last through. And also, it's tough to write a guide for it. ;)

The premise of the level is 61 blocks in a 11x11 checkerboard of blue walls and blocks, which are progressively moved into snakelike corridors of water and bombs. If you're a Dream Theater fan, put a CD in and chug away. =)

Begin with 3L2DR, push this block all the way to the south wall, then L2D. Retrieve the block and move it into the first bomb, then empty the entire far eastern column (column 11) into the bombs. (Use the last block to turn to the left through the bomb maze, and make sure to remove the blue wall that is now in the south-east corner of the checkerboard.)

Get behind the block that is now on the far right of row 11 and push it R, then continue URUR11DR2DU2L3UR, which will collect some loose chips and continue the path through the bombs. Take the loose block and explode the next bomb, then duck under the checkerboard (5L from the pathway) and expose the bomb underneath the checkerboard (D). Move 3U and zigzag RU, then use this block on the stream below.

Once again, use the Mixed Nuts push (each block R) and use the top block again. When it lands on the red key, clear out the fake wall, then get behind the block (take all the chips in this tiny room) and move it upwards. Repeat the Mixed Nuts push to remove the second bomb to the north and take the three goodies, then use the last loose block to forge a new path downwards.

Now, move across the right edge of the checkerboard until you can dig into the right side. Move four blocks D, then move the first three R and use the Mixed Nuts push to empty these three blocks into the stream in the same way, but leave the chip in the lower left corner alone for now. Return to the jagged edge of the checkerboard, move the last two blocks D, then step UR and move this block into the exposed bomb below. From the location of the bomb, step LDU2RD to get the two chips. This is the end of phase 1.

Nudge the loose block 4L, then step DLDUR2UL3DU2L2UL, which will clear the way to begin a run of blocks. Use the block just to the east, then the block in line with the bombs, and finally the block in line with the water. Continue upwards, open the wall to another well of water, then move 3R3DRD and use this block for the water. Nudge the loose block south and step 3URDRDL2RD3L, then follow by shoving this block to the bombs and the block to the far right directly west to the water. As you come out, move the closer block down one space, then use the other block on the bombs, and come out and follow by using the other block on the water. This ends phase 2.

After that, the checkerboard should be reduced to a pyramid plus a loose block; move to the right of the "point" and nudge it 3L. Continue moving 2RU3L2D2R3U3L2RU, and move this block into the water, followed by the lowest block remaining on column 1. As you come out, shove the near block D and use the one next to it on the bomb string below, then divert east. Take this loose block on the right all the way to the key, then step U2LR2DL2R to collect the four chips and the key. This section is done (up until the very end of the level), so take the four chips to the right individually (all the walls are real) and emerge back out. (Clock check: 809.)

This ends phase 3; at this point, you will be ignoring the water and bombs in the exact center of the level, but rather combining the bomb stream at the beginning of the level and the water channels.

Begin the former by running all the way east and removing the loose block from near the pyramid; continue the stream from where it was (near the bottom), and also take the chip next to it. Return to the pyramid, move the point L, then step U4L3RU and run this block into the water. Backtrack right, then dig up as soon as possible and move LU2LRD; use this block on the river and emerge towards the two blocks below. Knock the one on the top D, then run to the right and move the block you catch into the first bomb stream. Return to the checkerboard, open the wall at the bottom of it, and move the block into the river. Come back out, dig into the nearest alcove above you, then move LU2LRD and run this block into the moat. However, stop the block in the center and move D2LR2UL6R, then run all the way back out, running due east all the while, and take the resulting block into the lower bomb stream. Take these four chips to finish this section of the stream.

Open the base of the checkerboard again, then go LU2LRD again. Pad down more moat, then circle to the top entrance and open it. Start peeling away row 1, but leave the third block as dirt, take the two chips, and then use the block directly to the bottom to continue the moat. Instead of backtracking, however, now move 3R2U and right, which makes an instant shortcut. This ends phase 4; phase 5 is using this shortcut to greatly speed up the process of weeding out the chips from the water.

(A good guide for this purpose, to avoid missing the central passageway when pushing left, is that the three blocks that are still laying down there untouched are two rows below the entrance. Leave a one-row gap between the two and you'll always succeed.)

Move the block on the far left into the moat again (while picking up the two chips on the bottom), then move RD and into the shortcut. Take the next available block and begin building west, then come back by picking up the lower chip, and return to the shortcut. Continue feeding on the left, but this time after padding down, pick up the top chip, then the chip on the right. Move U2R2D and right to pick up the extra chips. Feed four more blocks into the moat in the normal way, but when you collect the fourth (clock check: 646), open the blue wall on the left of the bloc, which will allow you to continue the cycle for a fifth, sixth, and seventh block.

After the seventh block (clock check: 594, when it's in the water), return to the bloc again and move the 8th block into position normally, but instead of using this block immediately, step RURUR and begin to destroy the bombs in the far south-east corner with these two blocks; then go back to the original block and use it in the moat. At this point, all that remains of the checkerboard are the loose blocks at the bottom and a cross of four blocks plus one wall in the center and a wall in the NW corner. Open that wall in the corner, then step 4D2URURUR and shove this block into the bomb stream (still ignoring the chips).

Carry the block on the moat line into the moat, then come out through the shortcut until you meet a block. Rather than take this east to the bombs, shove it 5D into the range of the moat, and finally use the last remaining stationary block to remove the last of the bombs blocking the goodies at the very bottom. From the bomb location, move L2RL2UR2L6U2R, then take the last two chips individually. This section is finished; also finish the moat with the block left in its path. You now have 8 chips left as we come to the end of phase 5.

Phase 6 - Get the rest of the chips..and then finish the level!

Ignore the shortcut this time, and instead come out the center (clock check: 500) and (at last!) continue with the lower left section. Move the block on the left 3D, then the other block down into the bombs to finish them. From the bomb location: DL2R2U2L2U2R, then pick up the last two chips individually, which will complete the chip requirement. Now, I bet you've been wondering what's under the sockets, right?

Find out by moving the block in the corner 9L, then bridge to the socket in the bottom center. Open it, then step up and down (not down first! You won't be able to get back!) Swim across the water to the left to another socket, then step down onto this force floor and off to the left (there's an invisible wall below it, unlike the other one). Take the suction shoes, walk back out, and move the very last block in the level into the path opened from the socket. Be very...very..careful - there's invisible walls everywhere.

Step onto the force floor, then continue LD2RUR2DLD2R and move the block into the bomb. No, hold back! Do you have fire boots? I thought not...Open the socket on the very bottom to collect a pair of fire boots, then walk through the fire and water and finish thus: 10L2U8R2U4L2U4R3U2LD6L2U3R2U5L6D4R2D4L4D.

King Me!

You should have 451 seconds with this route. While there is a better route in existence which scores 453, this solution is currently unknown except to its owner (not me. :()

Level 73: Bumble Boy

After the monstrously epic Checkerboard 1 comes an easy level..

If you stay put, you're going to get hit, so start running around the ring; exit west, wait two moves, and jump in with the bug rings. Take the yellow key, run up to the one chip in this level (wait a move first - bugs follow the left wall and this one will turn and hit you if you take it immediately), and finally east to a blue key. Return to the start and take the north fork, and hold to the north wall. You soon arrive at more gravel and more circling bugs; sneak past these, then open the blue and yellow doors in that order to allow the bug to kill itself.

Run the block all the way to the top wall, get behind it, and move it all the way back to the start (7RDR4URU16LUL6D will do it). Nudge it 2R to cause the bug to open the toggle door for you, and exit the level below to add 232 more seconds and 38,320 points to your score.

Level 74: Chip Search

Get the chip to the right, and slide onto the thief. Get the central chip of the west "leg", and run down. Go over to the lower left corner and get all the chips except the far western one. It is mined with a trap. Go back to the windmill and take the whole south leg of chips and the suction boots. Get the central chip of the east leg and run up. Run around the thief and get the other chip by the start ball. Run up to get the flippers. Go to the top left and swim to the chips and fire boots. Go down through the teleport below and get the blue and red keys. Go left through the teleport and open the green door. Get the green key and the chip. Go to the top and get the chips under the red and green doors. Go past the teleport to the tank area. Follow the tanks to the lower right. Pick up the chips from the top and exit from the center. Go back to the teleport and go up through it. Get the yellow key. Return to the start and get the final chip under the yellow door. Blast down through the teleport to the exit. You found 253 seconds.

Level 75: BuggyWall

Circle all the way around the level, picking up each chip. Continue circling to the third alcove you went to. Pass the chip socket and enter the center. Pick up the blue key. Run down to the bottom right and get the green key. Now run left to the red key. Go up one room and right one room. A "bug" in this level put a green door where there was a yellow door, so that you don't need the yellow key. Pass the doors and exit. You score 113.

Level 76: Fire Bugs

Follow the bugs to get the first four chips. Go right to get the fifth. Beat the bugs and return to the start. Get another chip and go right through the port. Step up and run right. Clone the blocks and get the flippers. Run back to the teleport and step right. Swim to the last chip. You are blocked at the exit above you; try a different way. Go back through the teleport, and go up through it again. You have all the chips, so you pass the chip socket. Get the fire boots and go back through. Walk to the very edge of the fire at the lower right. The lone floor space hides the exit. Only a firebug could have found that! But you found 241 seconds.

Level 77: Madd Maze

A very mad maze! Run down and to the left. Snatch the yellow key from the bug and return to the start. Go to the random force floor area. Step right and down. Wait for the random force floor to carry you down, and get the red key. Step RUR and hold R to go through the yellow door. Open the red door below you. Time should now be at 291.0. Avoid the blobs and get the blue key and chip. Pass the door and slide up. Get the first two chips and push the block below into the water. Get the remaining chips and push the third block down. Move the other block left to the water. The gliders are interrupted, and they will mix with the blobs. Sometimes they will stop you; just try again. Go to the force floors and push left. Step right off this section to the ball room. Run up (you just beat the ball) and get the chips, flippers, and red key. Swim to the red door and go down to the bombs. Blow up the first bomb and use the block below it to get to the suction boot. Go to the big jumble and walk up to the chip. Go to the teleport on the right. (There is a strong likelihood that two gliders will stop you, unfortunately.) Go through and run to the right. Beat the fireball to the blue key and fire boot. Go back to under the teleport (you can wait up to 2 moves for the gliders) and pass the ball to get to more chips. Backtrack to the left. (You will probably be stopped; try again.) Get the rest of the chips here and pass the blue door. Get the chip to the right and run down to the last two and the exit. 244 seconds is just madness!

Level 78: The Search for the Exit

Kind of a difficult route to execute, but seems so simple otherwise. Run down to the bug area and get the fire boots. Go down through the port to get the flippers. Go back up through, and then right. Get the two chips behind the fire and water, and go to the force area. Each time you are about to be smashed against the wall, step down. At the bottom, step right twice in this situation. You must push the *left* block. Go left to the clone button, but don't hit it. Instead, get all the chips in a clockwise manner (and the green key under one of them). Go left and up to where the glider is circling. Approach the chip from above — all others are mined. Go back to the gliders going around an exit. Pass the chip socket and green door. Wait for the paramecium, then enter the spiral to exit. You found 295 seconds.

Level 79: Cra-zy

Very short, but fiendish route. Step up and go through the left teleport. Get the fire boots. Step up through and wait. As the first fireball blows up, step DU. You get the flippers and go back to the fireball room. Circle clockwise and go right. Pick up the chip and slide to the exit. Crazy 114 seconds.

Level 80: Frost Swirl

Get the red key and unlock the blue key. Swap your blue keys and jump past the ball to the right. Swap for a red key and backtrack. Wait for the ball on the left and jump past it. Swap red keys and wait for the ball above you. Jump past it and swap for a yellow key. Backtrack and swap yellow keys. Wait for the ball and go back to the start. Swap for a blue key and follow the ball back to the left side. Swap blue keys and wait for the ball on the top. Swap for a yellow key and then swap yellow keys. Wait for the next ball and go to the right. Swap for a red key and swap red keys (you don't need the key, but you need the last chip). Go back to the start and exit. 316 swirl.