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Allied Objectives

  • Construct the Assault Ramp
  • Capture the West Bunker
  • Destroy the Gun Controls

Allied Secondary Objectives

  • Destroy the Generator
  • Construct the Command Post

Map Description

On the coast of the Mediterranean lies the shore battery "Sigfried". Its imposing nature and massive cannon is the first thing the Allies will see from their spawn on the beach. They have two places at which to spawn - on the east and west sides of the beach. The Axis have no western beach spawn, but it is quite difficult to get into the battery this way.

The eastern attack route contains the unusually named West Bunker and the Assault Ramp. The Allies must charge their way up the beach, dodging airstrikes, artillery, and snipers, to reach the Assault Ramp construction zone. The assault ramp will allow the Allies to storm up the cliff and charge the West Bunker. The ramp can be destroyed by a satchel charge and is covered by an indoor machine gun.

The west bunker is mostly an empty room with an overlook onto the beach, giving the Axis good view of the Allies assault. Slightly beyond the beach are several rocks; Allied snipers favour these rocks as sniping spots. The battery prevents you from looking far upon the other Allied spawn. The West Bunker contains two machine guns - one on the main floor and one on the floor below, closer to the beach. Both are deathtraps, and the lower machine gun has a very narrow hallway, making it easily congested. At most only one player should be down there.

The trenches leading to the west bunker lead through several rooms, and then into a single long hallway with a machine gun nest at the end of it. The Axis spawn is to the left of the machine gun, on the second floor of the compound - the second machine gun overlooking the beach is to the right.

Back outside, there are a pair of steel doors blocking a route into the Axis compound. These doors can be opened or closed from the inside via a switch; they can also be disabled by destroying the generator on the eastern beach.

Speaking of the eastern beach, it is relatively unguarded, except for a single command post in a bunker. This area is often completely unguarded, because it is a complete dead-end for the Allies. It is blocked by a magnetic door, a team door, and a machine gun nest that is often unmanned. Behind the machine gun is the generator. Covert Ops can make