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Revision as of 18:17, 18 December 2008 by Andrewb (talk | contribs) (133, 135, 136, 139, and 140. I am on a different computer without the CC solutions, so I have to edit what I can without them.)
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This is a continuation of the walkthrough for Chip's Challenge. Levels 121 (PERFECT MATCH) through 140 (ICEDEATH) will be discussed on this page.


The name of the level means you have to match both tracks of fireballs in the middle so that the toggle buttons are pressed at the same time, keeping the toggle door at the lower right consistently open/closed (which can be changed in the far left corridor). Since the level is untimed, you have a choice of playing around by simply cloning fireballs until the tracks jam up, which stops all button changing, and then going to the labyrinth below to exit, or a fast, 31-second solution.

To do the latter, clone one fireball, then play 2LD [which is a 1-move wait] 2R2L4R, then shove the block onto the ice space just after the fireball arrives above the water, which will divert it into drowning. then push a wall once, and go 2L2R2L2R. Push the block down at the right time to push the fireball into the water. Wait a few seconds for the next fireball and destroy it as well, then play clockwise to the gravel space and take the path to the exit.


Totally Fair and Totally Unfair (level 131) are a concurrent set of two levels, one of which is fairly easy, the other downright impossible without some kind of guide or map. Totally Fair, of course, is the former. Start in odd-step.

Take three chips, play all the way north to the wall panel, then 6R4D2R2U2R2U3R and up out of the room. At this point, the teeth monster is stuck in the thin wall maze, and will eventually step on the button with some up-and-down moving. After sliding on the force floor, play 3R10D3R9UL2DRD, which will soon cause the teeth to open the trap. You can now collect the chip on the right, jump in the trap, and be released in about three moves. Take the other chip, escape again, then go back to the exit with the last chip in front of it. Play fair and you score 272.


Also, play in odd-step for this route.

To escape the small prison, you need to deflect the fireball into the second bomb on the top. Start by touching the button, removing the resulting dirt, and then waiting half a move after the block lands, which will cause the fireball to explode the bomb. Immediately move U to avoid a different type of death, then begin the second phase: escaping from this area!

Play DURU [second block clone] 2DL3UR5D [diverting the teeth from the top] 3UL8U, which escapes from the second prison. Note above that there were more teeth that would escape if more than two green button presses were played! You can now run all the way to the left, all the way down, and then to the right [using the ice to speed up the third] to take the chips, and then exit above that. Escape from cell 272 leaves teeth dumbfounded!

Level 124: FIRETRAP

This level's puzzles are highly intriguing and multivaried all the way to the end, which makes it a level to study the route to.

At the very start, hold open the trap, then play the block U2R and then get in the trap as the fireball releases Chip with a second trap button to the west. In the fire maze, ignore the chips and go for the green button, then slide on the single ice square and collect the chip in the walls to the left. Now, switch the tanks all the way to the left side, take the two goodies, and then play directly towards the gravel and the ice path on the west. Take the detour to the south to collect one chip and a blue key, then slide on the ice and open the blue door underneath the circling fireballs.

Play the block U, pick up the one chip in this room, then continue to move the block 4LR2U7R, which will cause the fireballs to switch the toggle doors repeatedly. Push one block (from behind the blue door) onto the bottom fire to cause them to change the toggles continuously. With the toggle doors under control, pass the doors to the lower left, open the red door, and move this block LU which causes the fireball to control the tanks. You can now move all the way to the switching tanks at the top, sneak east past the lead tank, and then the one remaining tank on the right to collect the fire boots! Now, take the ice shortcut below back to the start, pick up the four chips past the fire, and then bust right back out again. You can now also collect the five chips in the fire maze, and also the one chip remaining in the solid walls near the ice path. Finally, remove the chip from the ice path itself, the chip in the area with the tank button, and then stick to the far south of the level, which leads to the final six chips in a Jenga stack of fire. The chip socket in the south-east leads to the exit; this is worth 667.

Level 125: MIXED NUTS

It is indeed such that Mixed Nuts should be named; the mixed puzzles might drive you nuts!

Move each block into its respective water, starting from the right side, and then collect the chips from the left to the right. After the glider moves back left, you can break past the ball and enter the next section. This room is host to a very famous block-moving technique that will be used again and again to maximize the speed of a string of blocks; you will see it in Checkerboard 1 and After the Rainstorm in particular, among CCLP2 levels.

Move the lowest block into the water, then shove the block on the very top out of the way (you have one extra block) and then play each block D and then each block L, which will allow the bottom block to be used in the next water space. Continue to do this in order to access each of the next four chips, only taking them when the water above them is filled and you're on your way back anyways, and then use the last block to open the water on the top (taking the fifth chip on the way up, of course!), which allows both chips to be taken.

You can now sneak past the bug on the left, take the first tower of seven chips, and then play U2R to take the second from the bottom up. Again, play R, then step R again at the last second in order to take the chips from the bottom up again. Now, play 2R from the top, which moves you into a new area. Underneath all these blocks are chips, so make sure no block is left untouched! The route through this area is as such: R2DR2DLD2UD2RDR2ULD2RDRURD3ULDL2U, and then out to the next room.

In this section, there are six different landings, which lead to different points on two separate force tracks that lead to chips. The bottom track is complicated by the addition of two bouncing balls!

Play off landing 5, take the chip, and then go to landing 4 and directly into the south-east corner, then 2U and slide 3L before you step off to the north and take the two chips. Now, slide a further 2L from the first floor (under the location of landing 5's chip) and take this chip, then collect the chips to the north-west of that, and finally both chips from the second ball, then the four chips above that, and the chip off landing 6.

Now, move to landing 3, collect all the chips that are available from right to left, and then take the two remaining from landing 1 and then from landing 2. Open the socket, then play U3RU, and then 2LD from out of the teleport to land in the exit.

Mixed Nuts is not timed, but it probably should have been. This is a grand challenge! (This route will yield 830 on a 999 time limit.)

Level 126: BLOCK N ROLL

Block N Roll is a special case among the levels in this guide, as well as being extremely hard: Different routes are used depending on your luck! There is a lot of luck required in this level, of course, and there are 68 seconds of block pushing before Chip even gets to the walkers, which tax the player's patience even further. Be willing to spend a lot of time playing this level.

Move the first two blocks into the water, and to get the ones that aren't already free out to the water, move them 2L or 2R and step behind them, which also enables you to get the two chips. Since chips block blocks, remove the chip after you throw the sixth block into the water. Once this is done, enter the walker rooms, play R2D through them (Memory-style), and walk towards the six blocks at the bottom of this section.

To reach the chips at the top left, move the fifth block into the water to free the rest up, then move the fourth block 4U, and then push the blocks in second, fourth, and finally third. With these chips collected, play all the way to the top of the level (and by now, only three moves or less can be lost), and sneak past the bug to collect the six chips. Now, exit this and move to the north-west, which contains a huge collection of blocks.

Move the first two blocks into the water, then take this route through this section: 2L4D2L2U2L2R2U, all the way right to collect two chips, and then U10L to open a new pathway to the rest of the blocks. Continue 2D2L6D2U2R2UR [chip] L3DU2R2D3R7LRD3LR. This allows you to play all the way north and all the way right to collect the remaining chips. Now, play through the rooms from the first one RDRU, then U for one chip and R for a second chip (take one first if you see the walker is blocking the other direction at the moment.) Finally, play all the way down and onto the gravel, which contains 15 blocks and 2 bugs; every other block has fire underneath it, and you don't want to lose now! Play from the gravel DRDRDRDRDLDLULULDLDLULULURUR (see a bit of a pattern?), and then play up a room and move to the right, which has the exit at the end of the path. This route, as shown in the public TWS, yielded 440, and is currently the fastest route on video. The quickest solution known to exist is that of 441, which may be different; in fact, 442 is possible, and can be done with pretty much perfect walker luck. Remove the walkers from the level and try to get it, with the route given.

Level 127: SKELZIE

Skelzie is even more of a special case than Block N Roll, because this solution is possible in only the MS version of Chip's Challenge. The bug that allows the extra second was discovered only recently, and it has not been programmed into Tile World.

Do a little bit of preparation by moving the mouse cursor to 3UR from Chip's location, and then begin playing the level. Note that Skelzie is a network of rooms with some balls in them, and the one exit from the network allows a massive keyswap which leads to a toggle door opening, and thus opening the remaining chips for Chip to collect.

Step sideways to dodge the ball, slide UDUDUDU to take the red key a space above, then slide D, pause for a brief period, and then click the mouse. The bug is that one of the balls happens to be on the teleport you are sliding onto next, and since the teleport is "busy", Chip just skips it in the sequence, which leaves him going into the next teleport, and thus is heading down out of the teleport on the very top - a veritable shortcut out of the network! This is done by UDUDUD, but make sure to press the keys with authority in order to override the mouse, which is fighting for its own movement to be recognized.

The red door is to the upper right, the blue door is to the lower left, the yellow door is to the lower right, and the green door is to the upper left; touch the green button in the last room, enter through the toggle door near the start area, slide DUD and step LU, and then slide RLRLRL. Now, wait half a move again, and then slide RL, which skips the next teleport again. Finish as such with RLRL (all chips gone) RLRLR, and then slide L just after the clock ticks to 454. Going straight in would cause a last-second collision with the ball that has just gone in; as it is, you can now play DR2D to exit the level with 454 seconds.

  • NOTE: People who do not have the MS version of CC cannot score this bold, unless they play the level differently: use the regular 453 route, but leave the toggle button untouched and hope for a stray blob to touch it. This probably works, but the odds against this are huge.

Level 128: ALL FULL

All Full is quite an aesthete's dream, and all you really need to know is which directions are the fastest.

Collect the flippers on the left, then touch the button an additional two times, which causes the balls to jam and stop cloning blocks to the right. You can now swim up and through the water space on the right, which has a key past it. Use this key to collect some chips, slide onto a force train with another chip on it, and then to a key, fire boots, and suction boots on the left side. Now, play onto the gravel and 4RDU2DL, then collect the chips and then the three chips above you, the five chips in the center of the fire, and then drop to the very bottom and collect a second key. At this point, you can collect the chip above that, the three chips and key to the left of that, and then send the block above into the water to collect a flipper. Step on the other force floor to the left and use this flipper to reach another key, wait for the fireballs to all drown, and then sneak up to the room above to collect a chip. Finally, return to the dirt space left from the flipper, and then plow north into two yellow doors. The remaining 154 chips are contained in this maze; play through it as such:

Take the south fork, then hold to the north to collect a zigzag of chips, and then all the way down in another zigzag. Play UL2URL2U and east until you have 99 left, then down for another 11, and clear out the entire right edge to drop the count to 68 as you collect the extreme right chip. Now, work your way all the way west, then back to the start, and through the last couple doors, to finish the level with 315 seconds on the clock.


The time-honored solution to this level is to clear out a large track for the gliders to play around in, then dive into the "lobster trap" and either remove the bugs and invade, or invade directly when the gliders are gone. Instead, the level can be completed in 14 seconds.

Play U8DL2U2LDUR3LU2RUR, then invade the lobster trap just as you can safely do so. The glider trailing you will mess up the bugs and cause them to clear out of your way; just take the chips and dive into the exit for a score of 286.

Level 130: ICE CUBE

The entire structure of Ice Cube is pretty much an ice cube, with a corner missing, and an outer track with a bug going around it. Except for one spot, don't leave the ice cube!

The ice cube, thankfully, has many routes through it, and is mostly stepping, so the route is simple: 3URDUDRULRDR2DU2LU2D3U2LDLRU2R2LDRUR (here is where you leave the ice!), then drop to the next exit, play LD2L, and exit.


The hint says "Remember sjum", which is the password to Totally Fair. The teeth area, minus the second teeth and the glider, is exactly the same as Totally Fair, with one critical difference: You're working blind!! The level is thus impossible unless you make a map of some sort. It's not been unheard of for Chipsters to be stuck on this level for many years!

Collect the three chips as before, to send the teeth to the west and into the maze, then play 5U near the hint, and 18R17U to begin the moving. The "secret recipe" is as thus: RU3R2L8D5R4L8U5R4L6D4L4R5U3L4R, and now collect the first chip, trap and release, then the second, and then go back to the exit for the last chip and a score of 26.

Level 132: MIX UP

First, go to the left. You will see a column of four blocks. Push the third and then the first from the top. Then push the second one down. Now push all four into the water below and get the red key. Go back to the start and open the red door. Push the blocks into the bombs from the upper right to upper left to get the green key thus: Push the first block up. Go around it and push the next one right to the bomb. Return to the left and use the pushed block to blow up bomb 2. Push the upper block up, and go around, pushing it into the rightmost bomb. L2DL2DLRD2L2ULU3R and circle back to the start. Push the right block R and the block below it up. Push the other block below that one, then the other block R. You can now push the lower block U, the block above 2U further, then on the way back move the other block L. Blow up bomb 4 with the upper right block. Circle to the left and get the next block to blow up bomb 5. Return to the start, then move both blocks R and the top block 3R further. Take the block above you and place it where bomb 5 was at. Circle down and move the lowest block U and the block in the middle U, then move the block on the right 2U. Push the middle block L, then take the block on the far left into bomb 6. You can now blow up bomb 7 as well. Another block is conveniently positioned to blow up bomb 8. Only two blocks remain; move the one on the right 2L, then U. Push the other block 2U3R, then the other block next to it. Move the block up into bomb 9, and the other one is locked and loaded for bomb 10. The green key is now available.

Now go to the center and to the left. Bring seven blocks to the water bridges below as follows: Go to the block area and push the first two blocks out of your way. 2U2RDR2DLURU4RD2RDLD and circle around back. You will push the first block into the left water. Go through the left entrance, push the lowest of the cluster right, and push the nearest block down through, pushing the original block down as you circle back. When you have brought the second block over, take it to just above the left bridge, then get another: Go through the left entrance again, this time using the block in front of you, and repeat the pattern, this time not pushing the block down on the way back. Push the first block into the left, then the second into the right bridge. You will repeat this pattern a total of 2 more times. Continue by pushing the block you left the last time down, and taking it right for loading. Return to the blocks and push the left block down one. Load the right block by going right and down. Circle around and push the other block just above it. Prepare the lower block. Return to the blocks and push the upper block left until you can load the lower block. Prepare this block and load the very last one the same way as the others. With this last pair (after taking the second block down), just push the first into the left bridge and leave the other one for later. Go onto the ice strip. Hold down the down key and you will push over the up force floor. Open the lower right squares of dirt, and go to the bottom section. Go immediately to the right given the chance, on both the upper and lower walker areas. Leave the other chips for the way back. The blue key should be wide open now; grab it. Go back across the ice strip and enter the bottom left area. Do not unlock the blocks yet. Instead, open the other blue door. Hug the right wall, get the blue key and return to the bottom. Thus, the teeth step up, but then return down. Unlock the blocks and push LU2D3RULULU4LULD, retrieving the block from the top of the block area. Push it into the water and push the other block down. Continue this pattern as you push the remaining blocks into the water. Block 3: Push the top block right, then get the left block. Block 4: Push the lower block left and get the top block. Block 5 can just be pushed up. Push both blocks into the water this time. Go to the top of the room with the last block and step directly to the north of the block. The teeth should be just to the right, but not kill you. Step UDL2R (wait) 2LUL. Finish the bridge (the teeth will not follow) and get the chip. Wait one move (the easiest way is to just hit the wall once) and run to the bottom. You will just beat the teeth. Return to the center. Now, finish the right parallel bridge. Open the green door.

Go through the first wall and get the second chip, the fourth wall and the third chip, the third wall and fourth chip, and finally the second wall and first chip. Be careful with the bees, but if you followed this exactly, you fit just behind one. The exit is right above. It doesn't matter how mixed up the level is, one thing is for certain: you just scored 683 seconds!

Level 133: BLOBDANCE

Blobdance is a more progressive type of Blobnet, but Blobdance has no time limit. Consequently, you can take as much time as you require to play Blobdance, using the tricks you learned from the former level to speed through potentially hazardous situations with little or no risk. Be patient - the last few sections are very hard! There's a reason why I (the author) completed this last of all.

Level 134: PAIN

At the beginning beehive, let the bugs out, get the chips, push the free block to two squares below the start, and push the block on the bottom down one. Then all of the bugs will fall in the water. Get all of the chips and push the block down into the first water square. You are now in an area with a HUGE amount of blocks. First, go to the right. About a few squares right of the middle there are fire boots. Push the block into the water and get them. On the far right there is a pathway down to a chip. Build a bridge to it, and then bridge all the way to the left until you are one away from stuck. Build a bridge down from the left so as to intersect the end of the long one. You can now reach the lower left corner. From there, build another bridge all the way to the exit on the right. Yes, I know it's long. :-( That's why it's called PAIN.

Level 135: TRUST ME

The level's structure is that of many different obstacles around yellow keys, one of which is all that is required to reach the exit from the start. However, the bug clone machine on the east end of the start is bugged, so to speak, due to the lack of a boss, and will not clone for seven seconds!

Therefore, all you have to do is play RU and right to the gravel, take the key, and jump back out to exit the level in 7 seconds! The time, therefore, is 293.


Doublemaze is one of the most notorious levels in the entire set, because it is an ice maze (which, of course, is an annoying type of level), and only compounded by the fact that it is extremely hard to map - there are two mazes wound together. Fortunately, there's no time limit.

The exit is at the end of the maze to the right, so play U first to collect the chips on that end, and then finish the chips when near to the exit. Lettered "bases" are also noted in parentheses and italics to greatly simplify the route.

In the first maze, play 4U3D2RDL2RURDR2URD3RUR2D4L4R2ULD3L3U2R (A) D4RDLD2RD2L2RU2LU3R2D2U2LU3R2D2U2LU2RUDLU2L2ULR2D2L5U (B) R2D3RDLD2R2U2D2LUR2UR2U2D2LURU2L, and then go back to B and play 3UL2ULDLRUR2DRD4L4U. Go all the way back to A, and finally play U3L3R5ULR2D2L2ULR2D2R2D4LULDLD2R2DLR2ULDLDLURURLURURD2RULUL6ULR4DL2DLDLRUR4ULR2D3L2DRUDL4URURU2L. You are now finished with the first maze; 15 chips should remain.

Return to the start, play 2RUR (C) and then venture into the main part of the second maze: DRU4RU3RD2RD3LULD4L4RURD3R2ULU2R3D3U2LULU2RDR2ULUR2U. Go back to C, then play U4R2URD2RULU2LUR (D) R2U2RDLD2R2URU3LUL, and go back to D.

The final section of the route is so long as to be divided into two sections:

  • RU3LUD3RD2RULU4R2D3RD3R3U3D3LU2R2ULU2RUL3DLULURU2L2RDLDRD2LUL2ULR2DRD3R3URD2LDRD4LUD2R2U8LDLU3L. This exits the level, with a theoretical (999 time limit) time of 927 with all the boosts in existence; I held the tentative record for a time with a score of 911, until both that record and the previous Melinda time of 925 were broken with 925 and 926 scores. A 927 score has not been achieved, nor has it been confirmed if that is the actual Melinda time.

Level 137: GOLDKEY

Yellow keys are referred to as "keys". Avoid the paramecia and get to the gravel at the right of the level. Go through the maze, getting the five keys in the order that you go through the maze. If done correctly, you should have to wait only between the third and fourth keys. Use four of the keys on the doors on the right. Be quick as you move fast 2U and 2D on the force floors. MAKE SURE YOU GET THE KEY WHEN YOU GO 2D FOR THE SECOND TIME. This is the "gold key" mentioned. Go through both doors. Key count=0. Go right to the fake wall and go down and all the way right to a key. Return to the fake wall and go U (wait) U (wait) R (key) D (wait) R (wait) U3R3U. You should now be in the top section devoid of keys. Go through the pop-up wall, beat the balls, and get the flippers. Get the key from the bees and return to where you just were. This time, go down. You get a key and go back into the force floor maze. Follow the same path as before, except go right where the key was. Do not continue right — the keys are booby-trapped! Go through the door. You should still have 1 key left. Go to the left wall and go all the way up (opening the fake wall). Streak right through the last yellow door and the exit waits. You acquire 392 seconds from the gold vault.


Go to the nearest teleport and go DUDUD. You should be in a block room. Push the first two of the lower blocks up through the teleport. Push the next block (to the right of you) up through. Push it left through and follow. Push it right through and follow. Step down and go UDUD to the block room. Push the lower right block left one, then the next one left, then the next one left. Follow, and follow to the right. This is what you repeat. Go DUD back to the block room. Repeat with the upper of the two blocks. Repeat with the far right block, going UD. Now use the lower block, going DU. You are now in the top blocks. Repeat with the nearest block and go U. Repeat with the upper left block. Push the lower left block, then the next block down, and push the left block down through the teleport, followed by pushing the right block left through, but DON'T follow this time. 5RU3L2RU3LD2R2U3L2D2U and push the last two blocks down. Now follow and push whichever block you hold to the right of each teleport. After the third partial post is made, the next teleport will take you to the start room; push the block right and follow. In this room and the next two, finish the partial post. The next teleport takes you to the start room; there should be nowhere for the teleport to take you right, and you can slide across the teleport to the exit. You get a partial reward of 240 seconds.

Level 139: YORKHOUSE

The entire level is composed of walkers stuck in "yorkhouses" of chips, among the 388 chips contained in the level. Since there are no ice, teleports, or force floors in Yorkhouse, the walkers can only move at Chip's speed. Even if the walker is heading directly at you, unless it is one move away from you when you pick up the intended chip, you will succeed. If you can take a different method of collecting the yorkhouse, such as simply turning in the opposite direction, then do so.

This level has been completed in 79 seconds with the best of luck; try to simply complete the level first, because there is of course no time limit. Remember that the exit is at the bottom center, so try to economize by collecting one side, then the other side, and then the bottom, and exit.

Level 140: ICEDEATH

As long as you have a map, Icedeath is extremely easy. However, many players didn't have an editor or a map in the old days, and the level was therefore extremely difficult. Imagine Doublemaze with water in place of the dead ends, which would normally be still easy because it's easy to spot the water, but widened such that you can't see your doom until it's too late! So you see the difficulty associated with Icedeath in that time.

Nowadays, we have a level guide, and the route is as such: UR2ULDRDR3D2L2U2LULULDRDL2DRD2RURUR2U2LU3L2D2RD2R2D2RU3LU2LD4R2U4L4U2RD5RU, which collects the ice skates, and then 4D12L6D3L to reach the exit. Groov-u-loids! 263 seconds.