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-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- A Knight-Filled Sky [CHP22] _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_

"The Medon that Minerva and Maria remembered best was one of peace: a quiet, prosperous kingdom famed for the flying beasts favored by dracoknights. But then their brother, Prince Michalis, succumbed to his lust for power. Despite his sisters' adamant opposition, he sword allegiance to Doluna; and when Medon's Dragoons took flight, the world suffered. Even now that the tides had turned, Michalis took position for one last stand. Dracoknights filled the sky end to end, eager to pluck Marth from the Earth."

This battle is about speed and endurance, as you will need to fight multiple enemies while rushing to Gotoh's village. Whoever has the two orbs, trade them to Marth now.

Start the battle when ready.


Michalis: Lord Gotoh, the League has begun its attack. I wish for you to move someplace safe until the fighting has ended.

Gotoh: Why not just end this folly now, Michalis?

Michalis: Folly? What folly?

Gotoh: You loved your younger sister so much. It pains me to see you quarrel. If you and Minerva had worked as one, Medon might have become a great kingdom- greater even than Akaneia, perhaps.

But instead, you let Gharnef trick you into destroying your family, and your kingdom with it.

Michalis: ...I cannot undo what is done. My father's blood will always be on my hands, just as Minerva's betrayal of her brother and country will be on hers. And Medon has not been destroyed, not yet. So long as I carry Iote's Shield, the League's arrows cannot fell me.

Gotoh: Very well. And if you win? What then?

Michalis: If I win, I will tell you. Right now, my only goal is to gut that Altean prince who leads the League. My pride as Medonian king rests upon it.

Gotoh: I see... Then we've nothing more to discuss, have we?

(Michalis leaves)

Gotoh: The weight of his father's murder threatens to crush him...Poor boy. ...Poor fool.


On turn 1, use Beck to kill the thief. Move the other units forward through the right side.

Keep rushing, use Beck to kill some of the dragoons up there. By the time you reach the village, all but a few units should be killed. Beck can keep being used to kill the remaining few units left.

Then, go to the village with Marth WHO HAS BOTH ORBS IN HIS INVENTORY.


Gotoh: You have the Lightsphere and Starsphere with you? Well done! Now I can create Starlight for you.

...There. It is finished. Take this with you; it is the only magic capable of breaking through Imhullu. Use it to stop that fiend Gharnef once and for all.



Move your units up the steps in front of the forts. For a few turns, two reinforcements will spawn in. They make for good experience for any lower level units you might have.

However, make sure that you bring up your higher level units as a whole wave of enemies will appear. I recommend attacking with your units, then using a healer, like Lena, to use Fortify. It heals all your units for a vast amount of HP.

The reinforcements end at about turn 15. Note that the boss should be the only enemy left. He carries an Iote Shield, which negates an archer's advantage over fliers. You still can damage him with arrows, it just won't be super effective.

The boss himself doesn't pose a major threat.

BOSS: Michalis HP: 37

Weapon: Silver Lance Drop: Iote Shield

Beginning Quote: "Made it this far, have you? Don't gloat yet. My Dragoons and I still rule these skies!"

Death Quote: "Aaagh...I am finished...Forgive people..."

Personally, me Beck did a critical hit with a Pachyderm, but it wouldn't matter anyway since the boss could be killed fast with a combo of Nabarl + Abel.

Seize the gate after.


Marth: First General Camus of Grust....Now Prince Michalis of Medon. Men of such promise...Had the times been different, the two might have led illustrious lives.

Malledus: Yes, Prince Michalis was a brilliant man with great things ahead of him. But in the end, the rashness of youth did him in.

Marth: Only because Gharnef found his weakness and exploited it. Until we stop that fiend, this spiral of misery will never cease.

Malledus: Then shall we go to Thabes? Lord Gotoh said the city lies someplace far to the north of Khadein.

Marth: Yes, in the heart of the desert...

Malledus: Thabes is an old city... None in recent memory have gone there and returned alive. Within its walls remain many powerful apparatus crafted of long-forgotten magic. Lord Gotoh believes Gharnef is harnessing their power, and that is why he wields such influence over the continent.

Marth: And he has Imhullu as well...This will be a struggle.

(Malledus leaves)

Marth: Still, Gharnef's reign must end. The world was so much more beautiful before he painted it red...


Save the game.