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This is a continuation of the walkthrough for Chip's Challenge. Levels 61 (RINK) through 80 (VANISHING ACT) will be discussed on this page.

Level 61: RINK

While there is no time limit, this level can be beaten in 49 seconds, thus:

U R U 2D L D L 2R 2U R 2U 2R U 2R U D R 2D 2U R U R L 2D 2R L D L R U 2R 3D 2L 2D 2L 2D U L U 2L D L D R 2D L D R D 4R U D 2L D 2U D 3R 2U L U L U L U 2L 2R 2U 2L D L 2D L D U L 2U R U 2R U 2D R D R D R 2D 3L 2D L 2U 2L D U 4R 2U L U 2D R. End!

To solve this level with less of a priority on speed, note that if you watch Chip, and the blocks directly to the north, south, east or west, you will be able to eliminate which blocks you have not tested. You need only systematically eliminate which blocks are walkable and which are not to search for the chips. If you see a bunch of fake walls, find a way to get to them. Remember that the exit is in the center.

Level 62: SLO MO

This level consists of a checkerboard pattern of open and closed toggle walls, broken up by some corridors that allow rapid movement, because the level's name is apt: the walls toggle only once every 4 moves. There's also lots of blobs around the level, and a storm of teeth approaching, which isn't going to be a problem here. The blobs, though...

The route through the level is 3R8U6R9U16RU4RU; this isn't going to work every time, shall I say. But, it does score 282 seconds when it does.


This is a pretty easy level that requires a couple well-timed tricks to complete well. Step U2RUR4UL, move three blocks into the corridor under you, and take the first two chips. Now, get on the train and take the four remaining chips here, one at a time, by pressing L. Just below is the next section; clone the block, then step D and wait half a move before you dive in to take the chip; just step and the block will get stuck, and waiting one move is too long for 477. The exit is to the left; no tricks for that one.

Level 64: SPOOKS

I'm sure that once you master this route, your friends will go crazy! This route looks insanely hard, but in fact, it's just a simple bunch of noodling with a couple tricks to it. Even-step is required.

The route? R D R 2L (wait) 4L 4D 2L D U L U L U L R 6U R U 7R 5U D 8L 4U 5R 4U 6L D L D L D 5L 3U 8D 3R 4D 3L 3R D R 2D R D 5L 6D 5R 3D 3R D 5R U 2R U 2R L 4U 4R D 4R 3U 3L 10U R 3U R U L U L U L U (wait) 6R D 2R 4D L 3D 2L 8D 4R 13D 3L U L 2U 4L 3D 21L D exit. It's worth 547, but much more than that, as you know. :)


This level is just a maze of canals with chips, and isn't very difficult, but you do have to remember which approaches are safe. Slide as follows, collecting the nearby chips when requested:

2LD2R (two chips) LD (chip) U (chip) LU (chip) L2R (chip) LU (chip) LUD (two chips) UR2D (chip) UL, and take the three chips on the sides. Keep moving URD (chip on left) D (2 chips on the right) D (three chips) 2U (chip) UR (three chips) DL (chip) L (chip) 2RDL (chip) L (chip) 2RD (chip on top, then two of the chips at the bottom) L (two chips) L (two chips) U (two chips to the right, one on the left) U (chip) 2DL (chip) D (chip) DU (three chips) U (chip) 2DRU (chip) U (chip) U (chip) 3DR, and take the last chip before you escape the tunnel with 395 seconds.

Level 66: VICTIM

The level is fast, but certainly it can be done faster...only eight seconds are required for this level. Even-step is recommended.

Play 2DURU2LD3L, then DL to steal the chips, and take the chips from left to right until you need no more. Now return to the choice of chip sockets and take the east path to reach the exit with 292 seconds remaining.

Level 67: CHIPMINE

It's just a maze hunt, but it takes up the entire level, so it's going to be hard without a map. There will be five designated points, signified with ABCDE, and when you retreat, you move to the previous intersection you were at. The full route is:

  • 2R, and as to the south is the way to the exit, mark this A and move 4U to B. A 2U path leads to the west area, so move 2R to C, and move north (8U 2R 2D 2R 2U 2R 2D 3R 3L 2U 5R 6D 3L 2U R) for two chips, and east (2R 4U 4R 4D 5R 5L 4U 2L 4D 7R) for two other chips. Now, play back to B and move into the west section with 2U 2L, to D. Move 4D 4L 4D 2R 2U, 2D 2L 4U 4R 2U 6L 8D 6R 2U, 2D 6L 6U 2L 8D, 8U 2L 6U 2R, 2L 6D 2R 4U 2R 4U 6L 10D 2R, and 6D to collect each of the six chips in the northwest, and return to D and move towards the edge.
  • Collect the close chip with 4L 2U 6R 2U 2L 2U 2R, then 2L 2D 2R 2D 4L and 4U 12L 29D, and 15U 2R 6D 2R 2D 2L 2D 4R to reach the southwest section. Start with the chip under you with 2D 4L 3D 2R U 2R D, and collect the rest of the chips: U 2L D 2L 3U 4R 4U 2R 2D, 2U 2L 2U 2R 2U 4R 2D 2R 2U, 6D, 4U 4L 4D, 4U 2R 6D 4L, 6R, 2L 2D 2L D 2L U, and D 2R U 2R D 2R U to clean out this area. With seven chips left, return all the way back to A.
  • To finish the level, first play 2D 2R 4U 2R 2D 2R, where you can see the exit, and then back around 2L 2U 2L 4D 2R. To the east is the path to the exit, plus one chip. Get the other five chips with 2D 4L, 4R 2D 9R 2D L 2D R 2D L and back out with R 2U L 2U R 2U 9L, and 2D 6R 4D 2L 2U 6L 4D 2L 4U, 4U 2R 4D 6R 2D 2R 2D 3R 3D 2L U 2L D 2L U 2L D L, and R U R 2U 2L 2U 2R. With one chip left, go back to E and finish with 4R 2U 5R 2D L 2D R and L 2U R 2U 5L 2D 2R 2D 4L. If done correctly, this route should score 518.


Now, this level means business. There's only three sections to it, but all three of them have involving solutions to them.

Pass the gravel below, shove the block all the way to the west (you don't need it) and circle to the very center of the section to collect the green key, plus the chips on the way out. The paramecium, and its further clones, won't pose a significant enough problem to warrant blocking the cloner. Now, move to the east of the level to begin the second section; move the first block U, then continue LRD2RU5L4R2ULDRD3LU2LU3DURUR2D. This begins the blocks on the far left; collect one more block with U3RD3RU6L, then 2ULU, all the way left, and 2D2UR4DULUL2D. Now, get above the second block, shove it D, then the first block L, and then the second block down to the water, and repeat this movement all the way to the right, when this will result in collecting a chip. Now, take the block sitting to the right and use it on the east end, then collect the loose block in the second room and shove it all the way west. Push this into the first water space to take this chip, and move all the remaining blocks down to collect the rest of the chips in the room. With this complete, enter the final section to the south-west.

Dive immediately into the glider circle moving south, ignore the first two chips on the left, and then take all the chips around until only three remain, but make sure to wait for gliders when needed. Now, take the single chip on the top, and finish with 2D2LU (wait), and finally join the train moving out to reach the exit. If you kept your nerve, you get 489.


Now, it's full of balls, if you know what I mean. Start with 8RU4RUR4U (obvious, right?), and keep moving U2LU, then wait for two balls to pass below and move DRU to squeeze through. Now, three more balls are going up and down; past these and above is a paramecium train. This leads west, north, and east to a bunch of balls (familiar by now?) Wait for this bunch of four to turn south, and follow it south, then fit into the second alcove. To the right is another group; fit into the first alcove, then run up to a new area.

Hold to the right, waiting as needed, then turn to the left and pick up the red key. Now hold to the left, and move to the right to get the blue key. Return back the same way, wait four moves for the group of four balls, and fit into the second alcove that you reach. Return to the first column, fit into the first alcove, wait, and pick up the keys above you, which include a yellow key. With this key, break through the eastern yellow keyhole and get the second yellow key behind the balls. Below you is the exit, behind the three colored doors. Dodge well in Bounce City, get the 229 seconds.


The level you see here is quite simple, but there are many separate sections which must be done in several different ways. It is also different depending on your version, but it all works out to the end.

The route shown here was tested in MS even-step.

Follow the route past all the monsters down to a block next to a water space, push it in, and then move over the trap button, which does nothing at the moment. Keep moving DR3DR2DR2D, which does absolutely nothing because this paramecium doesn't have a controller to escape from the trap, and collect the yellow key. Soon, you reach a moving ball; fit to the top and wait for the right side to be freed, and continue to move east and turn left. This teeth monster also will not escape from the trap (because its controller is the ball, which is not moving north at any time), and you can follow to a walker in a trap. Release this, run away, and open the yellow door, and run from the blob! (If you adapt this route to odd-step, you'll never get hit.)

Now, go to the tank button and touch it a second time to return the tank to the start, and continue east to a bunch of blocks on ice. Move the first one U, the second one R, the third block L, and then move the last two blocks U and L to pad down the water spaces, opening the path to the exit. Above you, release the ball to clone a fireball, and then you can pass through when this fireball is gone. (Fun Chips fact: If a monster is pointed towards a wall while it's in a trap, it will never be released. Otherwise, the ball would just bounce back north and continue to clone fireballs when released without cessation.) Walk to the bug section, dive directly in and out to take the red key, and break past the bees below, which leads to the dirt seen earlier, then the red door, and finally to the exit. You are not exactly halfway through the puzzle, but another 136 seconds still count toward your total.

Level 71: CORRIDOR

Corridor is a perfectly symmetrical level except for the colors of the doors and the central canal, and it's easy to complete when you figure out the trick to using the blocks, because it can be used on both sides.

Start by taking the red key with the one block you have at hand, and then open the left keyhole (you can switch sides if you prefer, however..) Take the first chip, then move D3L3DLDU2RDL, which frees the use of the blocks at the cost of the one extra block you have. Move the block directly underneath 2U, the block to the right R3U, and then into the water. Follow this with the block in the center (3R3U) to reach the next red key, repeat the exact same motions on the other side (it's a mirror image, so left will be right and right will be left), and collect the green key. Now, collect the south-east chip only, then the blue key, and then the other three chips on the way out. Return to the left side of the mirror, open the blue door, and move L3U2R2L4UD to take block 1 out. (Move block 2 3U instead of 3R3U this time.) Handle the four chips and key in the same manner, duplicate the moves in the mirror, and return to the left to free the last block for a push east, north, and east, and into the corridor. Finally, repeat this on the other side, take the three chips in the ladder, and bust through the green door.

Now, you're between two identical rooms with blue keys in them, with walkers guarding each key. Look for the easier key to get, cross your fingers, and go grab it. You can now combine the blue and yellow keys to reach the exit with 355 seconds on the clock.


It might be a bit difficult to know when you're supposed to move, but it's in a specific pattern: 3, 2, 2, and 1 button, and then this repeats without end.

Wait two moves with LR or RL, then run directly down through, stopping to pick up all the chips. Now, move RLR (to wait two moves), break through the first two pairs, and from the second chip, step D5R2UD7R2U to finish this area. Wait one move, then 4UL8UR4UL (wait for tank) 4ULR (to wait two) 5LDU4LD4LU3L. This brings you to the upper left.

Move 2D (wait) 4D2L4DR3DRL5D6RU3RDU4R4UL7URU, which takes care of more (easier) tanks, and finish with 3L (wait) 3L3D2LR4D3RD4U, to exit!

Level 73: MORTON

This level is a little bit tough...It's mostly a symmetrically styled maze, but there is a teeth monster in the middle of the maze, guarding some of the chips! Plus, it's an invisible wall maze.

There are three distinct sections to this level: Reach Morton, trick him, and then finish collecting the chips. [Use even-step!]

  • 4L2U3R2U5R2D5R2U2RU [chip] R2U3L [chip], then back to 4L from start, and 8LU [chip] L5U2R3DR [chip] L10U [A] 2L8U2R6UR [chip] 3U2LD [chip] U2R2D4R2U3R2DR2D6LD [chip], and return to A. Now, move U2R2U2R6UR [chip] U3R2DLD [chip] U11RD [chip] R5D2L3UL [chip] R8D3L. Now, Morton can see you...
  • Wait one move, then step 3RLR3U2DL (wait) D2L to sneak past Morton! Wait two moves, then step 2UR4ULU3LDL3DR (three chips down) L4UR2DR2DL3D. Take that, Morton! With the teeth trapped for the most part, you are free to complete the level.
  • 3R5U2R2U2R4D [B] 2L2DL [chip] D3L2D5L2U3LU [chip] L5U2R4UR [chip] L7DR [chip] L3U2L3D2L4DR [chip] 2U2L4DR [chip], go back to B, and 2R2U2R [C]. Morton is escaping, but he won't get very far because you're out of there already. Just keep going: 7U2L2UL [chip] R2D2RD2R4U2LUL [chip] 3U2RD [chip] U2L2D5L2U3L2DL2D2R2D3RD [chip], reverse to C, and finish with 2R4D2L6D2R3DL [chip] R3U2L2DL [final chip] D2L2D9L [exit!].

This route is worth 485 seconds.

Level 74: PLAYTIME

Touch the clone button, slide left to a trap, which the cloned ball will release. However, you have to be a little fast because it's going to hit you next move! Continue with L3D2RD to take a chip, touch the toggle button, and step 2R onto a force floor which slides you to the main area. Now it's playtime...

Paramecia obsessively going around in circles! Jump on the upper right corner, then step L and left again on the second up force floor to take the chip. Keep walking north to a pair of blocks; move the lower one RD3R4UR into the water, then the other one 2D, and walk over the gravel to steal the chip. Immediately walk back out (you can see that you sped the level up by moving the second block!) and move that second block into the water where the first block went to take the final chip. Immediately move 3L4U to get away from the gliders in the pool, and then walk east to finish and score up 359 seconds.

Level 75: STEAM

Yeah, fire and water. You have to combine the two. :) That's the goal of this level: keep trading types of boots until you have a chance to get both at once, and then exit the level. The rout is as such: UD5LU2LD4L4URURD3R2URU2RUR5U3L3U4L2U6LD4LD3L11D2L2DR3DL, which makes steam, and then L, all the way up, and left to the exit. You score 479 seconds.

Level 76: FOUR PLEX

Well....Four Plex is an instant classic, which combines everything you might want in CC here.

There are indeed four plex, and you begin in the south-west, then move counterclockwise to the north-west.

Southwest: 2RD, follow the path right, down, and left to the first fake wall, and move U for a red key. Walk back to the teleport and slide through, then 6DRL3R and up to the yellow key. Again, slide LRL, then step U3R to escape.

Southeast: Follow the path to a ball cloner, wait two moves, and then touch the button. Steal the first chip, then hide, steal the second chip, and then squeeze DR to another chip, and R5D to prepare the first of the blocks for use. Move the block UR, then go back past the ball cloner, take the lower track again, and move RU6D. Use the first block, replace it with the second, and get on the top force floor track. Shove the lower block 8D, use the second block, then wait for the bug and replace it with block 3. Collect the final block, then use the third block followed by the fourth block to clear the way to the next section. (This frees a fifth block for use, but what would you do with it? :P)

Northeast: And the route matches the level for craftiness! Touch both toggle buttons, then hit one again, and clone and release two gliders. Step as such: 2L2URUDL4D [chip] 2U2R, and then once again clone and release two gliders. Now, from the trap button, move 2L2URUR6UR2U [chip] 2DL7D2LD4L, collect the rest of the chips, and start the little interlude section: a bunch of pop-up walls. Take the chip above, hold to the right, and take two more in the south-east corner. Continue west, take the first chip on the bottom, and then move 2U2L2D11LU3RU3RD3R5U. Now, you are in...

Northwest: Notice above that there are three blocks stopping each of the keys. This is a classic problem, but it's easily solved: pull up two spaces, then move the lower blocks out, and then shove the upper block out on either one to take the chip, and then the center block down to take the key. Repeat with the other side, then exchange yellow key for fire boot, blue key for red, then blue, and finally blue key for the flippers. Use these flippers to swim to the exit at the very top, but be extremely careful about running into the bomb! This magnum opus is worth 416 - yes, divisible by four. :)

Note: If you liked this level, others similar are TOSSED SALAD, NUTS AND BOLTS, NIGHTMARE, and ELEMENTARY.


No, it's not as hard as it might look. Rather than knock some gliders into the bug stream to disrupt it and allow you to enter, you can just walk to the left, enter the gap, and walk around counterclockwise to take the chips. The one catch is that you have to wait a move before collecting the first chip such that the bug doesn't reverse itself on you! Now, from the last chip, squeeze 4UL, and circle to the exit with 481 seconds on the clock.


The level is absurdly simple, though not to the scale of the previous one, involving only a few simple teleports and keys. However, scoring high here? The "force square" is going to be a really hard task.

Practice the route many times, as long as you need to, and be thankful the force square is at the start instead of a minute into the level. :) The route through? DR2UR2ULDRUR6D5L2URD2L2URULD2R3U2LU. You now move east, down, and left (if you turn down while the clock is still at 495, you got it), and when you're turning up, hold the west key to bust out of the room. Below is the first teleport; step 2R out of it, and then move U2LRLU3L to collect the red key, having found all the chips in the force square. Now, slide DU, which will return you to a south force floor and send you D again. Break through the yellow and red keyholes and exit the level for a maximum of 480 with the best skill.


I don't like the sound of that...But you're reading this guide, so no matter. Walk to the south, take the chips on the south and east, and enter the teleport from the east. Continue to step 3LD to release the fireballs into the first room, and then remove the chips on the left and bottom. Slide up through the teleport, take all the chips from quadrant 3 (the loose fireball approaching and the ones at the bottom won't bother you), and this time, slide west through the teleport to the toughest and last quadrant. Immediately run 3U, remove the chips to the right of you, and then resume collecting the ones to the left. The exit is right to the east; yes, 220 is also divisible by four. :)


This level is a simple maze that gets difficult...the walls are all invisible, and the dirt is only going to help once! This means the guide to this level will consist entirely of the route to each chip.

  • 4RU2RU2RD.
  • U5R2UL.
  • R2D3L2U2L3U2L2U3R5U2LD.
  • U2R3D4L3U3L2D3LDL.
  • R2D2L2D3L2D2R.
  • 2L2U3R2U4L5U4L2D2R2D4L4U3L2DR.
  • L2DR2DL3D3RD.
  • U2R2DRD.
  • UL2U3R2U.
  • 4D4RD2R (you're about at the start) 4D2R2D2L4D2R2D2RU.
  • D2L2U2L2D2L3D2L2U.
  • D2LUL3UL.
  • R3DL6D2R2D.
  • 6R2D6R3U2R3D2R.
  • 2RU.
  • D4RU2R2U4L5U2R3D4R3UR.
  • To exit: L3D4L3U2L5D4R3D3R3UL.

733 seconds. It's magic!