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Fire Emblem

"After shattering Medon's main force outside Aurelis Castle, Marth next led his army into the castle's halls to liberate the kingdom. A number of treasures slept in Aurelis Castle's nooks and crannies but how to extract them before they could fall into enemy hands?

"Only a thief could open chests locked that tight," grumbled one of Marth's men.

"But we don't have any thieves with us. ...Do we?""


I strongly recommend that you reclass Wolf from the previous level to a general. If you do so wolf will turn level 20 before you know it.P.S he can also use the 2 legendary weapons Parthia and Gravidus.This battle is going to be fast-paced. No time for idling. Take your best units, get your best weapons. For the first half of the map, let your strong units rush and kill the various thieves before they run off with the treasure.

Keep some units for the latter part, you can afford to take your time after. Remember to take a thief also. There are no houses in this map, hence no houses section.


Start the battle when you are done. First, do note that there is a thief locked in the jail at the beginning of the map. Don't waste time on him now. He can be recruited with Marth later (don't worry, he isn't going anywhere).

Rush the halls with your fastest units, ie. Cavaliers. Back them up with Marth, Nabarl, Wolf/Gordin, and Merric. Make sure that no thieves even get close to getting away, the treasure is really good, especially the seraph robe.

At the bottom, near the throne, it is pretty packed and you will lose a char- acter if you aren't careful. Easy way to beat it is first, lure the units one by one. Eliminate them then lure another. Once you can't do that anymore while not risking losing a character, amass a small army. Figure out who is going to attack what.

For example, if I see two archers and a knight, I would think:

1) My mage, Merric, can easily take out the knight, let's position him to do that. 2) Archers can't fight back in close range, so let's get two cavaliers to kill them.

The boss is a pushover since he doesn't have any long range weapons. Use magic to beat him fast.


HP: 28

Weapon: Silver Lance Drop: Master Key

Beginning Quote: "Blast! They're upon me! Why didn't those idiot soldiers stop them?!"

End Quote: "Rrgh...Why...?"

After this, make sure you recruited Rickard in the jail. Seize the throne. Save the game. Note that if you have less than 15 units, you will go to Chapter 6X - see Gaiden chapters for more information.