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File:Tf2 pipeline.jpg
Developer Valve Software
Type Payload Race

Pipeline is a racing payload map, where two teams compete to get the payload to the enemy base before the other team. Unlike other payload maps, the cart does not return after inactivity; instead, it rolls backwards on specific inclines.

Stage 1[edit]

Stage 1 has two access routes; through the main area, and through a one-way door that leads behind the enemy base.





Demomen can spam grenades through the openings above the central gate during setup time.



Engineers should set up a teleporter entrance during setup time. Place the entrance outside the upper spawn exit because the lower exit is somewhat remote, and can be easily sapped/destroyed before your teammates will be aware of an enemy presence.

Sometimes engineers can get a sentry set up on the balcony overlooking the central area. If the enemy team is not paying attention to that area, build a teleporter exit and a dispenser in the room next to the balcony before building the sentry. That will leave you enough metal to immediately upgrade your sentry after building it.

When playing against good teams, you can expect to have your sentry destroyed repeatedly during construction.




Do not attempt to use the central route to get to the other side of the map. You will likely die from the firepower concentrated on this area. Use the alternate round found on the side of the map. During part of the journey through this area, you will be visible to the enemy through the glass windows. Make sure you cloak while passing by these areas. You will most likely be able to make it behind enemy lines much of the time.

Stage 2[edit]

Stage 2 has two access routes. The first is through the main tunnel, and serves as a choke point for both teams; the payload must go through the area, and it is easily defensible by both sides. The second access is more suitable near the end of the round, and it is located at the top of your second floor. It is used to flank the enemy and gives a faster access route when the payload is near the checkpoint.







The engineer needs to seal off the main choke point with sentry gune. While this has a side effect of forcing enemies through the other access route, it is preferable to having the payload coming close to your checkpoint.




Stage 3[edit]

The final heat has the two payloads side-by-side, and you need to get them to the top. There are two available means to reach the rails, leading to the base of the uphill ramp, and the second behind the ramp to the final point.





The most effective tactic for a demoman on this map is to camp the middle enemy spawn exit. You can place sticky-bombs outside the gates, and prevent enemy snipers from having a protected area to shoot from. If you pay attention to the cart icon, you can also turn and attack the enemy cart from this vantage point.



The engineer is not an effective choice for this heat. There is not enough time to setup the sentry gun in most locations, and the open arena would allow the sentry to be destroyed at long range.

One area where an engineer can set up a sentry is at the very top of the map where the winning cart will eventually end up. If an engineer can get a dispenser built in the secluded rooms at the top, then he has a real chance of getting a sentry gun up as well. This will make the map very difficult for the opposing team to win.


