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Stick to It[edit]

  • Hint: Set free!
  • Description: Aww, that chameleon has a bunch of stuff stuck to its tongue! The poor thing needs your help. Try to unstick the stuff, but don't touch its tongue, or the results will be shocking!
  • Strategy: Hit the object that's sticking out of the chameleon's tongue without touching the tongue itself, or your character will be knocked off the screen. It doesn't matter which direction you hit the object from.
  • Levels of difficulty:
  1. Unstick a wide object.
  2. Unstick a narrower object.
  3. Unstick two objects.
  • Passing Score: 30

Shoo, Fly![edit]

  • Hint: Shoo!
  • Description: Gross! A bunch of flies showed up, and they are WAY too ew. Shoo them away already!
  • Strategy: Move into or throw projectiles at the flies to push them off the screen. Clear the screen of flies to clear the game.
  • Levels of difficulty:
  1. There are a few flies bunched together.
  2. There are more flies and they are further apart.
  3. There are even more flies, including some tougher flies.
  • Passing Score: 30

Egg It On[edit]

  • Hint: Crack!
  • Description: Hmm, that egg looks ready to hatch, but it's taking too long. Help it along by cracking the shell, OK?
  • Strategy: Hit the egg to crack its shell. The more cracks appear on it, the closer it is to breaking.
  • Levels of difficulty:
  1. The egg is large and the shell is weak.
  2. The egg is smaller and the shell is tougher.
  3. The egg is even smaller and the shell is even tougher.
  • Passing Score: 25

Crayfish Crash[edit]

  • Hint: Shoo!
  • Description: Uh-oh! Somehow a crayfish got into the fish tank! The fish are in danger, so see if you can shoo that pest away.
  • Strategy: Push the crayfish upward to direct it out of the tank.
  • Levels of difficulty:
  1. The crayfish is large and facing up.
  2. The crayfish is small but wide, and facing up.
  3. The crayfish is small and narrow, and swims horizontally near the bottom of the tank.
  • Passing Score: 25

Turtle Tipper[edit]

  • Hint: Flip!
  • Description: Mr. Turtle won't come out to play while he's upside down. Help him get back on his feet!
  • Strategy: Push the edge of the turtle's shell to lift it up off the ground, then give it another push if necessary to flip it over.
  • Levels of difficulty:
  1. The turtle's shell is small.
  2. The turtle's shell is long and flat.
  3. The turtle's shell is heavy.
  • Passing Score: 15

Roll Call[edit]

  • Hint: Roll them up!
  • Description: Did you know that pill bugs roll up into little balls when you touch 'em? It's SO adorable! Try to make the pill bugs roll into a ball so we can enjoy their cuteness, OK?
  • Strategy: Move into or hit the pill bugs to roll them up. A single pill bug can make others roll up by rolling into them.
  • Levels of difficulty:
  1. Roll up a single or a few pill bugs.
  2. Roll up multiple pill bugs on the same platform.
  3. Roll up multiple pill bugs on different platforms.
  • Passing Score: 30

Cloudy with a Chance of Sun[edit]

  • Hint: Clear skies!
  • Description: Flowers can't bloom without the sun. Scoot those clouds away so the flowers can grow big and strong!
  • Strategy: Move into or hit the clouds to push them away from the flowers. If multiple clouds are on the same layer, they must be pushed in different directions to fit on either side of the screen. If a flower has already bloomed, pushing a cloud over them will have no effect on them.
  • Levels of difficulty:
  1. Push a single cloud away to bloom a single flower.
  2. Push two clouds away to bloom a single flower.
  3. Push two clouds away to bloom two flowers.
  • Passing Score: 30

Drop Zone[edit]

  • Hint: Dodge!
  • Description: Is that rain? EW, NO! It's bird poop. That's super yucky. Don't get hit, because...GROSS!
  • Strategy: Find a space between the birds to move to in order to avoid getting hit. If there is no space, simply move if you see something dropping above you.
  • Levels of difficulty:
  1. Dodge a few birds.
  2. Dodge more birds.
  3. Dodge even more birds.
  • Passing Score: 30

Look Both Ways[edit]

  • Hint: Cross!
  • Description: Wild animals are running...uh, WILD! Be careful as you cross the road so you don't get trampled.
  • Strategy: Move quickly across the gaps to the other side before the shadows can form. You can also move under the platforms, so don't worry about falling off.
  • Levels of difficulty:
  1. Cross the gaps past a single wild animal.
  2. Cross the gaps past two wild animals.
  3. Cross the gaps past three wild animals.
  • Passing Score: 20

Family Reunion[edit]

  • Hint: Reunite!
  • Description: Those baby ducklings are sooo adorable and sooo lost! Help reunite them with the mama duck!
  • Strategy: Move over to the ducklings to have them follow you, then lead them to the mother. Be careful with walls, as 5-Volt can lose ducklings if she warps past them for example.
  • Levels of difficulty:
  1. Lead a single duckling past a wall to its mother.
  2. Lead two ducklings past a couple of walls to their mother.
  3. Lead two ducklings past three walls to their mother.
  • Passing Score: 25


  • Hint: Remove!
  • Description: Hey! Something is trying to reach through that crack! What IS it? Knock it free, and I bet you find out.
  • Strategy: Push the arms peeking through the gap upward to knock them away. Pushing them in any other direction has no effect.
  • Levels of difficulty:
  1. Knock away cat paws.
  2. Knock away frog toes.
  3. Knock away octopus tentacles.
  • Passing Score: 25

Doggone Thirsty[edit]

  • Hint: Drink up!
  • Description: That pupper looks super thirsty. Move its tongue so it can get a nice, refreshing drink of water!
  • Strategy: Push the dog's tongue up and keep it positioned upward as a ramp for the water, but be sure not to knock it too far, as it could miss the water completely. Keep the water flowing until the dog gets its fill to clear the game.
  • Levels of difficulty:
  1. The dog's tongue is thick.
  2. The dog's tongue is narrow.
  3. There are two dog tongues, one thick and one narrow.
  • Passing Score: 20

Monochrome Creatures[edit]

  • Hint: Look closely! Who's there? / Who's not there?
  • Description: Time to focus like a ninja! Look carefully, and then answer the question. The animals are all black-and-white, so it can be kinda confusing.
  • Strategy: Look for the distinct shapes and patterns presented to you and memorize them in preparation for the question. Whichever option is touched last before time runs out will count as the chosen one.
  • Levels of difficulty:
  1. There are two animals to observe.
  2. There are three animals to observe.
  3. There are three rotating animals to observe.
  • Passing Score: 20

Wheel You or Won't You?[edit]

  • Hint: Stop!
  • Description: Look how cute that hamster is running in its little wheel! Wait a minute... Mr. Hamster can't stop! Be a hamster hero, and stop the wheel!
  • Strategy: Hit the wheel on the side that the hamster is facing; opposing the hamster's momentum should provide enough force to stop the wheel. More hamsters must be stopped with a second player.
  • Levels of difficulty:
  1. A large hamster wheel on the ground must be stopped.
  2. A smaller hamster wheel high up must be stopped.
  3. A hamster wheel that flies across the screen must be stopped.
  • Passing Score: 30

Kitty Business[edit]

  • Hint: Cover!
  • Description: This is a little gross, but can you help cover the kitty's special business with some sand? Try moving the litter slowly and starting from far away. Thanks, and sorry!
  • Strategy: Carefully push the litter onto the kitty's business to obscure it. Pushing the business itself down into the litter may help.
  • Levels of difficulty:
  1. The kitty's business is small.
  2. The kitty's business is larger.
  3. The kitty's business is even larger.
  • Passing Score: 15

Do Feed the Giraffe[edit]

  • Hint: Feed!
  • Description: Feed the giraffe! You can do this by moving their necks or their food. Just don't forget they're vegetarians!
  • Strategy: Push the giraffe's food toward the giraffe or the giraffe's neck toward its food, whichever is easier (for example, 9-Volt has more luck pushing the giraffe than the food). Keep the giraffe away from any meaty options.
  • Levels of difficulty:
  1. There are two sets of apples on the screen.
  2. There is one set of apples on the screen.
  3. There is one set of meat and one set of apples on the screen.
  • Passing Score: 25

Break the Ice[edit]

  • Hint: Break!
  • Description: These polar bears really want to punch some ice. Help 'em out by getting the cubes close enough for them to reach. But be careful not to get in their way! Hmm...I wonder what's inside the ice cubes.
  • Strategy: Nudge the ice cubes toward the polar bears to cause them to swing their way. If possible, stay on the side away from the polar bear's fist, as it can knock your character out if it makes contact.
  • Levels of difficulty:
  1. Make the polar bear punch a single ice cube.
  2. Make two polar bears punch a single ice cube.
  3. Make two polar bears punch two ice cubes.
  • Passing Score: 15

Chompy Chirpers[edit]

  • Hint: Feed!
  • Description: Give the hungry birdies some food from the basket! I don't know why they don't just fly to get it? Oh well, I guess that's their business.
  • Strategy: Hit the basket so that it swings in wide arcs, knocking food into the mouths of the birds below with every swing. If your character can fly into the baskets, it may be easier to swing them from within.
  • Levels of difficulty:
  1. Feed a few birds.
  2. Feed more birds.
  3. Feed even more birds.
  • Passing Score: 15

Web Surfer[edit]

  • Hint: Free!
  • Description: A beautiful butterfly is stuck in a stupid spiderweb! You HAVE TO help it escape!
  • Strategy: Attack the web where the butterfly is stuck to it in order to break it free. You may need to knock some debris out of the way to reach it.
  • Levels of difficulty:
  1. The butterfly is stuck in an otherwise empty web.
  2. The butterfly is stuck in a web with garbage in it.
  3. The butterfly is stuck in a web with even more garbage in it.
  • Passing Score: 30

Sayonara, Snakes[edit]

  • Hint: Scare snakes!
  • Description: Chase away the scary snakes! Just try not to frighten the other animals while you're at it, OK?
  • Strategy: Hit all snakes on the screen to clear the game. Hitting anything else on the screen results in failure.
  • Levels of difficulty:
  1. Save a single victim from a single snake.
  2. Save a single victim from multiple snakes.
  3. Save multiple victims from multiple snakes.
  • Passing Score: 20

Ocean Hero[edit]

  • Hint: Collect!
  • Description: Aww, the creatures of the ocean shouldn't have to live with our garbage. Help clean up their home by getting the trash into the net. The currents can be a big help!
  • Strategy: Gather the trash by moving over it or shooting at it, then direct it to the net. If you start to run out of time, simply move the trash up and the current may carry it into the net.
  • Levels of difficulty:
  1. Push a few bags into the net.
  2. Push a few bundles of rope into the net.
  3. Push many bags into the net.
  • Passing Score: 20

Fluff It Out[edit]

  • Hint: Make them fly!
  • Description: Can you blow all of the dandelion fluff into the air? It's sooo pretty! Hm? My rabbit radar is going crazy for some reason...
  • Strategy: Hit the dandelions until all the fluff is knocked off of them to clear the game. More dandelions must be cleared with a second player.
  • Levels of difficulty:
  1. Clear one dandelion.
  2. Clear one dandelion in the wind.
  3. Clear multiple dandelions in the wind.
  • Passing Score: 30

Boss: Safari Tour[edit]

  • Hint: Remember! Question 1! Question 2! Question 3!
  • Description: Cool! This safari is full of animals! Try to remember what kinds of animals you saw, where they were, and what they were doing. There's going to be a quiz at the end, so PAY ATTENTION!
  • Strategy: The quiz is never too difficult, but regardless, it's easy to underestimate it and get tripped up. If you want to be safe, pause the game after each set of animals and take notes, though be aware that there is never too much variation (for example, if you see a big group, you can assume that it's a group of five). If there are obstructions on the screen, they can be knocked out of the way.
  • Levels of difficulty:
  1. The safari tour is unobscured.
  2. The safari tour is obscured by a branch.
  3. The safari tour is obscured by multiple branches.
  • Passing Score: 5