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This is a continuation of the walkthrough for Chip's Challenge. Levels 41 (I. C. YOU) through 60 (SCOUNDREL) will be discussed here.

Level 41: I. C. YOU

If you look at the hint, it says "Teleport direction sequence 1st rdul 2nd lulu." This is from the teleport with the hint next to it, which can be reached by porting north. Now, move R, D, U, and L through the next teleports, then slide UD and begin the L, U, L, and U. The only set of chips that may pose a question is the second L; in the circle of eight, collect the bottom six, then the last two on the way out. Now, slide L to return to the start, then circle clockwise around with the bugs to take the remaining chips, and duck into the exit near the first teleport. You score up 172 seconds.


In Beware of Bug, a series of monsters will be thrown at Chip, and he has to dodge them with one of two moves: into the chip corner, or out. The latter is done only for paramecia in this case.

Take one chip and avoid the paramecium, one chip from the fireball, and then three chips before the bug, and finally one chip before the glider and one chip before another paramecium. Now, because the glider will survive the water, he's going to intercept the second paramecium and slowly chase you. However, he's way too far away. Just keep running to the center and exit for 187 seconds.

Level 43: LOCK BLOCK

This is another new concept: locked blocks! You'll need a key to access them. Take the red key to the right by using the little safe space to hide from the ball, then turn to the left, move the block out of the way, and move the third block north to access the goodies. (The other three have fire under you could go across them now, but why?) Now, use the red key to open the first "lock block" and move the right block into the water, then the lower block, and finally the corner block. Oh, no! No red key! ....just take the one on the left. (Ignore the block; you can't use it.) Now, move the right block D, the corner block to the water, and then the left block and right block. Now, you really don't have a red key for this one either, but you can use the force floor (the ball won't be a problem with this route) to take the key and escape through the pop-up wall. Use the top block, the corner block, and the left block to reach a fourth lock; take the red key first, then open the door, move the left block R, and use the corner block, the top block, and then the left block. Finish the fifth lock by moving the top block D, then use the corner, top, and left blocks to exit the level with 126 seconds left.


This level is of simple design, with four quadrants separated by toggle walls and eight chips, with four on each side of the quadrant, but only two of the chips on each side available at any one time because of the tanks. It also takes a while to complete.

Move to the south-east quadrant, take the 2 chips on the left, the 2 chips on the right, and then switch the toggle doors to access the north-east quadrant. Remove the chips on the right, then on the left, and swap the tanks to access the other two chips on the right and left. Swap the doors again and take the lower left, then right chips, and finally the upper left chip in the south-east. Now, follow the balls to the left side, swap the walls, and enter the north-west, where you take the right and then left chips, and then transpose to the south-west to take the lower right, then the left, and then the upper right chips. Now, swap the tank and take the left, then right, and finally do the same in the north-west. Finally, return to the middle to exit with 146 seconds remaining. It's close to half of 300, but not quite...:)


There are two routes to complete this level, with vastly differing amounts of luck and skill. I will give the route to score 226 first, and then leave it up to you to decide when you want to try for the "God mode".

The goal in this level is to cause all the monsters to clone in patterns such that the toggle doors stay in one position all the time. You can stop all the clone machines, but it takes significantly longer.

Move 2D7R7U3RU2RD, shove the block 5LD, another block 5L, and the first one L, and finally the second one 4U5L. Now, take a detour to the top section, build a bridge to the tank button and touch it, and then wait one move before you step UD to switch them again. Now, move two more blocks 3U4L and 3U5L to access the fire boots (ignore the suction shoes) and take the path to the eastern section of the level, where a cloner awaits to the east. Move the block into the "foyer", then 6D5RD (onto the clone button) to stop the cloning and cause the toggle doors to stay where they are. Return to the beginning of the level and move south, clone a block, and step 2D3R2U, then move this block out to the exit.

Now, for a major spoiler:

It is actually possible to walk through the walkers at the very beginning and score 292! Just clone a block, move it directly into the water, and walk through. The route requires absolutely no skill, but so much luck you're not going to be able to get it without working for a while. Even after several years, I never had it, and then there was a day where I was all alone for the entire day. Even then, it took me about 3,650 consecutive attempts before I finally succeeded, which was almost eight hours of work - straight, except for the basic necessities. Lesser times can be scored as well, but just get the 292 and knock it out.


There is a secret "back door" route through Three Doors which allows Chip to avoid taking the chips.

From the given landing, move 2LDULD, then return to the start, take the east slide, and go through the blue, green, and toggle doors in that order to reach the monster room. Avoid the monsters any way you can, reach the force floor, and override the second west force floor to slide to a choice of three paths, and exit with the left. It was probably intended that the thief would cause you to be unable to pass through that area, but it wasn't so. Programmer error in your favor...your score is thus 222.

Level 47: PIER SEVEN

Seven blocks are scattered around this level, with a few ice patches thrown in to shake things up a bit. The goal is to find the one area where you can bridge to the chips in the center with only the seven blocks given.

Block 1, located just to the right: Move 2D3R13DR3D8L to drop the block into place, and go back for... Block 2, left behind to the right: Move this 9L, up to the water (this is where the bridge goes!), and follow by moving Block 1 2UR, then padding down the second water. Block 3, to the lower left: Step 4D5L, move the block 4U5R, and then destroy. Block 4, to the far left: 4D, left to the block, and then push it right and up into the water. Block 5, past the ice patch above block 4: 5D9L6U, where it's located 2L from you, and pass this by for now. Block 6, further north from your location: Move 7D (onto an ice patch), then retrieve block 5 and move it 6D, then step U2R and slide all the way back to the top to take block 7. Block 7, all the way at the top and a bit further right: Stop after 9U, then divert 2R3U and move the block 4L12D, then right and up to the water. Slide over the ice, then step 3UL2D to prepare block 6 to move right and up. Finish with 8D, left, and use block 5 to reach the chips. Drop to the very bottom of the level, then run east to catch ferry 231 (i.e. exit).


Thieves will repeatedly pop up, which means you have to be a bit thrifty with your tools. Take the chip above you, then return to the start and touch the first down force floor, followed by L2D to slide to an ice rink. Continue to move 2UL to take a chip, then U and R over the up force floor, and 2UL to reach a pool area. Remove the two chips, then continue 5RD2RU to reach a fire room. Again, take the chip, but ignore the suction shoes; you're not going to need them. Instead, step on the west force floor near the thieves, and continue R2D to reach a teleport, and instantly respond with U. Now take the flippers from the ice rink and step back into the teleport, then instantly step left to override the up force floor and return to the pool, where the exit is located. Steal this: 277 seconds!

Level 49: PROBLEMS

This level could be a bit of a problem if it were set up correctly, but instead it's less so.

In the first room, you have to take the keys and escape before the paramecium gets to release a bunch of pink balls. To speed out, move 3L3D6L4U8L4DU5LDL, up, and east to escape the room. The paramecium releases the balls on the top and prepares to release a second set of balls in the lower room, which would be annoying...except it never gets there because this is a paramecium, and it needs a spare monster to point in a specific direction to direct it out of the trap. Since this doesn't exist, it's not going to move, and you can take the chips without problems. From the trap button, move as such to complete the level: 2D7L2R3DR3DL3DR9L3U5R3U5L3U3L5DRD3L2R4DU5L3U2L2U4R2L5U4LU2L, and exit the level above. 162 problem!

Level 50: DIGDIRT

This level isn't a difficult one, but you have to watch where the monsters are moving and also to note where to move to keep them from being right on you.

Step 2R5U2R to take the first chip, then down to a chip, left to another two, down to a chip (but wait one move), right to three more (enter from the bottom on the third), up to three more (wait one move on the second, coming both in and exiting out, and enter from the right on the third), left to three more (enter from the top on the third), and then down to one, and right to one, entering from the bottom (of three spaces). Now, drop to the exit below for 318 seconds!

Level 51: I SLIDE

This is a pretty simple one to write, not necessarily to figure out. 2DU4L2DL3R2DURUDL4URDL2URDR2U to slide to 655 seconds.


The teeth monster is going to switch the walls to block you with the fireballs whenever you move to the left or right...apparently. The way to fool him is to get him to touch the button, then step left, and then switch again as you move to the right.

This is done by 3R3D2R, then D off the third force floor, and LU. Now, speed past the open gap above, take the chip, switch the walls, and move 3U3L2U6L (wait, generally by pressing U to touch the wall) 6R, which will cause the teeth monster to touch the button once while remaining on the east side. Now, you can escape the area, slide to the left, switch the walls and take the chip, and then move the block LD to escape. Ha ha! Exit the level now! 382...I RULE!


Now, we come to the level that actually teaches you that you can override a force floor during the process of boosting, even though I've already provided you with this information.

Step 2D3L, shove the block south to the water to shorten your path, and continue down, then right and up to the toggle button, which you can press and then escape from. Return to the exit to score 478 seconds.

The level's hint suggests to send the walkers towards the toggle button; this is false, of course.

Level 54: GRAIL

I have to give this one an art-deco prize. This level looks great. :)

Move 6RD, which hopefully will send you south (otherwise play it again) to take the green key on the left, and then move R, override the two force floors and pass the teleport, and finally circle counterclockwise around the chips, hopefully not bothering the walker. Go back to the top, teleport to the left side, and hold 5D, then take your pick of which direction you wish to go to take the remaining chips. Consider the position of the walker. Now, go back to the teleport above, step RU into a fake wall, and then D, which sends you to a force floor that moves you L. Hold east, hoping for good luck (less than two mistakes will yield the score of 326) and exit the level past the green door.


Just what it sounds like...Move 6R to take a chip, then 2L3U (wait) R2ULUDR2DRD2R2LU2L to escape with the blue key and fire boots. Resume 5DLDL3D2RU to collect a chip, then left to a bunch of fire. Move the block to collect the chip under it, then continue 7R2UL2U, remove these chips, open the blue door, and slide RDR2D2UR3U to the final area. Finish with 4LU2LUD5LR3UDLDL2R (wait) 2RU (wait) and all the way east to the exit. Alas! A potpourri of 70 seconds!


Deepfreeze is rather easy to complete, but there's a few tricks that will make the level even easier. Start with D5R4L to take the first chip, and run all the way south until you can't move further due to the ball. On the right is a path to a chip; hold north while you're sliding, and squeeze past the south-moving ball 10U to slide west to a toggle button. Now, reverse direction, override the force floor, and go to the gravel and take the chip above you. Squeeze past the ball as it moves west, and then continue 4R2U to reach a set of three chips, opened up by the toggle wall. On your return, you can slip to the east and take this chip, and then follow with 5L2D to reach the chip on the other side of the teleport (this time hold south). This is the last chip; use the ice on the top to speed back to the area on the left, enter the center chip socket on the right, and use the ice skates to skate all the way to the east, where the exit resides. Brrr...162 seconds.


An old-fashioned maze in with some strange "walls". Trapped teeth and walkers, chip sockets, water, fire, doors, bombs, normal and fake walls, and traps make up the walls of the level. To beat it, go to the left and get the first chip, and then you have three paths: left for 7 chips, down and left for 7 chips, and down and right for 12 chips. Now, move back to the start, duck under the walker maze for 3 chips, and then duck to the left of the maze to face another choice of paths: above are four chips, and to the left is the last chip. However, it's important you end with that one last chip to the left, because this is in the socket maze! Since you can now open the sockets, you'll save one second to increase your score from 228 to 229.

Oh, I forgot. Get to the exit first! :)


Now, if you pay attention to the level's four sections, you'll find the water spells "DUNG". Just ignore it. :)

Begin with R2ULU (sliding across the teleport), which brings you towards the chip socket. However, take a little shortcut: hold the east key, which will bust you into the N - but also about to be destroyed! Make a quick turn 7U2R, then run 7D7U9R5D4L6R to keep the flipper and the chip. Keep holding north until you bust through two walls, and turn west to circle to the east side of the G. While on the east side, start to hold west, which will move you through the wall. Resume moving 4U7LR (to wait for this ball) 2L5D2RD3RU4LR (again to wait) 2L, and then walk out to the east and slide back out to the force track, and finally back to the center again.

From that wall just opened in the center, resume with 3L2U2LDL, which brings you around to the D. Now, you have to be careful about holding south because of the ball below you; enter the sixth wall, and then wait before you move D4L5D4RU, and backtrack to the force track. Finish by holding west as you reach the U, and continue with 3U2L4D3L to pick up the remaining chips. A little further down the track is the exit; your goal is 550.


This level is another one of the "busted" levels because you don't need the chips due to a secret "back door" route. In addition, this route doesn't require bothering the walkers, and works every time, so it is the only route provided.

Slide on the ice all the way down, left, up, and right, but hold south to override the force floor and avoid collecting the red key (important!). Now, make the turn all the way to the left (where the monsters were), pass by the chips, and collect the tools (not necessary for this route, but you can't avoid them.) Continue to move all the way right, 5 spaces past the fake wall, and then continue all the way into the teleport. Because of the lack of a red key, and with no other teleport in the level, you slide directly over the teleport and can respond in kind with D. The game is up...368 seconds are yours.


This level is also busted, allowing you to complete it in 6 out of 294 (!) seconds, because the programmers forgot about the possibility of overriding the force floor. Move 11D2R6D2L9D to reach the exit area; can you spot it? Continue 2L2D2R (you could move 2DR, but it's not going to get 289 and is less likely), which will get you to the exit provided the random elements send you east. The "long route" for this level is not guaranteed, so it is not provided in this guide.