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Basic combat

Try out your special skill by hovering your cursor over an enemy and then pressing Mouse left click. Also, get comfortable with using your melee attack by pressing Mouse right click.

Remember: if you have a ranged attack, such as a spell or if you have a bow equipped, hold  Shift  and press the attack button to stand still while firing the projectile towards the cursor.

Act I begins with your character class' intro video. When gameplay begins, you start out south of New Tristram. Head east along the path and kill the zombies that you find there.

When you reach the entrance to the town, talk to the Captain. Before he can open the doors you will have to kill a wave of zombies that rise from the ground close to the guards.

After they are dead, talk to the captain again to finish the quest and open the gate. Head into the town and over to where the merchants are. Enter the tavern.

Speak with Leah. The sick people in the tavern will turn into zombies. Kill them. Talk to Leah. Leave the tavern.

Talk to the captain again. Leave town westward into the old ruins. Kill three Mothers and continue on towards the Queen. Find the Waypoint (the big tile with a white, glowing pattern of circles) to return to town.

Speak with Leah.

Quest: The Legacy of Cain[edit | edit source]

  • Objective: Use the New Tristram Waypoint to go to the Old Ruins with Leah.
  • Text: Leah prays that her uncle, Deckard Cain, still lives despite being lost in the destruction of the cathedral. The spirits do not speak of him within Mbwiru Eikura, and though that does not mean he lives, it gives me hope.

With Leah in tow, take the waypoint back to the Old Ruins. The quest will update.

  • Objective: Find Adria's Hut by following the Old Tristram Road northeast of the Old Ruins.
  • Test: I know better than most the power of the dead. It is a testament to the forces contained within the fallen star that so many of the dead could be returned to life. Even with what I know, I must be cautious.

Leah will now open the gate. As you walk you and her talk about her mother, Atria and how she died when Leah was young and so Deckard Cain took care of her. Her father died when Tristram fell to the demons. Continue down the path to Atria's Hut.

  • Objective: Search Adria's Hut.
  • Text: I know better than most the power of the dead. It is a testament to the forces contained within the fallen star that so many of the dead could be returned to life. Even with what I know, I must be cautious.

Check the bodies of the dead militia and open any barrels nearby. When you enter the hut, Leah will find a hidden cellar and jump down. Follow her into the cellar.

  • Objective: Go down the ladder to the Hidden Cellar in Adria's Hut northeast of the Old Ruins.
  • Objective tracker: Enter the Hidden Cellar in Adria's Hut.
  • Text: I know better than most the power of the dead. It is a testament to the forces contained within the fallen star that so many of the dead could be returned to life. Even with what I know, I must be cautious.

As you enter the cellar, the objective updates.

  • Objective: Explore the Hidden Cellar beneath Adria's Hut.
  • Objective tracker: Explore the Hidden Cellar.
  • Text: I know better than most the power of the dead. It is a testament to the forces contained within the fallen star that so many of the dead could be returned to life. Even with what I know, I must be cautious.

Walk to the right towards the Cauldron. As you approach, a unique enemy named Captain Daltyn burrows out of the ground alongside three Risen.

  • Objective: Kill Captain Daltyn...
  • Objective tracker:
  • Text:

Daltyn will charge you. Hit him with everything you have. He may cast a spell where five white spiked balls appear and grow. These are ice mines; keep far away from them or you will take damage and then be frozen for a few seconds afterwards.

  • Objective: Talk to Leah in the Hidden Cellar beneath Atria's Hut.
  • Objective tracker: talk to Leah in the Hidden Cellar.
  • Text: I know better than most the power of the dead. It is a testament to the forces contained within the fallen star that so many of the dead could be returned to life. Even with what I know, I must be cautious.
  • Reward: 330 XP, 130 gold.

Talk to Leah to receive a journal entry from Atria and a gold and XP reward for completing the quest thus far.

  • Objective: Go to the Cathedral by exiting the Hidden Cellar and following the path northeast from Adria's Hut.
  • Objective tracker: Go to the Cathedral.
  • Text: I know that Leah will be of little assistance to me as I descend into the cathedral to find her uncle. If she stays here, she may be able to learn more about her mother, a mystery that I can tell is of great importance to her.

Clear the room of barrels and chests. Talk to Leah for more lore if you want, then exit the Hidden Cellar. Immediately five Risen will attack. One will knock down the northeast wall of the cellar. Walk onto the grass and six more will rise. Loot the dead militia and barrels, and open the chest.

Continue along the path to reach the start of the Old Tristram road. After clearing a few Risen and Walking Corpses, you will soon reach the Cathedral. By now you may have reached level 4, which will unlock a new active skill.

Enter into Tristram Cathedral, where the fallen star lies. After getting through the front doors, the objective updates.

  • Objective: Descend into the Cathedral Level 1 northeast of Adria's Hut.
  • Objective tracker: Enter Cathedral Level 1.
  • I know that Leah will be of little assistance to me as I descend into the cathedral to find her uncle. If she stays here, she may be able to learn more about her mother, a mystery that I can tell is of great importance to her.

Kill the three Risen and enter the Cathedral.

  • Objective: Search for signs of Deckard Cain in the Cathedral.
  • Objective tracker: Search for signs of Deckard Cain in the Cathedral.
  • Text: The spirits of the cathedral tell me of a great evil that walks these crumbling halls once again. Dark memories return to torment them. Could Cain have possible survived such danger?

As you fight your way through the Cathedral you may find:

  • Better equipment ("Thick" prefixed armor)
  • Journal: Lachdanan's Scroll, Part 1
  • Journal: Lachdanan's Scroll, Part 2
  • Black Mushroom (account bound item)

Find Leoric's Passage and enter. You will see Deckard being chased by skeletons.

  • Objective:
  • Objective tracker:
  • Text:

Kill the skeletons and Headcleaver, the unique enemy.

  • Objective: Talk to Decard Cain in Leoric's Passage in the Cathedral.
  • Objective tracker: Talk to Decard Cain in Leoric's Passage.
  • Text: I wish to bring Cain back to Leah as soon as possible. She will be happy to be reunited with him.

Talk with Deckard. He will open up a passage back to the Cathedral Garden.

  • Objective: Follow Deckard Cain out of Leoric's Passage.
  • Objective tracker: Follow Deckard Cain.
  • Text: I wish to bring Cain back to Leah as soon as possible. She will be happy to be reunited with him.

Upon entering the Cathedral Garden, Deckard will walk up to the waypoint and head back to New Tristram.

  • Objective: Talk to Leah in New Tristram.
  • Objective tracker: Talk to Leah in New Tristram.
  • Text: I wish to bring Cain back to Leah as soon as possible. She will be happy to be reunited with him.
  • Reward: 3300 XP

Head back to New Tristram and talk to Leah to get your reward.

Quest: A Shattered Crown[edit | edit source]

Talk with Deckard Cain to begin the quest.

  • Objective: Talk to the blacksmith Haedrig Eamon in northwest New Tristram.
  • Objective tracker: Talk to the blacksmith Haedrig Eamon.
  • Text: The spirits have revealed the truth to me. The Skeleton King, raised by the power of the fallen star, is responsible for the resurrection of the dead in New Tristram. If I destroy him, the attacks upon the town will cease. Cain has directed me to the village blacksmith, a man named Haedrig, who knows where Leoric's crown can be found. It is something I will need if I am to defeat the Skeleton King.

Follow the trail behind the tavern to the northwest. Talk to Haedrig by the sloping trail.

  • Objective: Kill the Ravenous Dead with Haedrig Eamon in the Cellar of the Damned in northwest New Tristram.
  • Objective tracker: Kill the Ravenous Dead in the Cellar of the Damned.
  • Text: Cruel compassion led the villagers to lock away those loved ones and friends who are doomed to join the numbers of the risen dead. Haedrig has been given the task of ending their lives, but it is an impossible thing to ask of a person. I will help him do what he must, for bringing death in such a manner is something that I have done and can do again.

Follow Haedrig as he runs northeast to the cellar, opens the doors, and enters. Enter the Cellar of the Damned. Break down the door, kill the Ravenous Dead and proceed to the back of the cellar. You will find Mira Eamon standing there, alone. Haedrig runs up to her. She cries out and transforms into a demon as she pukes her guts on the stone floor.

  • Objective: Kill Mira Eamon in the Cellar of the Damned in northwest New Tristram.
  • Objective tracker: Kill Mira Eamon.
  • Text: Cruel compassion led the villagers to lock away those loved ones and friends who are doomed to join the numbers of the risen dead. Haedrig has been given the task of ending their lives, but it is an impossible thing to ask of a person. I will help him do what he must, for bringing death in such a manner is something that I have done and can do again.

Kill Mira with the help of Haedrig. When she is dead, Haedrig will stand still with an exclamation mark over his head.

  • Objective: Talk to Haedrig Eamon in the Cellar of the Damned in northwest New Tristram.
  • Objective tracker: Talk to Haedrig Eamon in the Cellar of the Damned.
  • Text: I have sent the spirits of the villagers to the Unformed Land, where I hope they will find peace. Haedrig is beset by grief, now that his wife has wife is dead. I wish to respect his mourning, but I must know where the crown of the Skeleton King can be found.
  • Reward: 900 XP, 195 Gold.

Talk with Haedrig to get a reward. He will tell you that the crown is buried with the Leoric's chancellor, Haedrig's grandfather, in the Weeping Hollow.

  • Objective: Open the Northwest Gate in New Tristram.
  • Objective tracker: Open the Northwest Gate.
  • Text: Haedrig told me that the crown of the Skeleton King lies in the tomb of his chancellor, who was one of Haedrig's ancestors. My course is now clear.

Leave the Cellar of the Damned. Walk westward and open the gate. A couple of Scavengers will run across the bridge and attack. The guard will help you defeat them. The bridge is now clear so you can proceed.

  • Objective: Find the Cemetery of the Forsaken in the Weeping Hollow northwest of New Tristram.
  • Objective tracker: Find the Cemetery of the Forsaken in the Weeping Hollow.
  • Text: Haedrig told me that the crown of the Skeleton King lies in the tomb of his chancellor, who was one of Haedrig's ancestors. My course is now clear.