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< Mugen Senshi Valis (Famicom)
Revision as of 22:05, 9 June 2010 by Procyon (talk | contribs) (Stage 6)
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With the Valis Sword in hand, and four of the five Phantasm Jewels, you are ready to head to the final stage where you must face Rogles and reclaim the fifth and final jewel. In order to start your journey, you must return to the ruins, and visit the north east corner of the desert.

Climb Sky Tower

Behind this gate is Sky Tower

You are about to do a lot of running to the left. Start from the location of the fountain that purified the Valis Sword. Run all the way to the left. On the next screen, run all the way to the left, and once again run all the way to the left on the third screen. You will reach the set of small platforms that lead back up to the ruins. Hop up the platforms, and then run all the way to the left, enter the next screen, and run to the left once more.

You can finally run to the right for once. You are in the right area if you see the strong flying monsters that dive down to attack you. You can mostly avoid them by jumping up onto the rooftops of the buildings in the background. Continue to the next screen, and begin running left again. You are now looking for the building with a huge gate in front as shown in the picture to the right. Provided you have the Valis Sword, you will now be able to open the gate and enter Sky Tower.

Sky Tower itself is very linear. As soon as you enter, walk a short distance to the left and stop at the door. Use up any Jars that you have left until you have full health, and then enter the door. You will receive the fifth Jar and all of your Jars will be refilled. Then run right and jump up the steps. The man in the next door will tell you that there's no going back. Proceed to the right, watch out for the hopping enemy that attacks, and leap up the steps. The next door contains a Cat, which you may have to enter a few times to find. Jump over the repeat of the first stage boss, and up the next steps. Repeat this a few times more until you reach a room with platforms leading upward. You may face a new enemy which looks like a brain with legs, but you can safely ignore it. Jump up the platforms, and when you reach the top, you will be standing in front of Rogles' fortress.

Rogles' fortress

Stage map

First floor Second floor Third floor
MSV FC map6 1.png MSV FC map6 2.png MSV FC map6 3.png MSV FC item map.png Map
MSV FC item valis quake.png Valis Quake
MSV FC item drink.png Drink
MSV FC item herb.png Herb
MSV FC item cat.png Cat
Jar room
Key room
Locked door
MSV FC item jewelry.png Rogles
? Mystery
➀, ➁ Upstairs
➀, ➁ Downstairs
  • You can obtain a Bomb from the first floor map house after you receive the map.
  • You can obtain a Boomerang from the third floor map house after you receive the map.

Unlock the door

Push up at the gate to enter the fortress. You can explore the left and right wings of the first hall, but all you will find are enemies, so immediately push up into the door behind you. Run to the right to the end of the next hall, avoiding the enemies as much as possible. In the next room, run to the left, and then when you reach the following room, run to the right. Pass the first large opening and enter the second smaller door to obtain the first floor map.

After you have the map (and have reentered to fill up on bombs) return to the larger opening you passed and push up. Run all the way to the left, and then run to the right in the next room, and up the steps. You are now on the second floor and once again map-less.

Run to the right until you come across a down arrow on the floor, and follow it. Now proceed all the way to the left. When you reach the next area, begin walking right until you notice a down arrow on the floor. Follow it and walk all the way to the left. Both doors contain people who tell you something the first time. But if you reenter them, you will find a Cat in the left door (eventually) and a Valis Quake in the right door if you don't already have one. Then return to the previous hall on the right, and continue right until you reach the next door, and push up. Now run to the right and enter the first door to obtain the second floor map. (If you reenter the map room, a man inside will inform you of Rogles' weak point, his head.) The next room contains a man who will refill all of your empty Jars. Then return to the previous hall once again.

Continue trekking to the right to reach the next hall. Once you enter, run to the right and jump up the steps. Now you have reached the third floor, and need to obtain the final map. On the top floor, run to the left, avoiding the enemies, until you see an arrow on the floor. Follow it. Keep running to the left. You will see another down arrow. If you take this one, it will lead to two doors. The left door contains a Drink which you can reenter until your health is full. Then run back to the left, and continue left in the previous hallway.

When you reach the next hallway, first run to the right, and enter the doorway at the end to collect the third floor map. Reenter it a few times if you need boomerangs. Now run all the way to the left, and you'll find a man inside who tells you he can't open the door. Keep entering the room, and he will ask you to stop pestering him until he gives up and opens the door for you. Now you must return to the bottom floor.

Finding Rogles

MSV FC boss6.png

You can either start by returning to the first floor map room, or travel over to the right side of the first floor to collect an Herb if you are very low on health. Either way, your goal is to reach the white dot on the first floor map. Provided you pestered the man on the third floor enough, the guard should allow you to enter. Once you get beyond, head to the right through the small hallway, and then head to the right again until you reach the steps. Climb up to reach the second floor. Run down the hallway, and you will eventually be confronted by Rogles.

Rogles has a distinct pattern. He cross the floor, either to the left or to the right, and climbs halfway up the screen by the time he reaches the edge. Then he will face you and spray the air with projectiles. When he's done, he will turn black. At this point, you must determine if he will cross from the left or from the right. He won't necessarily travel from the location he just appeared. Stand in the middle of the room, and jump over him when he passes. He can still hurt you while he is black. When he is back up against the side of the room, jump up and hit him in the head with the Valis Sword. Even with the Valis Boots, you will only be able to hit him once per jump, and twice or three times for each time he attacks you. You will likely need to use some Jars to refill your lost health during the battle.

Finding Valia

After you defeat Rogles, collect the final Phantasm Jewel, and head to the right. Jump up the steps to reach the third floor. Run to the right, and eventually you will encounter Queen Valia. She will begin talking to you, but then she will actually attack you. You must hit her with the Valis Sword a few times to stop her attack. Then she will continue talking and let you go. Run all the way to the right and you will see the fountain where you shifted dimensions earlier. You will be told that without a controller the dimensions will die, and you will be asked if you will take Valia's place. Click the spoilers below to see what happens based upon your decision.

If you say YES

The game will end with peace being restored to each dimension through Yuko's power, but Yuko will never be able to return home. Then the credits will role.

If you say NO
Valia will not tolerate your decision and attack you once again just as she did earlier. The fight takes place in front of the fountain, and you must completely defeat her this time. She will take a lot more hits to defeat. She advances toward you no matter where you go, so you must jump over her each time to avoid getting struck by her. What happens next depends on if you defeat Valia or if she defeats you.
Valia defeats you

Valia attempts to remain the power controller of Valis by utilizing Yuko's body in place of her own, but her heart is tainted with evil, and she cannot maintain control so all of the dimensions collapse.

You defeat Valia

With no one left to control the power of Valis it seems like Yuko has no choice but to accept the power. At the last minute, Valia's spirit interrupts her and accepts responsibility as the power controller by fusing her spirit with the Phantasm Jewelry. The dimensions heal, and Yuko is able to return home to the life she lead before. The credits will role, featuring one last look at Yuko in the end.