The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon/Attack of the Golem

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Clear these rocks to pass this section.

This level begins on a square area behind the golem, who is busy smashing buildings in the background. He frequently strikes this platform with its tail, but it rigidly follows a set pattern and is easy enough to avoid using the iron scale ability. The way forward is blocked by the glowing rocks that explode into enemies. They contain two to three orcs equipped with axes. When one group is defeated the next rock explodes and produces more. The final two explode together so you will be up against double the amount. At each side there is a health gem or a green gem to restore your health or mana if either is low. When all the orcs are dead collect the health upgrade at the front right hand side of the area, opposite the pillar that marks the exit. Get this and then push over the pillar to open the exit.

After the cutscene has finished climb the stairs and look behind the building on the left hand wall to find another upgrade crystal, except this one is a green magic upgrade. Carry on along the path and another cutscene begins. More orcs will appear and attack, although this time they will continue to appear and replace their fallen comrades when they are killed. After a few minutes there is another cutscene and all the orcs are zapped by another dragon. After this has finished go up the stairs to find a save point and an armour chest. Open this to obtain Cynder's offensive helmet which increases her elemental attack. Go through the hole in the wall to come face to face against the golem.

Defeat the Golem[edit]

Attack here when the golem is down.

The golem is not actually that hard to kill. Its on;y attacks are hitting Spyro and Cynder with its hands or feet and a fire breath attack that does no damage, but only knocks you away from it. You start at the bottom of the arena, facing the golems feet. Avoid its attacks and climb up to the next level. If you fall off this climb back up using the vnes on the walls, or just fly back up. Wait for the golem to try to crush you with its arm and then attack the dark crystals on its hand, just like in the first battle. After a few attacks the golem will temporarily become knocked down and its head will be vulnerable. Climb or fly up to the third level to attack the crystals in its head. Attack him until he wakes up and he will blow you away with the fire attack. He then climbs another level, so you need to be on the third level, where the head was last time to attack the hand. Repeat this again and the golem will scamper off to a higher platform.

Follow it up to the top level and then use the vines on the right to climb up even higher. This is the part of the level. The golems attacks have changed now, he has one attack to the left of the arena, a similar one to the right and a two handed smash to the centre of the arena. Each strike sends out a sphere of fire which hurts you if you are near it so stay well away from its attacks. Stay at the back on the arena in the middle and the golem cannot touch you. Wait for it to use the two-handed smash and for the sphere to dissipate and then attack its hands as they are left in the middle. If you have any mana, as the golems dark crystals drain it, you can use Cynder's shadow breath to hide under the ground and avoid the attack then pop up for the maximum attack time.

Carry on doing this until an interactive cutscene begins. Complete this to finally defeat golem. If you fail, the golem gets a small health boost and you have to attack its hands one more time to trigger the video again.