Once René and Michelle have reappeared (on top of a railway coach) start walking to the left, drop down to the second platform (on the right side of the previous coach, pick up the pigeon, jump up to the first platform on the right side of the coach, throw the pigeon at a kingfisher that is flying towards you to cook him, jump up to the top of the coach, climb down the ladder into the previous coach, collect the first parcel of forged francs, jump onto a stack of twenty-three boxes and collect four gold coins, jump onto the previous coal truck, run under a German guard as he jumps, jump into the previous coach and collect nine glowing stars, jump onto a stack of seven more boxes to collect five more glowing stars, and throw the cherry from the previous level at a railway guard to knock him out (even though he is not German he shall still cause you to lose one of your bottles if you bump into him); you shall then have to jump onto a stack of fifteen more boxes, to pick up the second parcel of forged francs and collect three more glowing stars, jump onto two more boxes stacked on top of each other, to collect an eighteenth glowing star, climb up another ladder to the roof of the coach, drop down to the platform on the right side of the previous coach to collect a fifth gold coin, jump up to the top of the coach, drop down to each of the two platforms on the left side of the previous coach in turn, and drop down to the ground (you would think that at the speed the train is going, the impact should kill René and Michelle).
You will now have to start running to the right, throw the vase from the previous level at another kingfisher that is flying away from you to cook him, jump up into the coach through the hole in its bottom (René and Michelle shall pant for a few seconds, after doing so), pick up the petrol can, walk to the right, jump up to collect twenty more glowing stars, walk back to the left, jump over the aforementioned hole in the bottom of the coach, to collect a thirty-ninth glowing star, jump over fifty-eight more boxes to collect four more glowing stars, walk back to the right, and drop down through that aforementioned hole in the bottom of the coach; you shall then have to run back to the left, and jump back up onto each of those two platforms on the left side of the coach in turn (again, René and Michelle shall pant for a few seconds after doing this), jump to the left onto the previous breakvan, pick up the pigeon, jump to the left onto the previous coach, throw the pigeon at a third kingfisher that's flying towards you to cook him, drop down to the left into the previous coal truck to collect five more gold coins (remember that when they collect ten of them René and Michelle will become invulnerable for a very short period of time), jump up onto the platform on the right side of the previous coach, jump up onto the top of this coach, fall down to land on the platform on that left side of the coach and the previous coal truck, drop down to the right into the previous coach, and throw the petrol can at Officer Crabtree, to make him drop six gold coins and the third parcel of forged francs. Once you have picked them all up, jump back to the left onto the aforementioned coal truck, jump to the left into the previous coach, jump onto two stacks of nine trays and pick up the cherry, jump onto a stack of two more boxes to collect two more glowing stars, jump onto a stack of twenty-two more boxes to get three more glowing stars and a headless fish, and jump to the left onto the previous coal truck and collect six more gold coins - and if you carry on jumping to the left onto the next two previous coal trucks, you'll find yourself at the back of the train, so you'll now have to jump to the right onto the platform on the left side of the coach, jump to the right onto the top of the coach and throw the headless fish at a fourth kingfisher that is flying away from you to cook him (the roof of the coach shall then crumble beneath your feet, causing you to drop down onto the top of the aforementioned stack of fifty-eight boxes which has the fourth parcel of forged francs upon it, and once you have collected it you will have to jump out of the hole in the top of the coach, and retrace your steps back to the right until you're back on top of the coach you start the level on). You will then have to drop down onto the next coal truck, throw the boot at a fifth kingfisher that is flying away from you to cook him, jump onto the next coal truck, and throw the helmet at the second railway guard to knock him out (this one shall also drop a bottle!); once you've picked it up, you will have to jump onto the top of that next coach, climb down a third ladder into it, jump onto a stack of four more boxes, to collect three more glowing stars, drop down to the floor of the coach to collect four more gold coins, jump onto a stack of eleven boxes to collect four more glowing stars, throw the saucepan at a sixth kingfisher (flying away from you), to cook him, jump into the next coach, jump up to a stack of eleven more boxes to collect five more glowing stars, throw the lamp at the third railway guard, to knock him out, jump into the next coach, jump up to a stack of five boxes to collect two more glowing stars, jump onto a stack of two boxes, to collect a sixty-third glowing star, jump onto a stack of two more boxes and fifteen trays, to collect a sixty-fourth glowing star, throw the pineapple at a second German guard to stun him, climb up a fourth ladder (leading onto the roof of the coach), drop down to the two platforms on the right side of the coach in turn, then pick up the bottle, jump up to the top of the next breakvan, jump onto the top of the next coach, climb down a fifth ladder into it, walk to the left, jump up, to collect twelve more glowing stars, walk back to the right, throw the bear at the fourth railway guard to knock him out, walk back to the left, jump up to a stack of sixteen more boxes, and collect five more glowing stars, walk back to the right, jump onto a stack of twelve boxes, to collect an eighty-second glowing star and the fifth parcel of forged francs, drop down to the ground to collect an eighty-third glowing star, jump up to a stack of three more boxes, to collect three more glowing stars, walk back to the left, climb back up the fifth ladder out of the coach, drop down to the right onto the next breakvan, throw the cherry at a third (gun-wielding) German guard to stun him, jump onto the top of the next coach, climb down a sixth ladder into it, jump onto two more boxes which are stacked on top of each other, and pick up the bear, jump to the right onto a stack of six trays and fifteen boxes, to collect five more glowing stars, drop down to the floor of the coach to collect six more glowing stars, jump onto a stack of seven more boxes to collect six more glowing stars, jump into the next coach, throw the bear at the fifth railway guard to knock him out, jump onto a stack of four more boxes to collect four more glowing stars and pick up the sixth parcel of forged francs, fall down to the floor of the coach and collect five more glowing stars, jump onto a box standing by itself to collect a 113th glowing star, walk back to the left, jump back into the previous coach, and climb back up the sixth ladder onto its roof (it's also becoming apparent that the train isn't going anywhere and running on an endless line).
But, as you continue to the front of the train, you will then have to run under a fourth German guard as he jumps, jump onto the roof of the next coach, drop down onto the next coal truck (while watching out for a seventh kingfisher that is flying away from you as you will have run out of objects to throw by this point), jump up to the next coach (and over a fifth gun-wielding German guard), jump onto the top of the next coach, and climb down a seventh ladder into it (while watching out for an eighth kingfisher that is flying towards you), walk to the left, jump onto a stack of two boxes to collect two more glowing stars, jump onto a stack of three more trays, and pick up the petrol can, jump onto a second stack of two more boxes to collect two more gold coins, drop down to the floor of the coach, and collect a twenty-eighth gold coin, jump up to a box standing by itself to collect a twenty-ninth gold coin, walk back to the right, throw the petrol can at the aforementioned eighth kingfisher (to cook him), jump to the right into the next coach, jump up onto a stack of three boxes to collect seven more glowing stars, drop down to the floor of the coach to collect nine more glowing stars and jump up to collect twelve more glowing stars, jump back to the left into the previous coach, and climb back up the seventh ladder to its roof; you shall then have to jump onto the top of the next coach, throw the boot at a sixth German guard to stun him (and make him drop a gold coin), collect the coin, then climb down the eighth ladder into the coach, jump onto a box standing by itself to collect a 144th glowing star, walk back to the left to collect a 145th glowing star, jump up to a stack of two more boxes (and three more trays), and pick up the seventh parcel of forged francs (there are two more than the amount of knockwurst sausages for the previous level), jump onto a stack of thirteen boxes, to collect a 146th glowing star, walk back to the right, climb back up that eighth ladder to the roof of the coach, fall down onto the next coal truck, throw the helmet at a seventh German guard to stun him, jump up to the top of that next coach, throw the saucepan at ninth kingfisher flying away from you to cook him, jump onto the top of that next coach, walk back to the left, and jump up to collect five more glowing stars, move back to the right and jump onto a box by itself to collect seventeen more glowing stars, drop down to the floor of the coach and throw the saucepan at Yvette (who must have stowed away on the train, a reference to the 1988 episode "Train of Events") to make her adjust her suspenders (causing an eighth German guard to stare at her!), jump up to a stack of nine boxes, to collect forty more glowing stars, drop down to the floor of the coach, and jump up onto a stack of two more boxes to collect eleven more glowing stars, jump onto a box standing by itself, to collect ten more glowing stars, climb up a ninth ladder leading to the roof of the coach, drop down onto the top of the next coach, climb down a tenth ladder into it, jump back to the left to a stack of three more boxes, to collect two more glowing stars, jump to the right to a stack of twenty-six more boxes, to collect two more glowing stars, climb back up the tenth ladder onto the roof of the coach, throw the lamp at a ninth German guard to stun him, jump onto the top of the next breakvan, drop down onto the next coal truck, throw the pineapple at a tenth kingfisher which is flying away from you to cook him, jump onto the top of the next coach and drop down into it, throw the bear at the last railway guard, to knock him out, jump onto a stack of five more boxes to collect seven more glowing stars, drop down to the floor of the coach to collect four more glowing stars and pick up the eighth parcel of forged francs, walk back to the right, jump into the next coach, throw the cherry at an eleventh kingfisher that happens to be flying towards you to cook him (while watching out for two more as you'll again have run out of objects to throw by this time), jump into the last coach, climb the eleventh ladder to its roof (while watching out for a tenth and final gun-wielding German guard), drop down onto the last coal truck and lastly drop down onto the footplate of the 4-6-4 steam locomotive, which has the number 1240-71 and the German text Flug Dirch on its side, to make the driver apply the brakes and stop the train. Once the engine has completely stopped, the "level clear" jingle shall be heard from the Amiga for a second time.