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Strange Collection

15 Gamerscore points
Strange Collection
Collect 40 Collectibles
Record Keeper

15 Gamerscore points
Record Keeper
Collect 80 Collectibles
Bureau Archivist

65 Gamerscore points
Bureau Archivist
Collect 120 Collectibles

Research & Records[edit | edit source]

Hiss Research[edit | edit source]

Name Location
Hiss Agent
Hiss Barrier
Hiss Charged
Hiss Cluster
Hiss Demolition Expert
Hiss Distorted
Hiss Elevated
Hiss Guard
Hiss Ranger
Hiss Sharpened
Hiss Sniper
Hiss Trooper
Hiss Warped
Initial Impressions
Linguistic Ability
Speech Analysis
Timeline of Events
Variance in Alterations

Reports[edit | edit source]

Name Location
Airplane Evaluation Order
America Overnight Results
Astralnauts Information
Bureau Expenditures
Director Faden Photograph
Director Trench Photograph
Dylan Faden Observation
Dylan Faden Transcript
Employee Incident
Hotline Security Log
Jesse Faden Movement Tracking
Mold Autopsy
P6 Victim Autopsy
Pope's Promotion
Portrait of Director Zachariah Trench
Power Cores
Quarry Incident
Salvador's ID
Television Proposal
Threshold Kids Proposal
Tommasi's ID
Willow AWE Shipping Manifest

Research[edit | edit source]

Name Location
Ahti's Cabin
Album Cover
Astral Exhibition
Astral Plane
Astral Plane Counteressay
Atlas Theory
Black Rock
Black Rock Prisms
Cave Paintings
Collective Unconscious
Control Points
Foundation Pillar
Hedron Containment
History of the Oldest House
Home Safe Tests
Mirror Altered Item
Mirror Containment
Object and Item Distinctions
Ordinary AWE Stage 1.A
Ordinary AWE Stage 1.B
Ordinary AWE Stage 2
Ordinary AWE Stage 4.A
Ordinary AWE Stage 4.B
Pyramidic Geometry
Resonance Theory
Slide Projector Tests
Song Questionnaire
Synchronicity Experiment
Technological Restrictions
Threshold Utility
Urban Legends

Astral Research[edit | edit source]

Name Location
Astral Copy

Case Files[edit | edit source]

Objects of Power[edit | edit source]

Name Location
Ashtray and Cigarette
Benicoff TV
Floppy Disk
Home Safe
Merry-Go-Round Horse
Service Weapon
Slide Projector
X-Ray Light Box

Altered World Events[edit | edit source]

Name Location
Albany Summary
Albany Supplement
Bright Falls Summary
Bright Falls Supplement
Butte Summary
Butte Supplement
Eagle Limited Summary
Emergency Call Summary
Emergency Call Supplement
Havana Summary
Ordinary Summary
Ordinary Supplement

Altered Items[edit | edit source]

Name Location
Anchor Supplement
Fan Supplement
Globe Procedures
Globe Supplement
Hand Chair Procedures
Letters Procedures
Mannequin Supplement
Mirror Supplement
Plastic Tree Procedures
Plastic Tree Supplement
Pram Supplement
Refrigerator Procedures
Rubber Duck Supplement
Surfboard Procedures
Swan Boat Procedures
Tractor Procedures
Tractor Supplement
Vending Machine Procedures
Water Cooler Procedures

Correspondence[edit | edit source]

Official[edit | edit source]

Name Location
Agent Death Notification
Approved Terminology Reminder
Arish: Escaped OoP
Arish: Security Matters
Casey Inquiry
Cauldron Lake Update
Darling: Budget Request
Dump Cessation of Work Order
Executive Meeting Minutes
Field Training Actor Complaint
Foundation Accident
Hubert: Black Rock Analysis
Marshall: AWE Investigations
Marshall: Lockdown Distinctions
Marshall: Trench's Behavior
Missing Agents
Precognitive Powers
Prohibited Items Reminder
R4 Reports Reminder
Resignation Letter
Security Order
Tommasi: Willow AWE Outcome
Travel Costs
Trench: Bureau Funding
Trench: Dead Letter Approval
Trench: Official Warning
Unstable Area Notice
Visitor Evaluations

Non-Official[edit | edit source]

Name Location
Book Club: Lopez
Book Club: Penny
Book Club: Samson
Clog Complaint
Dinner Reservations
Furnace Complaint
Interrogation Complaint
Janitor Complaint
Keystone Complaint
Mail Tube Complaint
Plant Complaint
Quarry Equipment Order
Relocation Order
Sand Memo
Shifted Bathroom Complaint
Staffing Issue
Sticky Note Complaint
Tee Time
Tennyson Report Warning
Trench: Do Not Disturb
Underhill: Checking In
Upcoming Game Reminder
Work Chat: Dead Dog
Work Chat: Teeth

Dead Letters[edit | edit source]

Name Location
Brain Missing
Cat Clock
Dead Presidents
Fake Planes
Foot Gossip
Machine God
Our Whereabouts
Pinstripe World
Singing Fish
Smoking Ban
Vivid Dreams
White Kitchen

Multimedia[edit | edit source]

Interviews[edit | edit source]

Name Location
Dylan Evaluation
Jesse Therapy: Polaris
Jesse Therapy: Slide Projector
Langston Interrogation

Darling Presentations[edit | edit source]

Name Location
Altered World Events
Astral Plane
Astral Spike
Black Rock
Dylan Faden
Final Message
Floppy Disk
Objects of Power
Oceanview Motel and Casino
Research Sector
The Oldest House

FBC Recordings[edit | edit source]

Name Location
AI52 Testing
Astralnaut Liability
Dr. Hartman's Notes: The Darkness
Expedition Debrief
FBC Reminder: Altered Workspace
FBC Reminder: Billable Hours
FBC Reminder: Building Shifts
FBC Reminder: Law of Three
Furnace Research
Medical Examination
Mirror Debrief
Motel Observation
Quarry Site Beta Log 1
Salvador: Security Order
Tommasi: AWE Report
feirbeD rorriM

America Overnight[edit | edit source]

Name Location
America Overnight Ep. 349
America Overnight Ep. 359

Threshold Kids[edit | edit source]

Name Location
Altered Items
Astral Plane
Missing Momma
You and Your Special Powers

Music[edit | edit source]

Name Location
Old Gods of Asgard: Take Control
Poets of the Fall: My Dark Disquiet
Sankarin Tango (Hero's Tango)

Ash Tapes[edit | edit source]

Name Location
Log 2: Foundation
Log 3: Work
Log 5: Pyramids

Hotline[edit | edit source]

Trench[edit | edit source]

Name Location
Ashtray Maze
Control Points
Endless Grind
Internal Lockdown
Management Team
Oceanview Motel
Prime Candidates
The Coming Storm

Board[edit | edit source]

Name Location
Astral Constructs
Board Countermeasures
Control Points
Objects of Power
The Directorship
The Future
The Hiss

Marshall[edit | edit source]

Name Location
The Foundation

Wake[edit | edit source]

Name Location
Faden Rides the Elevator
Hartman's Final Act
The Third Thing