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Name Effect Exclusive to Common Uncommon Rare Prime Absolute
Headshot Boost Headshot damage Spin, Grip, Shatter, Pierce +44%
Spin Grouping Efficiency Accuracy Spin +11% +20%
Shatter Projectile Choke Projectile spread Shatter -13%
Charge Blast Boost Blast radius Charge, Surge +53%
Pierce Zoom Boost Zoom Pierce +13%
Charge Velocity Boost Projectile speed Charge +39%
Energy Renewal Energy gained from Headshots Grip, Pierce, Spin [18%, 23%]
Shatter Recoil Efficiency Recoil Shatter -15%
Shatter Projectile Boost Projectiles fired Shatter +5
Spin Rate of Fire Boost Rate of fire Spin +28%
Ammo Efficiency Ammo cost per shot Shatter, Spin, Grip -8%
Pierce Aimed Fire Boost Damage while aiming Pierce +32%