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Enemies[edit | edit source]

Enemy Name Points
Suzume (すずめ) 100
Logram (ログラム) 200
Kaeru (カエル) 500
Oni A (鬼・A) 3200
Oni B (鬼・B) 3600
Hae (ハエ) 100
Derota (デロータ) 400
Blue Favos (ファボス・ブルー) 100

BOSS: Hunter-Moth (ハンターモス) - This enormous moth shall attack by firing projectiles from his antennae and fibres from his wings (the latter of which can be blocked by your own shots, for 50 extra points apiece); therefore, it is advisable to aim for his antennae first (which are worth 2000 points when destroyed), then aim it for his head (which is worth 10000 points, when destroyed). Once you have destroyed his antennae, he will no longer be able to fire any more projectiles at you so you should then aim for his tail (which is worth 3000 points when destroyed) to finish him off - he'll then emit a scream of death (and explode) and you will receive 30000 more points once he has done so, as that text "DESTROYED THE TARGET!!" appears on the screen. You can also aim for one of his wings to kill him instantly (without destroying his antennae, head, or tail); however, as with Triple-Eye, the Strike-Ants, Roller-Snail and all other subsequent bosses in the game, he will retreat if you take too long over defeating him and the text of "MISSED THE TARGET ENEMY!!" will appear on the screen. Once the screen has faded out you shall receive 50000 points for every ship that survived the first half of this game - along with 20000 points for every special weapon you still have and 10000 points for every bit of energy you still have. Now to the fifth stage.

Walkthrough[edit | edit source]


Once the screen has faded back in two Suzume shall come flying towards you from the right side of the screen; once you've fired a shot at both of them to kill them, you will come to three Lograms which are firing projectiles at you from their positions in the centre of the screen. Once you have fired a shot at each of them to kill them two more Suzume shall come flying towards you from the right side of the screen - and once you have fired a shot at both of them to kill them, two Hae shall come flying towards you from the left side of the screen. Once you have fired a shot at both of them to kill them, you will come to two Kaeru which are firing projectiles at you, from their positions on the left side of the screen; once you have fired a shot at both of these to kill them, two more Hae shall come flying towards you from the left side of the screen. Once you have fired a shot at both of them to kill them, an Oni of the "A" variety will materialize in front of you, and proceed to swing his chain from side to side - and once you have fired enough shots at him, to defeat him, he'll explode and you'll come to three more Lograms and a Derota (which are firing projectiles at you from their positions on the right side of the screen). Once you have fired a shot at each of these, to kill them, you will come to two more Kaeru and a seventh Logram which are firing projectiles at you from their positions on the right side of the screen; once you have fired one shot at each of them to kill them two more Suzume shall come flying towards you from the right side of the screen. Once you have fired a shot at both of them to kill them, you will come to four more Lograms which are firing projectiles at you on the left side of the screen - and once you've fired a shot at each of them to kill them, you'll come to two more Kaeru which are firing projectiles at you from their positions on the right side of the screen. Once you've fired a shot at both of them to kill them, you will come to three more Kaeru which are firing projectiles at you from their positions in the centre of the screen; once you've fired a shot at each of them to kill them, an Oni of the "B" variety will materialize in front of you, and proceed to swing his chain from side to side. Once you have fired enough shots at him to defeat him, he will explode and you'll come to three more Lograms and another Derota which are firing projectiles at you from their positions upon the right side of the screen - and once you have fired a shot at each of them, to kill them, you shall come to two more Derota which are firing projectiles at you from their positions on the left and right sides of the screen. Once you fire a shot at both of these, to kill them, two more Hae shall come flying towards you from the left side of the screen; once you have fired a shot at both of them to kill them, two more Oni of the "A" variety will materialize in front of you and proceed to swing their chains from side to side. Once you have fired enough shots at both of them to defeat them, they will explode and you will then come to a green (or blue if Alpha Ship has been destroyed or red if both Alpha and Beta Ship have been destroyed) Turtle on the left side of the screen - and once you've fired a shot at it to destroy it, it shall leave a Ring-Laser (or a Melt-Missile if Alpha Ship has been destroyed or a Hyper-Bomb if both Alpha and Beta Ship have been destroyed, or Special-Bonus if you have the maximum of four special weapons in storage) behind. Once you've collected the Ring-Laser (or Melt-Missile, or Hyper-Bomb, or Special-Bonus), you shall come to six more Lograms, two more Derota and a tenth Kaeru, which are firing projectiles at you from their positions on the right side of the screen. Once you have fired a shot at each of them to kill them, three more Suzume will come flying towards you from the left side of the screen; once you've fired a shot at each of them to kill them, you will come to two more Lograms which are firing projectiles at you from their positions on the right side of the screen. Once you have fired a shot at both of them to kill them you will come to a yellow Turtle on the right side of the screen - and once you've fired a shot at it to destroy it, it shall leave an Energy-Capsule behind. Once you have collected it, three more Suzume will come flying towards you from the right side of the screen; once you've fired a shot at each of them to kill them you will come to three more Lograms which are firing projectiles at you from their positions on the left side of the screen. Once you've fired a shot at each of them to kill them, three more Suzume will come flying towards you from the left side of the screen - and once you've fired a shot at each of them to kill them you will come to a seventh Derota which is firing projectiles at you from its position on the right side of the screen. Once you've fired a shot at it to kill it four more Hae will come flying towards you; once you've fired a shot at each of them to kill them, a fourth Oni of the "A" variety will materialize in front of you and proceed to swing his chain from side to side. Once you've fired enough shots at him to defeat him, he will explode and four more Hae shall come flying towards you - and once you've fired a shot at each of them to kill them, you will come to an eleventh Kaeru, six more Lograms and two more Derota, which are firing projectiles at you from their positions on the right side of the screen. Once you've fired a shot at each of them, to kill them, you'll come to another green (or blue if Alpha Ship has been destroyed, or red if Alpha and Beta Ship have been destroyed) Turtle, on the left side of the screen; once you've fired a shot at it to destroy it, it shall leave a Ring-Laser (or Melt-Missile if Alpha Ship has been destroyed, or Hyper-Bomb if Alpha and Beta Ship have been destroyed, or Special-Bonus if you have maximum of four special weapons in storage) behind. Once you have collected the Ring-Laser (or Melt-Missile, or Hyper-Bomb, or Special-Bonus), two more Suzume shall come flying towards you from the right side of the screen - and once you've fired a shot at both of them to kill the, a second Oni of the "B" variety will materialize in front of you and swing his chain from side to side. Once you have fired enough shots at him to defeat him, he'll explode, and you'll come to two more Kaeru which are firing projectiles at you from their positions in the centre of the screen; once you have fired a shot at both of them to kill them, four more Hae will come flying towards you from the left side of the screen. Once you have fired a shot at each of them to kill them a fifth Oni of the "A" variety will materialize in front of you and proceed to swing his chain from side to side - and once you've fired enough shots at him to defeat him, he'll explode, and you will come to six more Lograms which are firing projectiles at you from their positions on the right side of the screen. Once you've fired a shot at each of these to kill them, you will come to a thirty-eighth Logram and a thirteenth Kaeru that are firing projectiles at you from their positions on the left side of the screen; once you've fired a shot at both of these to kill them, you'll come to four more Lograms and three more Derota that are firing projectiles at you (from their positions on the left side of the screen). Once you have fired a shot at all of them to kill them, three more Suzume shall come flying towards you from the left side of the screen - and once you've fired a shot at all of these to kill them, you will come to a forty-third Logram and three more Derota, that are firing projectiles at you from their positions on the left side of the screen. Once you fire a shot at each of them to kill them you'll come to a third green (or blue if Alpha Ship has been destroyed, or red if both Alpha and Beta Ship have been destroyed) Turtle on the right side of the screen; once you have fired a shot at it to destroy it, it will leave a Ring-Laser (or Melt-Missile if Alpha Ship has been destroyed, or Hyper-Bomb if both Alpha and Beta Ship have been destroyed, or Special-Bonus if you've the maximum of four special weapons in storage) behind. Once you collect the Ring-Laser (or Melt-Missile, Hyper-Bomb, or Special-Bonus), the song that you had been hearing from the Yamaha YM-2151 will fade out. NOTE: If you had that maximum of four special weapons when you destroyed the yellow Turtle upon this stage, it would have left a Hyper-Booster behind instead of an Energy-Capsule - and when you collected it, your ship would fly directly to the end of the stage much like Beraboh Man did when he collected a Shinkansen powerup in his self-titled game, as the text "EMERGENT ESCAPE!! CHALLENGING AREA" appeared on the screen. This stage is also the last chance you shall have to collect a Hyper-Booster in the game.

Once Hunter-Moth's theme starts to be heard from the Yamaha YM-2151, a third Oni of the "B" variety shall materialize in front of you, and proceed to swing his chain from side to side; once you've fired enough shots at him to defeat him, he will explode and twelve Blue Favos will come flying towards you while firing projectiles at you. Once you've fired a shot at each of them, to kill them, you will come to Hunter-Moth himself: an enormous moth who attacks by firing projectiles from his antennae and purple fibres from his wings (the latter of these can be blocked by your own shots for 50 extra points apiece). Therefore, it's advisable to aim for his antennae (which are worth 2000 points when destroyed) first before aiming for his head (which is worth 3000 points when destroyed) - and once you've destroyed his antennae, he will no longer be able to fire any more projectiles at you from them, so you should then aim for his tail (which is worth 10000 points when destroyed), to finish him off. Once you have done so, he will emit a scream of death and explode; you'll also receive 40000 more points once he has done so, as that text "DESTROYED THE TARGET!!" appears on the screen. You can also aim for one of his two wings to kill him instantly without having to destroy his antennae, head, or tail - however, as with Triple-Eye, the Strike-Ants, and Roller-Snail he shall retreat if you take too long to defeat him and the text "MISSED THE TARGET ENEMY!!" will appear on the screen. Regardless of whether you defeated him or not, you will receive 50000 points for each ship that made it through the first half of the game, along with 20000 points for every special weapon you have and 10000 points for every bit of energy you have once the screen has faded out; if all three ships made it through the first four stages, they will then combine into a large ship, with an energy of 12 (3 + 4 + 5). But if Alpha Ship got destroyed in any of the first four stages, the two remaining ships will combine into a medium-sized ship with an energy of 9 (4 + 5) - and if both Alpha and Beta Ship got destroyed in any of the first four stages, Delta Ship won't have anything to combine with and must clear the next four stages alone. The next target is Multi-Squid, who attacks by firing beams from his tentacles and centipedes from his mouth; you'll have the best chances in the second half if you have the large combined ship.