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Box artwork for Dungeon Magic: Sword of the Elements.
Box artwork for Dungeon Magic: Sword of the Elements.
Dungeon Magic: Sword of the Elements
Publisher(s)Natsume, Taito Corporation
Year released1989
Genre(s)Role-playing game
ModesSingle player
LinksDungeon Magic: Sword of the Elements ChannelSearch

Dungeon & Magic: Swords of Element was developed and released in Japan in 1989, and then localized in English as Dungeon Magic: Sword of the Elements. It is a tile-based, first-person role-playing game.

Gameplay[edit | edit source]

Dungeon Magic (or Dungeon & Magic) looks like a crossover between Dungeon Master and Might & Magic.

All three aforementioned games are tile-based first-person role-playing games. Might & Magic was released in 1986, Dungeon Master in 1987, Dungeon & Magic in 1989.

The combat of Dungeon Magic is the same as in Dungeon Master: real-time action combat. Combined with the tile-based movement, it is often called "combat dance".

On the other hand, Dungeon Master is a dungeon crawl game: it all takes place inside a single dungeon, without any overworld. Instead, the overworld structure in Dungeon Magic is analogous to the one in Might & Magic: 16×16 areas that grant access to separate 16×16 towns and dungeons.

Story[edit | edit source]

(From the game introduction)

The calm night is shattered by a violent storm. Lightning crashes and thunder roars. Darces, the dark overlord, has returned.

There is a saying handed down in Granville: five become one, one becomes five. The person who can join five can rid the world of evil.

Darces: "Woe to all who oppose me!"

King: "Only when the five elements are joined will Darces be defeated." "As you may know, evil forces are destroying our world. They are led by the magician Darces. To send this evil back to the world of darkness, we need the sword of Tores."

Table of Contents
