81. Cosmic Rotary[edit | edit source]

Difficulty: ★★★★★★
82. Cosmic Slog[edit | edit source]

Difficulty: ★★★★★★★
83. Spaceball[edit | edit source]

Difficulty: ★★★★★★★
There are three main waves of enemies that spawn, initially and when each gate is opened. Build turrets behind the barricades to help defend and prevent any griffons from flying over. If you hold out, the number of enemies will eventually thin out and you can fight your way to the remaining generators. The red key drops from the minotaur generator at the top and the green key drops from a generator on the left side.
84. Galactic Runaway[edit | edit source]

Difficulty: ★★★★★★★
Equip Lift before starting the stage in order to quickly move Princess Lola around the map. Open the chest and level up at the castle. You will likely not be able to defend the castle so abandon it and keep moving Princess Lola out of harm's way. Place barricades or turrets down to keep enemies occupied.
85. Disturb the Peace[edit | edit source]

Difficulty: ★★★★★★★
86. With Death in Tow[edit | edit source]

Difficulty: ★★★★★★★
Ensure you have the Builder auto-skill, as well as the Turret and Lift manual skills. This strategy involves destroying the castle, so the lower level it is, the better.
First, carry the princess to the front of the field so she can generate some money. Then bring the front robots and guns behind the barricade in front of the village. Before you finish carrying them, the Minotaurs will arrive so be careful.
Once you've done this, there will be some time until the remaining cannons and other turrets are destroyed, so move the robot in front of the castle to the top and bottom of the front line to increase your firepower. Focus on repairing your frontline defences (Ninja can repair all of the defences at once with his Bunshin ability). Once you have enough money, quickly run back to the castle and raise your level. At first, you'll only have enough time to get 1 or 2 level ups before your defences start to fail, so run back to repair them, and then run back to the castle to keep raising your level to at least 7. By this point, your defences should be more resilient and more effective at dispatching the minotaurs by themselves. If you have any leftover money at this point, upgrade as many guns to robots as you can.
Hopefully, by this point, the minotaur numbers should be slowing down somewhat. At this point (or as soon as you see the Golem appear on screen), start moving your robots/guns behind the castle. Be sure to pick up Princess Lola as well and put her in the far left corner of the map. Leave the strong barricades at the front lines behind to buy time.
You'll then want to move the barricades nearest the castle, 1 space in front of the castle. You should also try to get the dragons behind the castle if it's safe. By doing this, the minotaurs should be able to damage and ultimately destroy the castle without being able to reach Princess Lola. Once the castle is destroyed, you may notice how the Golem no longer advances towards you (it is programmed to only follow the castle and then walk aimlessly). At this point, all you have to do is outlast the minotaurs (although it may seem like it, they do not spawn infinitely and eventually you will defeat them all without having to leave your base). Once all the minotaurs are gone, you can peacefully dispatch of the golem.
87. Mow 'Em Down![edit | edit source]

Difficulty: ★★★★★★★
88. Death Trap[edit | edit source]

Difficulty: ★★★★★★★
89. Under Heavy Fire[edit | edit source]

Difficulty: ★★★★★★★
90. Mobius Strip[edit | edit source]

Difficulty: ★★★★★★★
91. Where'd Lola Go?![edit | edit source]

Difficulty: ★★★★★★
92. Close Quarters[edit | edit source]

Difficulty: ★★★★★★★
93. Hanging Garden[edit | edit source]

Difficulty: ★★★★★★★
94. Maze of Symmetry[edit | edit source]

Difficulty: ★★★★★★★
95. Watch Your Step![edit | edit source]

Difficulty: ★★★★★★★
96. King of the Hill[edit | edit source]

Difficulty: ★★★★★★★
97. What Lies Ahead?[edit | edit source]

Difficulty: ★★★★★★★
98. Prelude to Pain[edit | edit source]

Difficulty: ★★★★★★★
99. Abandon All Hope[edit | edit source]

Difficulty: ★★★★★★★
100. The Demon of Doom[edit | edit source]

Difficulty: ★★★★★★★