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Click here for more information about Jam's other fighting game appearances.

  • Name: Jam Kuradoberi (蔵土縁 紗夢 Kuradoberi Jamu?)
  • First appearance: Guilty Gear X

Moves[edit | edit source]

Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator, Rev 2[edit | edit source]

Command Normals
Command Normal +
Special Moves
Ryuujin +
Gekirin +
Kenroukaku +
Asanagi no
+ or or (hold)
Youeikyaku +
Bakushuu +
├►Hyappo Shinshou
└►Senri Shinshou
Special Moves
Choukyaku Hou'oushou + or
Renhoukyaku +
Bao Saishinshou +
Instant Kill
Gasenkotsu +