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  • Hp: Health
  • Ag: Agility
  • Dx: Dexterity
  • St: Strength
  • Le: Leadership
  • Wi: Wisdom
  • Ma: Marksmanship
  • Me: Mechanical
  • Ex: Explosive
  • Me: Medical
  • Lv: Level
  • $: Cost
  • Sk: Skills
Name Hp Ag Dx St Le Wi Ma Me Ex Me Lv $ Sk Notes
Barry 82 72 87 80 29 91 70 44 92 20 2 700/ 3400/ 5500 Electronics, Lock-picking Likes Red. Can't swim.
Blood 84 94 87 82 6 75 78 23 31 23 3 850/ 5500/ 9000 Throwing, Martial Arts Likes Magic, Hates Cliff and Bubba.
Lynx 81 79 86 77 39 71 99 29 50 30 4 2850/ 18500/ 35000 + deposit Electronics, Night ops Likes Ice. Hates Buzz. Sexist.

Contracts[edit | edit source]

At the start of the game, you may select any of the AIM mercenaries, and offer them a 1 day, 1 week or 2 week contract. The contracts cause the mercenaries to render their services for a period of time.

You have the option to renew contracts, but mercenaries have the right to refuse for the following reasons:

  • They signed up for another contract since you didn't offer an extension within the last 2 or 3 days of the contract. This is more likely to happen to more experienced mercenaries.
  • You hired a mercenary they don't like.
  • There is a high death rate.
  • They have low morale.

You can recruit other characters, such as through IMP, through MERC, or from other means, but will not use the standard contract system.

Relations[edit | edit source]

The AIM mercenaries have developed friendships and rivalries over their engagements. While they will honor the existing contracts, they may accept or decline work based on these relationships.

A mercenary who has a friend on a team will always accept a contract renewal (unless they picked up another contract). However, there may be a short delay before they will remain.