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Characters[edit | edit source]

This is a list of the playable characters and descriptions of their unique skills. When starting the game you have to select two kids (besides Dave).

Dave Miller
He is Sandy's boyfriend. He is by default selected, but he has no unique specific skills. He can be used to solve only the generic puzzles.
If he dies and the game is completed with the other 2 kids, you will see a slightly different ending with Dr. Fred apologising to Sandy, and mentioning a plan to resurrect Dave.
Syd and Razor are distinct characters however they have exactly the same skills: they can play the piano and therefore can befriend the Green Tentacle. There is no reason to create a team with both Syd and Razor.
Their skill becomes useless when you fail to get stamps from Ed's package and Edna's envelope (unripped). Same applies if you waste them by sending a useless item to Mark Eteer.
Note: These two characters can put the hamster in the microwave.
Michael F. Stoppe
Michael can develop the film to befriend Weird Ed and drive out the Purple Tentacle.
His skill becomes useless when you fail to get the mail package before Weird Ed, as you will need the film. The same happens if you destroy the undeveloped film by opening it in a room with the lights on; or if you waste the developer fluid.
Wendy's skill is writing and she can make the Meteor an author to end the game.
Her skill becomes useless when you fail to get stamps from Ed's package and Edna's envelope (unripped). Same applies if you waste them by sending a useless item to Mark Eteer.
Note: If you have both Wendy and Bernard in the team, you can trigger a composite ending.
Bernard Bernoulli
He has two skills: he can fix the telephone and distract Edna, and can fix the radio and call the Meteor Police to end the game.
His skill becomes useless if you call the Meteor Police three times and fail to open the lab door.
Bernard has also a weakness: he can't approach the Green Tentacle. Also he will cause a game over if he tries to open the security door.
Note: If you have both Wendy and Bernard in the team, you can trigger a composite ending.
Jeff Woodie
Unlike any other character, Jeff can't befriend the Green Tentacle or Weird Ed, nor he can defeat the Meteor. His only skill (which Dave doesn't have) is fixing the telephone to distract Edna; however this skill is also available with Bernard (who can do many more things) and it triggers an optional puzzle. Thus Jeff is considered the most useless character.