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Box artwork for Maximum Force.
Box artwork for Maximum Force.
Maximum Force
Developer(s)Mesa Logic
Publisher(s)SNK, Atari Games
Year released1997
Genre(s)Light gun
ModesSingle player, Co-op
Rating(s)ESRB MatureBBFC 15
Maximum Force
Developer(s)Tantalus Interactive
Publisher(s)GT Interactive, Midway Games
Year released1997
System(s)PlayStation, Sega Saturn
Maximum Force
Developer(s)Perfect Entertainment
Publisher(s)GT Interactive
Year released1998
LinksMaximum Force ChannelSearch
Maximum Force marquee

Maximum Force is an on-rails light gun first-person arcade game developed by Mesa Logic for Atari Games in 1997. In 1998, Atari Games re-released the game as part of one machine called Area 51/Maximum Force Duo that also included Area 51, and later ported the game to both the PlayStation and Sega Saturn game consoles.

Story[edit | edit source]

Throughout the game, the player(s) play the role of an unnamed counter-terrorist agent who engages in three major combat zones. These areas are under siege by terrorists and the player must fight their way through to complete the level, killing the terrorists before they take aim and fire at the player. While fighting terrorists, the player must identify the terrorists from numerous hostages who show up out of nowhere in the gameplay. Shooting hostages or getting shot by terrorists will cause the player to lose lives. After four hits are taken, the player must refill their credits or the game is over. Players can have a maximum of seven lives in the PlayStation home version.

Table of Contents


Maximum Force/Table of Contents